Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 15, 1984)
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Gastech '84 (continued from page 19) ture Legislative Needs," by D.S.
Aldwinckle and D. McLean,
Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Lon- don. 12:00 noon—"A Review of the De- velopments in LNG Storage Safety as Reflected by Risk Assessment," by D.A. Jones, health and safety executive, London. 12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates. 2:00 pm—"The Filling Limitations of Cargo Tanks: A Review of the
IMO Gas Carrier Code Require- ments," by M. Bockenhauer,
Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg. 2:30 pm—"On-board Operations and Safety Training for Liquefied
Gas Tanker Personnel," by G.B
Angas, College of Nautical Studies,
Warsash, Southampton, U.K. 3:00 pm—"Safety in the Design of
Gas Terminals," by A. Valk, Com- primo BV, Amsterdam; and R. Syl- vester-Evans, Cremer & Warner,
Ltd., London. 3:30 pm—Coffee break. 4:00 pm—"Operation and Mainte- nance Safety Audit during the De- sign and Construction of a Major
Natural Gas Liquids Facility," by
J.G. Sellers and C.J. Luck, Ar thur D. Little, Ltd., London; and
M.F. Pantony, health and safety executive, London. 5:00 pm—"Rapid Assessment of the
Consequences of LPG Releases," by
M. Considine and G.C. Grant,
UKEA, Safety and Reliability Di- rectorate, Culcheth, Warrington,
U.K. 7:30 pm—Cocktail Buffet Recep- tion for all registered delegates and spouses.
Thursday, November 8
Session 4: Transportation,
Technology & Operations.
Chairmen: Roger C. Ffooks, con- sultant, London; and R.J. Lakey,
Robert J. Lakey & Associates, Inc.,
Houston. 9:00 am—"An Up-date on the Ac- tivities of the Society of Interna- tional Gas Tanker and Terminal
Operators Ltd.," by M.P. Holds- worth, SIGTTO, Bermuda. 9:30 am—"The Interdependence of
Plant, Port, & Shipping Customers'
Facilities in an LNG Scheme," by
D.B. Jenkins, Shell International
Gas Ltd., London; and C.C. Wood- ward, Shell International Petro- leum Company Ltd., London. 10:00 a.m.—"Gas Transportation from Northern Norway: a Presenta- tion of Possible Options," by J.
Bakke, Moss Rosenberg Verft
A.S., Stavanger; and R.F. Schrad- er and G.A. Amundsen, Kvaerner
Engineering A. S., Lysdaker, Nor- way. 10:30 a.m.—"IHI SPB LNG Carrier
Fatique Strength: Quality Control and Recent Design Development," by A. Ando et al, Ishikawajima-
Harima Heavy Industries, Tokyo. 11:00 a.m.—"A 30,000-m3 Semi- pressurized Ethylene Carrier," by
H. Backhaus and R. Olschlager,
LGA Gastechnik GmbH, Ramagen-
Rolandseck, Germany. 11:30 a.m.—"Optimization of LPG
Carrier Design and its Influence on
Long-term Operating Costs," by V.
Puklavec, Liquid Gas Internation- al Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH,
Bonn; and D.P. Lindenau, Paul
Lindenau Shipyard, Kiel, Germa- ny. 12:00 noon—"The Prediction of
Sloshing Pressure in Prismatic
Tanks of LNG Carriers," by T. Ta- naka and N. Umekawa, Nippon
Kokan KK, Tsu Research Laborato- ry, Tsu Mie, Japan. 12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates. 2:00 pm—"Trends in NGL Recov- ery from Natural and Associated
Gases," by C. Collins, Davy McKee (London) Ltd., London; and R.J.J.
Chen and D.G. Elliot, DM Inter- national Inc., Houston. 2:30 pm—"Fuel Cost Optimization in LNG Transport," by M. Godin,
Chantiers de l'Atlantique; and J.
Tessier, Chantiers du Nord et de la Mediterranee, France. 3:00 pm—"A New Generation Of
LNG Carriers Based on a Proven
Cargo Containment System," P.
Jean and M. Bourgeois, Gaz-
Transport, Paris. 3:30 a.m.—Coffee break. 4:00 pm—"Refrigerated LPG Load- ing/Unloading Svstem Using a
CALM Buoy," by J.M. Chauvin and J.M. Simon, Enterprise d'Equipments Mecaniques et Hy- drauliques, Saint-Cloud, France; and E. Bonjour, Compagnie Fran- cais des Petroles—TOTAL, France. 4:40 pm—"LPG Carriers at Nord
Mediterranee: Experience and New
Trends," by J. Buret and Y. Her- vo, Chantiers du Nord et de la
Mediterranee, France. 5:00 pm—"On the Structural De- tails of Gas Tankers," by P-J. La- treille, Bureau Veritas, France.
Thursday, November 8
Session 5: Commercial Docu- mentation & Contracts.
Workshop in the Blue Hall.
Chairman: J.M. Soesan, consul- tant, Coventry, U.K. 10:30 a.m.—"LPG Spot Price As- sessment: Bulk Market NWE &
Mediterranean," by K. Potter, consultant, West Horsley, Surrev,
U.K. 11:00 a.m.—"LNG Contracts in a
Period of Energy Surplus," by G.B.
Greenwald, Arent, Fox, Kintner,
Plotkin & Kahn, Washington, D.C. 11:30 a.m.—"A General Outline of
Shipping and Trading Documents
Needed for the International LPG
Market," by H. Vallery-Masson,
Naftomar Shipping & Trading
Company, Paris. 12:00 noon—"The Gentle Art of
Broking," by F. Baudu, Petromar
S.A. (BRS), Paris. 12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates.
