Page 28: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1984)

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Thornton Named President

Of Martime Capital, Inc.

Roger A. Ficchi, chairman of

Maritime Capital, Inc. of San

Francisco, has announced that D.

Whitney Thornton II has been named president of the company.

Maritime Capital is the parent of two ship repair and conversion subsidiaries—SFW Corporation lo- cated in San Francisco, and San

Diego Iron & Steel Fabricating,

Inc. Mr. Thornton, who previ- ously was executive vice president of SFW Corporation, will also serve as president of Maritime Capital's two subsidiaries.

SFW recently embarked on a fa- cilities expansion program with the lease of additional land and pier space from the Port of San

Francisco. The company's facility now encompasses 18 acres with 5 berths, totaling 4,200 feet of pier including berths of 1,000 feet and 1,100 feet.

SFW also announced the pro- motion of J.L. Vaughn to the po- sition of general manager. He has been with SFW since 1977 as head of the Planning and Estimating

Department and as assistant gen- eral manager. In addition, L.J.

Pinchini has been appointed chief engineer. He retired from the U.S.

Coast Guard as San Francisco's chief naval engineer.

Raymond International

Expands Offshore Services

To U.S. West Coast

Raymond International Inc. of

Houston has expanded its services to the offshore oil and gas industry by establishing an offshore proj- ects group at the Oakland, Calif., headquarters of Raymond's wholly owned subsidiary, Raymond Kai- ser Engineers Inc. The new group will provide engineering and con- struction management services for offshore projects. Raymond Inter- national, through its other subsi- diaries, also provides fabrication and installation of offshore plat- forms, and installation of subsea pipelines.

The Oakland-based group is headed by Edward M. Nelson, who recently joined Raymond Kai- ser Engineers as division manager for offshore projects. William P.

Kincy has transferred to Raymond

Kaiser Engineers from another

Raymond subsidiary in Houston as business development manager for offshore projects.

Raymond Kaiser Engineers also provides engineering and con- struction management services from its Houston offices. Paul E.

Marshall has recently transferred from Oakland to the Houston of- fice to coordinate the company's marketing efforts in the Gulf Coast area.

Greig Placette Forms

Export Consulting Firm —Literature Available

Greig Placette has announced the formation of Placette Enter- prise Corporation, Houston, a firm that serves manufacturers and distributors worldwide. Mr. Pla- cette, a former president of an in- ternational supply house, will serve as president of the new consulting firm. His worldwide expertise dates back to 1967 with the Peabody

Dore Company.

The firm provides a service of utilizing long established global contacts and advises them of U.S. client's products. The firm has de- veloped a data bank of over 1,850 contacts, which include govern- ment agencies, worldwide Cham- bers of Commerce, trade publica- tions, corporate sources, and professional trade organizations.

There is a one-time fee for the service.

For complimentary literature describing the services of Placette

Enterprise Corporation,

Circle 48 on Reader Service Card

Caterpillar Adds Rebuilt

Fuel Pump/Governor Line —Literature Available

In keeping with its commitment to superior product support, Cat- erpillar has just released three ad-

SEA GUARD fenders give old dock facilities a new lease on life. Our SEA GUARD is a tough, superbly engineered dock fender that can turn old, non-productive dock facilities into highly productive assets. Its closed-cell foam interior allows it to absorb high berthing energy impacts with low reaction forces, providing both dock structures and vessel hulls with a rugged protection like they've never had before.

SEA GUARDs also come in a wide range of sizes, allowing you to up-grade your dock to ac-


SliA (HJAI?I) ^ commodate today's larger ships. And it does all this at a lower cost to you than complete refur- bishment or replacement of facilities.

Due to SEA GUARD'S unique design and outer elastomer skin, maintenance is minimal.

There are no timbers to break or be damaged by corrosion or marine borers, and the smooth exterior won't scrape a vessel's hull paint.

Also, because of its design, the SEA GUARD is easy to install —it simply hangs from your dock with pad eyes and chains. It's suitable for use on new or existing container, bulk cargo, Ro-Ro, tanker or general cargo berths.

So get SEA GUARD fenders for your dock facilities. It's the simple, economical way to give old docks new life.

For more information contact our Corporate Office, 6269 Lees- burg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22044, USA. [703] 534- SEAWARD 3500, Telex: 899-455. —.c b-jJ* SEA GUARD 30 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.