Page 49: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1984)
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Papers Committee
Jack A. Obermeyer, Chairman
Steven G. Buttner James A. Lisnyk*
Warren C. Dietz Chester L. Long
Edward N. Dunlay Perry W. Nelson
James F. Dunne Peter M. Palermo
Keith P. Farrell Spencer Reitz
Jacques B. Hadler Richard W. Thorpe Jr.
James A. Higgins William E. Zimmie ' Deceased
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Paper No. 13—"Implementation of Reliability Methods to Marine
Structures," by Y.N. Chen, S.J.
Harding, H.Y. Jan, A.E. Man- sour, and C.I. Zigelman.
SYNOPSIS—This paper presents a rationale for selecting and calibrat- ing a format of reliability-based strength standards for use in design of ships and marine structures. A comprehensive framework compris- ing all aspects of reliability methods and code development is discussed.
Typical values and trends of reli- ability indices and partial safety factors are determined and illus- trated for a series of selected exist- ing ships, and also for some designs based on the current rule require- ments. (continued on page 56)
Dubai Drydocks. 92nd SNAME
Annual Meeting — A Preview (continued from page 50) force by extrapolating measured shear forces and bending moments at several sections along the hull to the point of application of the load.
Paper No. 10—"Government Pol- icies Affecting Maritime Innova- tion," by Peter A. Johnson.
SYNOPSIS—This paper presents data and analyses of various U.S.
Government and international poli- cies, and attempts to trace both positive and negative effects upon technological innovation in the mar- itime industries. The policies dis- cussed include trade and cargo, sub- sidies or other industry assistance, and regulatory policies. The paper describes the present status of these policies and how certain debates are forcing some policy changes.
Paper No. 11—"Ship Manning
Trends in Northern Europe: Impli- cations for American Shipowners and Naval Architects," by Harry
SYNOPSIS—This paper summa- rizes the interwoven economic, tech- nical, and human factors that are forcing change in managing the fleets of Northern Europe. The core aim of these changes is to bring pro- ductivity into line with high wages.
Lessons we may learn from the Eu- ropean experience offer promise of overcoming the handicap of high wage rates in the U.S.-flag merchant fleet.
Paper No. 12—"Natural Vibra- tions of Beams in a Fluid with
Applications to Ships and Other
Marine Structures," by John C.
SYNOPSIS—This paper gives a method for the prediction of the vertical and lateral natural vibra- tions of a Euler beam in a fluid, based on a simultaneous solution of the mechanical equation of motion of the surrounding fluid. The effects of the fluid on the vibratory charac- teristics and the impact on vibration analyses are considered, as well as
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