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Page 26: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1984)
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TeleSystems Opens
Maritime Sales Offices In
New York And Los Angeles
COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc. re- cently announced the opening of maritime sales offices in New York
City and Los Angeles. The offices will provide marketing support for the company's MCS-9000 commu- nications satellite ship earth sta- tion and its new ship weather routing, tracking, and port fore- casting service—the Masters'
Weather Center.
The New York office will be headed by Edward Dooley,
TeleSystems, Northeast maritime sales manager, and Lawrence
Moore, manager of the Masters'
Weather Center. It is located at 17
Battery Place, New York, N.Y. 10004; telephone (212) 514-7100.
The West Coast office, located at 100 East Thousand Oaks Boule- vard, Thousand Oaks, Calif., tele- phone (805) 497-3722, will operate under the direction of David Sie- mens, who recently joined Tele-
Systems as manager of maritime marketing for the western United
States and the Far East.
Designed and manufactured by
TeleSystems, the MCS-9000 offers a full range of satellite communi- cations capabilities. It features ex- tremely compact below-decks equipment, advanced terminals software, and a passively stabi- lized antenna system. With the re- cent acquisition of the Masters'
Weather Center, TeleSystems has become the only supplier of mari- time terminals that also provides operations-critical environmental information.
COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc. lo- cated in northern Virginia, de- signs, manufactures, markets, and provides worldwide service and support for a complete line of ad- vanced analog and digital commu- nications equipment and systems.
Systems Management Gets $7V2-Million Increase For
Navy Computer Systems
Systems Management Ameri- can, Norfolk, Va., has been awarded a $7,582,530 cost-plus-in- centive-fee increase to a previ- ously awarded Navy contract to exercise options for the delivery and shipboard installation of 11
AN/UYK-62(V) (SNAP II) com- puter systems, associated hard- ware, and spares. The Naval Sea
Systems Command is the contract- ing activity.
Amot Controls Introduces
New Sensing Switches — Literature Available
Amot Controls of Richmond,
Calif., has announced the availa- bility of a new family of pressure and temperature sensing switches, the 8250 Series, designed specifi- cally for application on vibrating equipment. These rugged switches have adjustable set points and are constructed with a union that al- lows installation in tight places where interference does not per- mit rotating the switch body. Seven models are available to cover pres- sures from 0.25 to 7,600 psi, vac- uum from 1 to 20 inches of mer- cury, differential pressures from 0.5 to 10 psi, and temperatures from 61 to 500 F.
In addition, an eutectic alloy temperature switch is available for sensing bearing temperatures from 174 to 343 F. Applications also include fluid and gas temper- ature sensing when used in a well.
These devices feature permanent calibration, and no periodic check- ing is required.
The entire 8250 Series switch family features raintight housings and is applicable to engine and compressor controls for monitoring such parameters as low oil pres- sure, high jacket water tempera- ture, high or low compressor suc- tion or discharge pressure, high gas compressor discharge temper- ature, low engine water pump dif- ferential pressure, fluid levels, etc.
For further information and technical data sheets,
Circle 23 on Reader Service Card
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So why waste time and money getting your valves and fittings in bits and pieces? Get it all from Stockham. Let us help make your job easier. n STOCKHAM VALVES & FITTINGS
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TWX: 810-733-5546 28 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News