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used to blanket the ullage space in cargo oil tanks.
For free literature fully describ- ing the Westinghouse combustion control trim system,
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Maritime Satellites
Now Reach 2,000 Users
The Sedco 602, an offshore drill- ing rig, now in Singapore, has be- come the 2,000th user equipped for maritime satellite communica- tions. With its newly installed ship earth station, the rig has ac- cess to the international maritime satellite system operated by IN-
MARSAT, which provides the sat- ellite capacity for telephone, telex, facsimile and data communica- tions to the worldwide shipping and offshore industries.
The Sedco 602 is a new rig, built in Singapore, which is owned by a joint partnership between Sedco,
Inc. and Occidental Petroleum. The rig will be going to the Philippines and later to China for offshore ex- ploration work. The satellite ter- minal is to be used for telephone and data communications.
With 39 member countries, the
International Maritime Satellite
Organization (INMARSAT) has a wide range of users including oil tankers, offshore drilling rigs, pas- senger liners, cargo and container vessels, yachts and fishing boats, as well as research bases in Ant- arctica and production platforms in the North Sea.
C. E. Laborde Jr.
C.E. Laborde Jr., one of the early founders, organizers and a director emeritus of New Orleans- based Tidewater Inc., died re- cently in Lafayette, La. He was 70 years old.
A native of Marksville, La., Mr.
Laborde was instrumental in the 1954 organization of Tidewater and drafted the formal articles of incorporation of Tidewater Marine
Service Corporation of Louisiana, the predecessor of Tidewater Inc.
The company is, today, one of the world's largest suppliers of marine support services to the offshore oil and gas industry.
Electro-Nav Brochure
Describes Microprocessor
Controlled Marine Receiver
Electro-Nav president Robert
E. Negron announced recently the introduction of an inexpensive high-quality point-to-point micro- processor-controlled receiver with important advantages for seagoing vessels and coast stations. A bro- chure is offered describing the receiver.
Microprocessor control permits user pre-programming of more than 100 frequencies and their retrieval at the touch of a button, in any four operating modes: AM, CW,
SSB, and FIB (SITOR). Narrow- band direct-entry offset allows im- mediate SITOR tuning without the need for tedious mental calculations.
Other integral EN-R2 circuits also speed up traffic handling and increase reliability of reception.
The EN-R2 is non-volatile and will not lose its memory even if ship's power fails. It comes equipped with an AC and DC power supply, and automatically reverts to battery in the event of a power failure. It is the ideal re- ceiver for ships requiring main or emergency receivers since it has been designed to meet and exceed stringent regulatory requirements.
For a free copy of the new brochure,
Write 69 on Reader Service Card
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Write 220 on Reader Service Card
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November 1, 1983 Write 238 on Reader Service Card Write 380 on Reader Service Card 89