Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 15, 1984)
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Hyundai Heavy Industries is proud to announce the opening of the Hyundai
Maritime Research Institute situated in the heart of our Ulsan shipyard.
Staffed with some 100 highly qualified re- searchers, the new research institute of- fers worldwide clients a fully integrated model ship basin with three major testing facilities: deep water towing tank, cavita- tion tunnel and a circulating water chan- nel. Each facility has its own measuring equipment to enable comprehensive test- ing of all types of oceangoing vessels and offshore structures.
R&D activities have always played a vital role at Hyundai. The opening of the Hyun- dai Maritime Research Institute marks another important milestone in Hyundai's total efforts to supply owners with quality vessels to meet the needs of today's changing shipping market. •HYUNDAI
HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 1 Cheonha-Dong, Ulsan, Korea TLX: HHIYARD K52452 TEL: (82) ULSAN (522) 5-0151
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