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Carrington Slipways is building a series of tugs for J. Fenwick and Co. Pty. Ltd.
Niigata developed Z-Peller drive propulsion units. powered by
Carrington Delivers
The Blackburn Cove
The Blackburn Cove was deliv- ered recently to J. Tenwick & Co.
Pty., Ltd., of Balmain East, NSW, by Carrington Slipways' Tomago,
Newcastle, NSW (Australia) yard.
The tug is fitted with a Niigata developed Z-Peller propulsion sys- tem. The Niigata Z-Peller drive consists basically of an engine, a drive shaft and a Z-type propeller.
The Z-Peller offers powerful thrust high maneuverability and quick response to the helm.
The Z-Peller propulsion units on the Blackburn Cove consist of two
Niigata model ZP-3B, Z-Peller right angle drive propulsion units with a maximum input of 1,800 hp at 720 rpm. Main propulsion power is provided by two Niigata diesel en- gines model 6L28BX ( 1,800 hp
Two Caterpillar 3306T marine electric set engines close coupled to a Kato brushless T.E.F.C. gen- erator code 4P4-1000 having con- tinuous rating of 125 Kw supply auxiliary power. The engine mon- itor is an Autronica type KB6.
The vessel is also equipped with: two Espholin air compressors; a
Kyoritsu radar; a Coden HF/SSB transceiver; two A.W.A. Pilot- phone VII VHF/FM 55-channel transceivers; a Decca model 450M autopilot; a Marconi minicall 10- way talkback public address sys- tem; one set of Aqua Signal, series
SS, single-tier navigational lights; a Francis P/N 47052073, M19 non- magnetic 12-inch gray cabin-con- trolled searchlight; a Kockums air whistle model KT75-440; a Desmi model SA-80-220 fire pump and a
Desmi model S 50-32-135 horizon- tal centrifugal self-priming pump.
A combined anchor windlass and towing winch with below deck storage reel is by Kawasaki.
Measuring 105 feet (32 meters) long, with a molded breadth of 33.6 feet (10.25 meters) and a molded depth of 16.4 feet (5.0 me- ters), the Blackburn Cove dis- places 635 tons. The tug has a running speed of 12 knots and is in service in Sydney Harbor.
Major Suppliers
Main Propulsion Niigata
Auxiliary Engines Caterpillar
Generator Kato
Engine Monitor Autronica
Air Compressor Espholin
Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps/
Fire Pump Desmi
Combined Anchor Windlass and Towing Winch Kawasaki
Radar Kyoritsu
HF/SSB Transceiver Coden
VHF Transceiver A.W.A.
Autopilot Decca
P.A. System Marconi
Navigation Lights Aqua Signal
Searchlight Francis
Air Horn Kockum
Report On Navy Market
Available From IMA
International Maritime Associ- ates (IMA), a Washington, D.C.- based management consulting firm, has published an extensive report entitled "U.S. Navy Shipbuilding
Program: Market Opportunities and Contracting Requirements."
IMA's objective has been to pro- duce a tightly written, practical, thoroughly professional reference document.
Under one cover is a wide range of highly pertinent marketing in- formation: Navy programs planned or in progress; the Navy organiza- tion; how programs are developed; the process of ship acquisition; special features of Department of
Defense contracting; and points of marketing contact.
The 200-plus page report is de- signed for top management use. It was prepared by professionals ex- perienced in the Navy market.
Market opportunities are identi- fied, marketing actions are sug- gested. Forms used to enter the
Navy market and backup details are included in five appendices.
The first of four quarterly up- dates has been published recently.
The updates are designed to con- vey changes that occur in program direction and composition.
The report, including updates, is available for $380 by writing
James R. McCaul, president, In- ternational Maritime Associates,
Inc., 1800 K Street, N.W., Wash- ington, D.C. 20006 or for further information,
Write 17 on Reader Service Card
Hamilton Joins Raymond
Offshore As Vice President
Herb Hamilton has joined Ray- mond Offshore Constructors, Inc. in Houston as vice president, mar- keting and business development.
He has been active in interna- tional offshore construction for al- most 20 years, most recently in connection with the Middle East and West Africa activities of Union
Industrielle et d'Enterprise.
During the early 1970s Mr.
Hamilton was executive vice president of the Netherlands Off- shore Company; and in the late 1970s, he was operations manager in the North Sea for Ugland-Ray- mond, a joint venture that oper- ated the derrick ship Sarita.
Los Angeles SNAME Discusses
Offshore Problems And Solutions
A large turnout of members and guests attended the recent second meeting of the 1983-84 season of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Sec- tion of The Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers.
Guest speaker was David B.
Sucharski of ARCO Oil and Gas
Company in Dallas. His presenta- tion, which included slides but no formal paper, was titled, "Over- view of a Major Oil Company's
Varied Marine Activities." Gen- eral topics involved the acquisi- tion, exploration, and development of offshore oil lease sites. Arctic and deep-water environments, and new technology of vessels and equipment.
In determining lease sale strat- egy, the author stated, how much to bid for which tracts, factors such as expected recoverable re- serves, expected value and techni- cal feasibility must be considered.
Greater cost requires greater value.
Mr. Sucharski discussed ARCO's various methods for the offshore exploration, development, and tanker transportation of oil in se- vere environments. Specific prob- lems relative to ice conditions and forces were discussed.
Of particular interest is the de- velopment of a submarine drone to conduct ice-profiling operations.
Arctic logistics involve topics such as ice-breaking performance, sub- marine tankers, and remote ice- free loading and storage facilities.
Deep-water drilling and produc- tion platforms for the coastal U.S. were also discussed.
Principals at meeting of Los Angeles Metropolitan Section of SNAME were (L to R): Dr. Maxwell
Cheung, section chairman; David B. Sucharski, author; James C. Schaff, secretary-treasurer; and Gary Cash, vice chairman. 8 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News