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Pilotage Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 2046, New Hyde Pork, NY 11040
Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130
Robert H. Wager Co., Inc., Passaic Avenue, Chatham, N.J. 07928
Johnson Rubber Co., Duramax Marine Div., 16025 Johnson St., Middle- field, OH 44062
Smith-Meeker Engineering Co., 157 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007
Francis B. Crocco, Inc., P.O. Box 1411, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00903
Frank Jeffrey & Assoc., 5201 Westbank Exp., Suite 206, Marrero, LA 70073
M.A. Stream Associates, Inc., 400 Second Ave. W„ Seattle, WA 98119
Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr , P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX 77223-9989
Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX,
Penco Division/Hudson Engineering Co., P.O. Box 68, Bayonne, NJ 07002
ARMTEC Industries, Inc., Manchester, NJ 03103
Kockumation AB, Box 1044, S-212 10 Malmo, Sweden
Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696
Norcontrol, 135 Fort Lee Rd , Leonia, NJ 07605
Salwico Inc., 5 Marine View Plaza, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Transamerica Delaval, Inc., Gems Sensors Division, Cowles Road, Plain- ville, CT 06062
TOWING—Barges, Vessel Chartering, Lighterage, Salvage, etc.
Atlantic Towing Ltd., 300 Union PI., St. John, N.B., Canada E2L 1 B6
Bay-Houston Towing Co., 805 World Trade Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002
Bulkfleet Marine Corporation, 1800 West Loop So., Houston TX 77027
Curtis Bay Towing Co., Mercantile Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 21202
Henry Gillen's Sons Lighterage, 21 West Main St., Oyster Bay, N.Y. 11771
James Hughes, Inc., 1 7 Battery PL, New York, N.Y. 10004
International Transport Contractors Holland B.V., 5 Kenaupark, P.O. Box 21, Haarlem, Holland
McAllister Bros., Inc., 17 Battery PI., New York, N.Y. 10004
McDonough Marine Service, P.O. Box 26206, New Orleans, La
Midland Affiliated Co., 580 Walnut St., Cincinnati, OH 45201
Moran Towing 8. Transportation Co., Inc., One World Trade Center, Suite 5335, New York, N.Y. 10048
National Marine Service, Transport Div., 1750 Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis,
MO 63144
Sudermon & Young Co., Inc., 918 World Trade Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002
Turecamo Coastal & Harbor Towing Corp., One Edgewater St., Clifton,
Stolen Island, N.Y 10305
Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696
Clow Corporation, 1211 West 22nd St., Oak Brook, IL 60521
The Crosby Group, Inc., P.O. Box 3128, Tulsa, OK 74101
Dover Corporation, Norris Division, P.O. Box 1739, Tulsa, OK 74101
Hayward Marine Products, 900 Fairmount Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Jamesbury Corp., 640 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01605
Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, N.Y. 11696
Metropolitan Plumbing Supply Corp., 50-09 Second Street, Long Island
City, NY 11101
Newmans Inc., 9 Joanna Court, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Pittsburgh Brass Manufacturing, Sandy Hill Rd., R.D. 6 Box 387-A, Irwin, PA 15642
Stacey Fetterolf Corp., P.O. Box 103, Skippack, PA 19474
Stockham Valves & Finings, Box 10326, Birmingham, AL 35202
Tate Temco, Inc., 1941 Lansdowne Road, Baltimore, MD 21227
Union Flonetics, P.O. Box 459, Clinton, PA 15026
Robert H. Wager Co., Inc., Passaic Avenue, Chatham, N.J. 07928
Waukesha Bearings Corp., 405 Commerce St., P.O. Box 798, Waukesha,
Westran Corporation, Valve Components Group, 4025 Rememberance Rd,
N.W., Grand Rapids, Ml 49504
William E. Williams Valve Corporation, 38-52 Review Avenue, Long Island
City, NY 11101
Winel, Inc., 34655 Mills Road, North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Zidell Explorations, Inc., (Valve Division), 3121 S.W. Moody Avenue, Port- land, OR 97201
DLI Engineering Corp., 253 Winslow Way West, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Alfa Lavol, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024
AquaGlobal, 50/60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696
Bull & Roberts, Inc., 785 Central Ave , Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Drew Chemical Corporation, One Drew Chemical Plaza, Boonton, NJ 07005
Everpure, Inc., 660 N. Blackhawk Dr., Westmont, IL 60559
Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130
CRC Automatic Welding, P.O. Box 3227, Houston, TX 77253-3227
Metallizing Co. of America, Inc., 321 So. Hamilton, Sullivan, IL 61951
Oerlikon Welding Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 40964, Houston, TX 77240
Braden Winch Co., 800 East Dallas, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
CONMACO, Inc., 820 Kansas Ave., P.O. Box 5097, Kansas City, KS 66119
Fritz Culver, Inc., P.O. Box 569, Covington, LA 70434
Markey Machinery Co., 79 South Horton St., Seattle, Washington 98134
McElroy Machine & Mfg. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 4454, W. Biloxi, MS 39531
Reel-O-Matic Systems, Inc., 418 Hellam Street, Wrightsville, PA 17368
Smith Berger Marine Inc., 516 So. Chicago St., Seattle, WA 98108
Stanspec Corp., 13600 Deise Ave., Cleveland OH 44110
Superior-Lidgerwood-Mundy Corp., 1101 John Avenue, Superior, Wl 54880
Kearfott Marine Products, A Singer Co., 550 South Fulton Avenue, Mt. Ver- non, N.Y. 10550
Anaconda Ericsson Inc., Continental Wire and Cable, P.O. Box 1863, York,
PA 17405
Anixter Bros., Inc., 4711 Golf Road, One Concourse Ploza, Skokie, Illinois 60076
Atlantic Cordage Corp., 60 Grant Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008
Delco Wire & Cable, Inc., 257 Rittenhouse Circle, Keystone Industrial Park,
Bristol, PA 19007
Seacoast Electric Supply Corp., 225 Passaic St., Passaic, NJ 07055
Seacoast Electric Supply Corp., 1505 Oliver St., Houston, TX 77007
Tri-Mark, Inc., 8585 Industry Park Drive, Piqua, OH 45356
AISCO, 60 Grant Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008
Atlantic Cordage Corp., 60 Grant Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008
Bethlehem Steel Corp., Martin Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018
A.L. Don Company, Foot of Dock Street, Matawan, NJ 07747
I & I Sling Company, 2626 Market Street, Dept. D, Aston, PA 19014
The Piatt Bros. & Co., Box 1030, Waterbury, CT 06721
Smith & McCroken, 153 Franklin St., New York, N.Y. 10013
New Tunnel Thruster Model
Introduced By Omnithruster
Omnithruster Inc. president Charles M. Aker shown with com- pany's new model OJ-M450 thruster that was unveiled at this year's Inland Waterways Conference and Trade Show.
