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355 to lay the line and BAR 228 and BAR 280 to trench the pipe.
The $10-million contract is part of a gas gathering system for Sea- gull Shoreline System, a partner- ship consisting of Seagull Trans- mission Co., Northern Intrastate
Pipeline Co., and HNG Offshore
Co. Installation is scheduled for completion in late 1983.
Financial Moratorium At
Verolme Botlek Lifted
The suspension of payments (the
Dutch equivalent of Chapter XI) for the ship and offshore repair yard Verolme Botlek B.V. Rotter- dam and for its 100 percent sub- sidiary Verolme Tankcleaning
Company B.V. has been lifted.
They continue their activities as independent companies, the shares of which are being transferred to a trustee. The suspension payment was imposed in February 1983 be- cause of serious financial difficul- ties of the RSV holding company.
Verolme Botlek is a sound com- pany and as such the suspension of payments was not necessary; however, as a consequence of the joint liability for certain RSV-debts, all 100 percent owned Dutch RSV companies entered into morato- rium as well.
The reason that the suspension of payment lasted more than six months is mainly attributable to the extremely complicated finan- cial and legal cross connections that existed within the RSV Group.
Also, a new starting position had to be drawn up for Verolme Botlek in order to enter the future as a strong company. The ending of the suspension of payment is based on full satisfaction of the creditors.
The Verolme Botlek yard and
Verolme Tankcleaning are repre- sented in the U.S. by Midland Ma- rine Corporation of New York City.
For additional information,
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Flynn Appointed Traffic
Manager At Foster Wheeler
Robert P. Flynn has been ap- pointed general traffic manager of the purchasing department, equip- ment division of Foster Wheeler
Energy Corporation, Livingston,
Mr. Flynn joined Foster Wheeler in May 1972 as an assistant gen- eral traffic manager. He was for- merly export traffic manager for the E.W. Bliss Company and ex- port documentation manager for the Maron Shipping Agency. He served from 1960 to 1963 in the
U.S. Navy. A 1959 graduate of Er- asmus Hall High School, he grad- uated from the La Salle Univer- sity, School of Traffic &
Transportation in 1972. He is a member of the Raritan Traffic Club,
Newark Traffic Club, and New
York Traffic Club. Mr. Flynn be- longs to the Ocean Country Cub
Scout Council, Pack 2.
Venture concrete offshore platform.
Concrete Offshore Platform
Designed By Foundation-Skanska
The Foundation Company of
Canada Limited, in joint venture with Skanska of Sweden, has pro- posed a concrete platform to Mobil
Oil Canada for use in the Venture gas field off Nova Scotia. Designed for use in 22 meters (72+ feet) of water, the platform is a scaled- down version of the behemoth structures used in the North Sea.
Foundation has been involved in marine work since its inception in 1910, and feels that concrete-base gravity structures can be built for less cost than an equivalent com- plex of steel jackets as is currently proposed for Venture.
John Otter, vice president of engineering, says that Founda- tion-Skanska estimates the cost of construction and installation of two jackets to be approximately
C$62 million. These platforms would replace the two complexes of steeL jackets described in Mo- bil's recent environmental impact statement. Construction work would provide approximately 690 man-years of directly related la- bor, of which some 630 man-years would be generated in ordinary construction trades in the Halifax/
Dartmouth area. Materials and equipment would also be procured locally, stimulating the depressed
Nova Scotia construction industry infrastructure. The attraction of this scheme is that the necessary skills and equipment are readily available, today, within the
Foundation claims that the shift from steel to concrete would not be at the expense of the local steel fabrication industry because the
Mobil Venture environmental im- pact statement currently envis- ages only about one-third of total steel fabrication work being per- formed in the Province. Even with concrete supporting structures, platform integrated decks will re- quire some 10,000 tons of steel- work and modules—work that will go to unemployed Nova Scotian welders and fitters. Local labor de- mand should therefore be in- creased by the use of concrete gravity platforms.
Foundation and its joint-venture partner are considering setting up separate facilities for the construc- tion of the concrete platform bases and the fabrication of integrated modules for platform decks and topsides that will utilize existing
Foundation Company property and involve some additional expan- sion. Further action will depend upon positive responses from in- dustry and the Venture Field op- erator, Mobil Oil Canada Limited.
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November 15, 1983 Write 108 on Reader Service Card Write 462 on Reader Service Card 37