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U.S. Navy — Major (continued from page 89)


Commander, Navy Resale and Services Support


Fort Wadsworth

Staten Island, New York 10305

Tel: 212/390 3934

Supplies for Navy exchanges, commissary stores, lodges, ships stores, and military sealift exchanges including retail merchandise of various types; food; vending machines items; service station supplies; air

Buying Offices conditioners; vehicles; hotel furnishings; store fix- tures; and other supplies and equipment.

Commanding Officer

Naval Training Equipment Center (Code N-005)

Orlando, Florida 32813

Tel: 305/646-5121/5515

Procurement of training aids, devices, equipment and material for the Navy, Marine Corps, and other

DoD activities, including hardware; research and de- velopment for training devices designed to simulate actual conditions in shiphandling, communications, gunnery, fire control, operational flight training, weapons systems trainers, and human engineering; engineering services for various devices.

Commanding Officer

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington, D.C. 20375

Tel: 202/767-2914

Procurement of Scientific, Engineering, and Techni- cal Services and Hardware in support of Research and Advanced Technology Development Programs in

Radar, Communications, Electronics, Optics, Chem- istry, Materials, Plasma Physics, Space Systems and

Countermeasures. Examples are concept studies and analyses; software development and maintenance; test support and data analysis; materials studies; military specification and hardware implementation planning documentation; state of the art componen- try and equipments development, and fabrication for experimental design concepts; optical coatings; computer maintenance; instrumentation; and the services, equipments and supplies necessary to sup- port these programs.


U.S. Naval Academy

Annapolis, Maryland 21402

Tel: 301/267-3498

Instruments and laboratory equipment; electronic equipment; underwater television equipment; optical equipment; small craft; repair parts for trucks, au- tomobiles, and small craft; plumbing and heating fixtures and accessories; drafting supplies; diploma cases; janitor supplies; sails for small craft; awning material; general equipment and supplies.


David Taylor Naval Ship Research & Development


Bethesda, Maryland 20084

Tel: 202/227-1220

Procurement of research, development, test and evaluation services for Naval vehicle and logistics systems, subsystems, and components. Services support advanced concepts and development; mili- tary effectiveness; hydromechanics research; aero- dynamic and hydrodynamic technology application; structure analysis; underwater acoustics and ship vi- bration; propulsion and auxiliary systems; materials science; pollution abatement; energy conservation; instrumentation development; computer science and information systems; logistics and operations re- search. Materials and components required include anti-fouling, anti-corrosion coatings; cables; chemi- cals; communication and detection equipment; elec- tronic equipment and components; instruments; lab- oratory equipment; lubricants; metals; photographic equipment; power distribution equipment; sono- buoys; submarine and ship seals.

Commanding Officer

Naval Underwater Systems Center

Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Tel: 401/841-3310

Research development, test and analytical services, materials, hardware, and instrumentation for ocean- ography, hydrodynamics, sonar, acoustics, mechan- ics, hydraulics, high-frequency communications, propulsion and battery development.

Commanding Officer

Naval Oceanographic Office

NSTL Station, Code 4411

Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39522

Tel: 601/688-4162

Oceanography, hydrography, geodetic, and magnetic survey equipment, studies and services; electronic and physical properties test equipment; laboratory sound recording and reproduction equipment; buoys and floats; rope, cable, chain and fittings; underwa- ter sound equipment; radio and satellite navigation equipment; gravity and magnetic measuring devices; meteorological instruments and apparatus; mapping and survey equipment; miscellaneous ship and ma- rine equipment; general office equipment and supplies.


Naval Ocean Systems Center

San Diego, California 92152

Tel: 714/225-2707

Research, development, test and evaluation supplies and services relating to command control and com- munications, electronic warfare, ocean surveillance, antisubmarine warfare weapon systems, submarine arctic warfare, ocean science, ocean engineering, biosystems research, and related technologies. Pur- chases include computer software and systems en- gineering services, computer equipment, electronic test instruments and miscellaneous support equip- ment and services.

Commanding Officer

U.S. Naval Station

FPO New York 09593

Tel: Overseas Operator-International Routing 160 and 531. Naval Station Ext. 8114

General procurement of material and nonpersonal services in support of commands located at the Na- val Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, including the Na- val Air Station, Guantanamo Bay and fleet units as assigned.

Contracting Officer

Supply Department

Naval District Washington

Washington, D.C. 20374

Tel: 202/433-3568

Local purchase for Naval District Washington, de- partments and tenant commands, and general pro-






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