Omnithruster Inc. of Santa Fe Springs,
Calif., has introduced a new Omnitunnel Jet
Module1" designed specifically for workboats, fishing vessels, barges, and dredge applica- tions. The new model OJ-M450 is aimed at the conventional thruster market, and is said to be competitive in price with fixed-pitch tun- nel thrusters.
Omnithruster president Charles M. Aker states, "the new concept has many advan- tages, some of which are: the units can be mounted in the bow or stern for side thrust- ing, or can be mounted in any part of the ves- sel where thrust is required. No gearbox is used, which improves water flow efficiency; additionally, there is no chance of oil pollution as all submerged bearings are water-lubri- cated. On ships with a wide beam, there is no need for a long tunnel that increases weight, or reduces buoyancy, and decreases thrust by adding resistance."
The new unit has a self-contained hydraulic motor rated at 100 hp input, 85 shp. The net thrust, allowing for installation losses, is ap- proximately 2,000 to 2,200 pounds. Each mod- ule (two are required for side thrusting) is 30 inches wide, 54 inches deep, and weighs 786 pounds. Built to meet American Bureau of
Shipping and U.S. Coast Guard specifications, the new units can meet other classification so- ciety requirements as well.
The units are versatile and can be mounted in many different positions. For shallow-draft vessels they can be installed so that only 2 feet 9 inches draft are required for full thrust.
This makes them adaptable to barges and other vessels in light-ship conditions. Units can be combined in groups for greater thrust, and controlled as a single system.
Omnithruster manufactures a complete line of hydrojet maneuvering and propulsion sys- tems ranging from 50 to 3,000 hp in single units. The company was founded in 1976 by
Stanley A. Dashew, chairman. Omnithrus- ter systems are installed in ships worldwide, including U.S. Navy vessels, arctic icebreak- ers, barges, fishing vessels, geophysical craft, and large oil tankers.
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Bell Aerospace Awarded Navy
Contract For Final Phase Of
Minesweeper Hunter Design
Artist's rendering of minesweeper hunter vessel that rides on a cushion of air. Bell Aerospace Textron is one of two com- panies participating in the final phase of the contract design and looks forward to participating in construction.
The U.S. Navy recently awarded a $l-mil- lion contract to Bell Aerospace Textron of
New Orleans, a division of Textron Inc., for the final phase of the contract design of a minesweeper hunter (MSH) that rides on a cushion of air. The award of this new MSH contract was announced by John J. Kelly, senior vice president and general manager of
Bell Aerospace Textron, New Orleans Opera- tion, and president of Bell Halter Inc.
On April 15 this year, Bell and three other companies received contracts for the initial contract design phase of the MSH program.
Following Navy evaluation of the designs sub- mitted by these companies, Bell received one of two contracts awarded for the second phase of the contract design. Upon completion of the contract design, Bell looks forward to partici- pating in construction of the MSH vessel.
The MSH will be a new class of coastal minesweeper designed to insure that access to
U.S. ports and coastal waterways can be maintained against a mine threat. The Bell design uses air cushion technology to isolate most of the hull from contact with the water surface. Compared with conventional mine- sweepers, the vessel will be less susceptible to underwater shock from mine explosions. The air cushion also reduces the underwater acoustic and pressure signatures of the vessel, making it less likely that today's sophisti- cated mines will be triggered before they can be detected and neutralized by the systems carried aboard the MSH. This concept offers a dramatic improvement, reducing the risk and cost of minesweeping.
Bell Halter Inc. is a company formed by
Bell Aerospace Textron and Halter Marine,
Inc. of New Orleans to construct air cushion vehicles and surface effect ships for military and commercial use. Halter Marine's minority interest in Bell Halter Inc. was recently ac- quired by Trinity Industries, Inc., when it purchased all of the outstanding stock of Hal- ter Marine. 50 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News