Page 92: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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Detector Electronics Offers
Literature On Dual-Mode
Flame And Smoke Detector
An unusual dual-mode explo- sion-proof fire detector that reacts to both smoke and flame has been introduced by Detector Electronics of Minneapolis, Minn. Literature is available describing the system.
It's the industry's only combina- tion fire/smoke detector using a single sensing element making it ideal for high-hazard applications, the company said. Because of its fast flame response—measured in milliseconds—and its ability to sense smoke buildup, the instru- ment, which can handle up to 64 detectors, is especially well-suited for protecting hazardous installa- tions such as gas and chemical storage tanks, refineries, pipe-
Total maneuverability is a matter of degrees...360°
With Elliott White Gill thrusters, you can turn a vessel in its own length. Position it broadside. Negotiate congested docks and tight berths. Counteract strong cross-currents. Even provide main propulsion.
Without extending outside the hull lines of the vessel, reliable White Gill Units provide thrust that is completely variable throughout 360°, and is not diminished by ship motion. That's total control—with minimum hull resistance and without danger of fouling or damage by underwater obstructions— even in the shallowest water in which the vessel can operate.
Control systems range from a simple joystick (lever) to computerized dynamic positioning.
Hundreds of these easy to install units—original equipment and retrofits—are saving time and money on tankers, tugs, oil rig service vessels, barges, research ships, salvage vessels, cable ships, ferries and other vessels throughout the world.
For full information on White Gill thrusters in four basic models and a wide range of sizes, call or write for a copy of our Bulletin Q-57A. Elliott
Company, P.O. Box 239, Springfield, Ohio 45501.
Phone (513) 324-4191. TWX 810-452-2865. Or Elliott
Turbomachinery Ltd., Zeta House, Daish Way,
Dodnor Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight, England
P030 5XJ. Phone Newport, I.O.W. (0983) 521333.
Telex No. 86216 ELLIOT G.
White Gill.
It's like taking your tugs with you.
ELLIOTT lines, pumps and engine rooms, ships' holds, and generator and transformer rooms.
For free literature,
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Putnam Named Manager
Power Cable Products
At Anixter Bros.
Carl Putnam has been pro- moted to manager—Power Cable
Products for Anixter Bros. Wire and Cable division, of Skokie, 111., it was announced by Robert J.
Wilson, group vice president.
Mr. Putnam joined Anixter in 1975. He most recently directed
Anixter's Cleveland wire and ca- ble sales and distribution facility.
In his new position, Mr. Put- nam will join Anixter's Power Ca- ble Group, and be responsible for special sales programs and new markets.
Hempel's Names Borsboom
Executive Vice President
And General Manager
Corporate management has an- nounced the appointment of Theo
Borsboom to executive vice pres- ident and general manager of
Hempel's Marine Paints, Inc.,
Wallington, N.J.
Mr. Borsboom was previously general manager in Hempel's Saudi
Arabia branch for seven and one- half years.
As chief operating officer, he will be responsible for Hempel's
Marine Paints' activities in the marine and industrial areas.
Vredestein Dredge Hose
Described In Literature
From TCS Industrial
Free literature describing the complete line of Vredestein Dredge
Hoses is now available from TCS
Industrial Company of St. Paul,
TCS has been appointed exclu- sive sales representative for the
United States by Vredestein In- dustrial Products b.v. of the
Vredestein is a leader in the manufacture and supply of suction and discharge sleeves, combined suction and discharge sleeves and floating hose in the dredging in- dustry. The valuable experience
Vredestein has accumulated in this specialized field over the past 40 years is reflected in the quality of 94 Write 600 on Reader Service Card