Page 41: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 15, 1983)

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McDermott Shipyards To Build

Inter-Island Barge For Matson

McDermott Shipyards has been awarded a contract by Matson

Navigation Company of San Fran- cisco to build a unique, 350-foot self-unloading container/tank barge. It will be used for Matson's inter-island cargo services in the

Hawaiian Islands, and will be named Haleakala for the famous mountain on Maui.

The vessel will have a beam of 64 feet, depth of 21 feet 3 inches, and tank capacity for 1,700 long tons of molasses. Its deck will ac- commodate 216 standard freight containers of various sizes, includ- ing dry cargo and refrigerated boxes, and auto frames.

Features of the barge will in- clude movable cell guides to se- cure containers on deck, an on- board revolving crane that will keep containers parallel with the barge during loading and unload- ing, and a radio-controlled stern thruster to assist in docking oper- ations. The vessel will be towed by a tugboat and used for transship- ping Pacific Coast-Hawaii cargo between Honolulu and the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai.

The big barge will be con- structed in three sections at each of McDermott's shipyards. The bow section will be built in New Iberia,

La.; the stern section with ma- chinery in Morgan City, La.; and the midbody in Gulfport, Miss. Fi- nal assembly will take place at the

Morgan City yard, with comple- tion scheduled for August 1984.

The McDermott shipyards spe- cialize in the construction and re- pair of large tugs, supply boats, barges, drill rigs, living quarters, and a wide variety of oceangoing work vessels.

Artist's rendering of container/tank barge ordered from McDermott Shipyards by Matson. The 350-foot vessel will have an on-board crane and radio-controlled stern thruster. /V^



Marine Department

Overseas Employment

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

Global Associates, an international base operations and support ser- vices company has an immediate need for a Marine Department

Manager. Kwajalein offers an opportunity to enjoy sailing, fishing, scuba diving, golf and many other amenities.

We require ten or more years of marine operations experience, including 3-5 years as Master of vessel over 1,000 gross tons and one year as a First

Class Pilot. Must possess a valid U.S. Coast Guard license as Master

Mariner of Steam or Motor Vessels of any gross tons upon any ocean in- cluding 1st class pilot and radar observer endorsements.

This position will be responsible for providing marine repair and transpor- tation along with harbor and drydock services at Kwajalein ensuring they are provided safely, reliably, on schedule and in a cost-effective man- ner. Will assure that vessels calling at the Port of Kwajalein receive such requested services as pilotage, line handling, stevedoring and logistic support. Will perform as harbor pilot when necessary.

We offer annual paid vacation with transportation to point-of-hire and an opportunity for overseas U.S. Tax exclusion. Family housing provided. U.S.

Citizenship is required.

Interested, qualified individuals should forward resume to:

Kathy Rlngwood

Global Associates

P.O. Box 12156, Dept. 431

Oakland, CA 94604-2156


An Equal Opportunity Employer



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December 15, 1983 Write 616 on Reader Service Card 41

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.