Friday, November 9
Session 6: Liquefied Gas Termi- nals & Storage.
Chairmen: Morning session—A.
Pasturhov, AVP Corporation,
Newburyport, Mass.; afternoon ses- sion—W. Brumshagen, LGA Gas- technik Gmbh, Remagen-Roland- sek, Germany. 9:00 a.m.—"Dynamic Load Attenu- ation for Double-Wall Tanks," by
R.A. Vater, Pittsburgh-Des
Moines, Neville Island, Pa. 9:30 a.m.—"A New Method of Ap- plying Protective Insulation to the
Inside of the Outer Wall of Double-
Walled Installations for Cryogenic
Storage," by R. Krause, G + H
Montage GmbH, Ludwigshafen am
Rhein, Germany. 10:00 a.m.—"Experimental Dy- namic Compaction of Perlite Insula- tion," by T. Kaups, CBI Industries
Inc., Oak Brook, 111. 10:30 a.m.—"Ultrasonic Testing of the Wall-to-Bottom Weld in a Nick- el Steel Storage Tank," by J.P.
Capdeville and A. Goy, Gaz de
France, Paris. 11:00 a.m.—"An Experimental
Study on the Behavior of the Outer
Concrete Wall of a Double-Wall
LNG Storage Facility under Ex- treme Thermal Loads," by S.R.
Speidel, Bilfinger + Berger Bau,
Mannheim, Germany. 11:30 a.m.—"The Planning and
Building of Antewerp Gas Termi- nal," by M.S. McKinney, UER
International Ltd., London; and J.
Oerlemans, Transol Holding BV,
Ridderkerk, Netherlands. 12:00 noon—"Design and Conduc- tion of the Port Botany, Australia,
LPG/Butane Import Terminal," by
G.M. Howell and M. Schuller,
PDM-Johns Perry Pty. Ltd., South
Perth, Australia. 12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates. 2:00 pm—"Design of an In-Ground
Storage Tank for Refrigerated Pro- pane," by Y. Sugawara and K.
Minegishi, Tokyo Gas Company,
Tokyo. 2:30 pm—"Internal Pressure Equal- izing System for Liquefied Hydro- carbon Storage Tanks," by T. J.
Marchaz, Preload Technology
Inc., Garden City, N.Y. 3:00 pm—"A Concrete Storage
Barge: Results of a Large-Scale Off- shore Model Test," by E. Fluggen,
LGA Gastchnik GmbH, Remagen-
Rolandseck; and M. Sussbaumer and K. Reuter, Ed. Zublin AG,
Stuttgart, Germany. 3:30 pm—"Calibrating Accurate
Level Gauges in Partly Filled LNG/
LPG Tanks—the Transfer Calibra- tor," by R.L. Blanchard, The Arl- by Company, Lexington, Mass.; and
A.E. Sherburne, The Foxboro
Company, Foxboro, Mass. 4:00 pm—"Verification of Polyure- thane Foam Insulation Reliability," by M. Huther, P. Anslot, and M.
Zehri, Bureau Veritas, Paris. 4:30 pm—"Vapor Recovery from
Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage
Tanks," by C.A. Durr, M.W. Kel- logg, Houston; and F.H.L. van
Laerhoven, Kellogg Continental
B.V. Amsterdam. 5:00 pm—"A New Concept for
Large and Safe LPG Storage Termi- nals," by P. Morand and J.
Claude, Technigaz, Maurepas,
France; and A. Herbretau, Com- pagnie Francais des Petroles—TO-
TAL, Paris.
Friday, November 9
Session 7: Gases as Transporta- tion Fuels.
Workshop session in Glass Hall.
Chairman: T.J. Joyce, T. Joyce As- sociates, Fairfax, Va. 11:00 a.m.—"European Automotive
LPG: Prospects for Growth," by
W.C.F. Arnold, UER International
Ltd., London. 11:30 a.m.—"Propane as a Trans- portation Fuel and Its Effect on
Demand in the United States," by
S. A. Vogel, Synergy Gas Corpora- tion, Farmingdale, N. Y. 12:00 noon—"Ford's Experience with Gaseous Fuels," by J.M. La- petz and R.J. Nichols, Ford Mo- tor Company, Dearborn, Mich. 12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates. 2:00 pm—"Canadian Prospects for
Natural Gas Fueled Vehicles," by
J.S. Heenan, Transportation En- ergy Division, Ministry of Mines,
Energy & Resources, Ottawa, Cana- da. 2:30 pm—"Marketing Natural Gas as an Alternative Automotive Fuel in New Zealand," by A. Veart,
Auckland Gas Company Ltd., Auck- land, New Zealand.
Gastech 84 Exhibitors
Westpac Banking Corp.
Antwerp Gas Terminal
Depauw & Stokoe
G & G International
Pittsburgh Corning
British Columbia Research Council
Svanehoj Pump Factory
Neles International
Arab Oil & Gas
Bureau Vertas
Chantiers de l'Atlantique
Chantiers du Nort et de la Mediterranee
Equipments Mecaniqueset
Hydraulics/Compagnie Francias des Petroles
FMC Europe
Gaz de France/Sofregas
Gaz Transport
LeTerre Armee
Petrole et Enterprise
Petrole Informations
Riva & Mariani
Hitachi Zosen Corp.
Ishikawajima Harima Heavy
Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Nippon Kikan KK
TradeARBED (continued on page 22) 20 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News