Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 15, 1983)
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The 91st SNAME
A Special Post-Meeting
The 91st Annual Meeting of The
Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers, held on No- vember 9-12 at the New York Hil- ton Hotel, again drew a large at- tendance at the banquet, technical sessions, and at the expanded Sec- ond International Maritime Expo- sition, which this year saw 139 companies occupying more than 22,000 square feet of exhibit space in the hotel.
Presiding over the President's
Luncheon and the Annual Ban- quet was SNAME president C.
Larry French, president of Na- tional Steel and Shipbuilding
Company, San Diego. Mr. French was elected to head SNAME at the 1982 Annual Meeting, and will serve as president until the end of 1984.
Officers Elected
The SNAME Council met at the beginning of the Annual Meeting and elected a number of new offi- cers and honorary members.
Elected honorary vice presidents (for life) were Capt. Perry W. Nel- son, USN (Ret.), executive vice president of M. Rosenblatt and
Son, Inc., New York naval archi- tects and marine engineers; and
George A. Uberti, program man- ager with National Steel and
Shipbuilding Company, San Diego.
Five new vice presidents were elected. Of these, the following four will serve for a term of three years: Robert Herbert, president,
Herbert Engineering Corporation,
San Francisco; Dr. James A. Lis- nyk, deputy director, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington,
D.C.; Capt. Thomas A. Marnane,
USN, commander, Pearl Harbor
Naval Shipyard, Honolulu; and
Donald E. Ridley, vice president,
Bird-Johnson Company, Walpole,
Mass. Serving a one-year term is
Malcolm I. Comyn, naval archi- tect, Esso Resources Canada, Ltd.
Re-elected as SNAME officers for one-year terms were: Robert
G. Mende, secretary and execu- tive director; Robert Axelrod, treasurer, and Donald M. Bir- ney, assistant treasurer. Mr.
Axelrod is vice president of J.J.
Henry Co., Inc., and Mr. Birney is assistant vice president of the 20 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News