Page 4th Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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Days away from the nearest port.
A fire breaks out in the engine room.
What happens?
In i / / . nML l . 0
All too often, the fire turns into a major disaster.
Why? Because poorly designed and maintained fire protection systems fail to operate the way they were supposed to. Whether the reason is neglect or unqualified personnel performing maintenance, the result is the same. A small fire becomes a big headline. • 1
Wormald Fire Systems can help prevent that from happening. > We're par| of the world's largest fire protection dompany. And coincidentally, the company most • experienced in marine fire protection. With maftne professionals at or near all the world'$ major ship- ping ports, we can respond quickly to your needs.. wherever your ships are being built or serviced. •at
We'll work closely with naval architects to design, fabricate and install effective fire alarm, detection and suppression systems. Or we'll meet your ships at a particular port and conduct a thorough inspec- tion of on-board fire protection systems. In some cases, we can service those systems at the same time. Or arrange for more extensive servicing to be performed at the ship's next port of call.
For a free booklet on how we can help protect your ships from disasterous fires, contact John
Goudreau, Wormald Fire Systems, One Stanton St.,
Marinette, Wl 54143. Phone (715) 732-4423 or telex
Wormald 26-3440.
Ask Wormald about fire protection, w % > y; * •4 Circle 122 on Reader Service Card