Page 33: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 15, 1983)
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Shown at a recent meeting of the Society of Marine Port Engineers are (standing left to right): J. Kennedy, unidentified guest, Cmdr. J. Todd, Edward English, John Antonetz; (seated left to right): James W. Elliott,
Jr., (author): Thomas J. Young, William T. Dingnes and Benjamin A. Bailey.
N.Y. Port Engineers Society Discusses
Importance Of Propeller Finish
The recent meeting of The Soci- ety of Marine Port Engineers New
York, N.Y. heard a paper titled "The Importance of Good Surface
Finish on Large Diameter Propel- lers," presented by James W. El- liott Jr., engineering manager at
Michigan Wheel Gulf Coast, Inc.,
Pascagoula, Miss.
In introducing his paper the au- thor said that the surface finish and configuration of a ship's pro- peller is one of the most important factors in maintaining maximum fuel efficiency. The deviation of various propeller characteristics from design contribute to loss of operating efficiency by creating
New 54-Page Filters
And Strainers Catalog
Available At No Cost
The Filter Division of Parker
Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland,
Ohio, has available a new catalog,
Filters and Strainers for Marine
Applications. The catalog covers filters for hydraulic and lube oil applications such as bow thrust- ers, trawl winches, gear boxes, steering systems and deck equip- ment. Products include duplex and simplex strainers, high pressure micronic filters, low pressure suc-
November 15, 1983 43 adverse water flow conditions that aid in the development of surface defects, he stated.
The author also discussed pro- peller surface characteristics as they pertain to water flow, and their relationship with cavitation.
He detailed the effect of irregular surface finish, along with methods of inspection and repair of these discrepant conditions. He also gave some suggestions for development of an individual inspection and evaluation program in order that each propeller application can achieve optimum operational efficiency. tion and return line filters, and portable filter carts.
The catalog consists of six prod- uct bulletins of 54 total pages con- tained in a sturdy three-ring binder. An introductory section lists several vessels on which
Parker filters are presently in- stalled, and acknowledges U.S.
Coast Guard and U.S. Navy ac- cepted applications.
For a free copy of the Parker
Hannifin catalog of Filters and
Strainers for Marine Applications,
Write 35 on Reader Service Card
Field, Wigham Represents
Granges Repair In The U.S.
Granges Repair Service GmbH of Hamburg, Germany, a world- wide in-place machining service for shipping and industry, has an- nounced the appointment of Field,
Wigham & Co., Inc. of Great Neck,
N.Y., as their sales representative in the United States. Granges spe- cializes in on-site crankshaft grinding, line-boring, machining, chocking and welding on ships and offshore platforms throughout the world.
At its Hamburg workshops,
Granges specializes in such re-con- ditioning of spare parts as welding of cracked pistons, cylinder covers and valves, hard chroming of pis- ton ring grooves, and the like. All work accomplished by Granges, on site or in their workshops, is fully guaranteed.
S.B. Field is president of Field,
Wigham & Co., Inc., which is lo- cated at Box 2123, 200 Middle
Neck Road South, Great Neck,
N.Y. 11021, Telephone: 516-466- 5340.
For further information on this service,
Write 27 on Reader Service Card
Jamesbury Announces
Fusible Spring-Return
Actuators For Large Valves
New Jamesbury Series FSR fu- sible spring-return actuators for larger valves provide for auto- matic emergency closing or open- ing of a valve in the event of a fire or other unwanted temperature rise. The actuator is cocked to set the valve in the desired operating position (either open or closed) by manually overriding the driver with a wrench and then tighten- ing the adjusting screw that re- tains the compressed spring.
In a fire, a high-load fuse weak- ens, releasing the adjusting screw and causing the immediate return of the valve to its spring driven position. Two Series FSR actuator sizes, with torque outputs of 30 and 90 foot-pounds are available to permit sizing to various valves.
Size range for Jamesbury ball valves is 2 to 4 inches, for wafer- sphere butterfly valves from 3 to 8 inches. For smaller ball valves,
Jamesbury Torq-Handle" spring- return handles with fusible line are recommended.
For more information on the
New Jamesbury Series FSR fusi- ble spring-return actuators,
Write 36 on Reader Service Card
Northwest Marine Awarded $9.9-Million Navy Contract
Northwest Marine Iron Works,
Portland, Ore., has been awarded a $9,899,356 firm-fixed-price con- tract for overhaul and upgrading of the Military Sealift Command scientific support ship USNS Ob- servation Island. The Military
Sealift Command, Washington,
D.C., is the contracting activity.
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Write 125 on Reader Service Card