Page 126: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Lanzendorfer Will Manage
Fairbanks Morse Service
Facility in San Diego
Fairbanks Morse Engine Division builds diesel engines for marine and stationary service in a power range from 640 to 29,286 bhp.
For additional information on the new San Diego facility,
Circle 56 on Reader Service Card
Glenn Lanzendorfer
Fairbanks Morse Engine Division of Colt Industries recently an- nounced the opening of a new ser- vice facility in San Diego, estab- lished to offer complete engine and component rebuild and parts ser- vice for the Fairbanks Morse and
Colt-Pielstick engine lines. The new facility will serve customers in the southwestern states and Mexico.
Glenn Lanzendorfer will man- age the new service operation. He has been with Fairbanks Morse for the past 12 years, most recently on special assignment in Seattle as ser- vice manager for the Navy's LSD-41 ship construction program at Lock- heed Marine Division. Before that, he was in Beloit, Wise., headquar- ters as manager of contract adminis- tration for 10 years. $5.3-Million Navy Program
Received By Tracor
Tracor, Inc., has received a three- year $5.3-million program to pro- vide technical and logistics support to the Naval Sea Systems Com- mand, Surface Ships Directorate.
Dr. William C. Moyer, group vice president of Tracor Applied
Sciences, said this contract reflects continued successful involvement in the Shore Intermediate Mainte- nance Activity (SIMA) upgrade pro- gram. The work will be performed by the Systems Technology Division of Tracor Applied Sciences from its headquarters in Rockville, Md., un- der the general management of Wil- liam M. Pugh, division vice presi- dent and Lelan B. Cable, engi- neering division director.
Mr. Pugh announced that Hugh
M. DeJarnette will serve as pro- gram manager. He and his staff will be headquartered in Rockville with site representatives in Long Beach and San Diego, Calif.; Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii; Norfolk
Charleston, S.C.
Tracor, Inc., is an international technological products and services company headquartered in Austin,
Texas. The company is a major technical contractor in sonar, com- munications and aviation programs; a leader in the development and production of passive electronic countermeasures systems and mili- tary telecommunications terminals; and a major manufacturer of scien- tific instruments and electrical and electromechanical components.
Nolan Appointed GM
Of Marine Operations
For Sun Transport
James R. Nolan has been ap- pointed general manager of marine operations for Sun Refining and
Marketing Company. He had been manager of fuels planning for Sun
R & M, whose parent corporation is
Sun Company of Radnor, Pa. He replaces Joseph Mazzei, who was recently named manager of Sun's refinery in Marcus Hook, Pa.
Under the name of Sun Trans- port, headquartered in Aston, Pa., marine operations operates a fleet of oceangoing tankers, tugs and barges. This fleet handles crude and petroleum products shipments worldwide for both Sun R & M and third party customers.
Va.; and Gensler Named Director
Of Marketing And Sales
For InterTrade Industries
Derrick Barges 25 to 200 Tons Capacity 4ZL
Bulk Petroleum/Chemical Barges 25,000 to 148,000 bbl.
Split-Type Dump Scows 1500 cu. yd and up
Deck Cargo 120 to 400
Built to your specifications
For Sale or Lease
You can order a deck, cargo, crane, tank or dry cargo barge built to your exact specifications... and then lease it from
Zidell at lower cost than owning your own. A lease plan, custom-tailored to fit your needs, long or short term, gives you the Pest of Poth worlds: a Parge Puilt to precisely serve your needs, leased from one of the country's Pest known marine equipment lessors. Send for a free book- let on our leasing and charter programs.
If you're presently operating a Parge which has out-lived its original design use, look to Zidell to convert it. We rou- tinely convert lumper and deck Parges to oil Parges, retrofit oil Parges, build float- ing derricks and virtually anything else you may require in unmanned marine equipment. Send for a free booklet tell- ing what we can do for you in building, fitting, retrofitting or conversion of all kinds of barges. 3121 S.W. Moody Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-228-8691 or 1-800-547-9259 - Telex 360-503
Ask for Tom Sherwood or Bill Gobel
Marvin Gensler
InterTrade Industries, Ltd. of
Huntington Beach, Calif., has an- nounced the opening of a metropoli- tan Washington, D.C., office and the appointment of Marvin Gensler as director of marketing and sales.
This new office, at 1680 East Gude
Drive in Rockville, Md., will provide sales and technical support to Inter-
Trade customers.
Mr. Gensler will be responsible for marketing and sales of the com- pany's entire line of products. These include the Ship Guardian marine fender, Hi-Tec and Super Hi-Tec marine fenders, buoys, oil spill booms, and flotation and mooring systems.
Prior to joining InterTrade, he was manager of North American sales for another marine products company. He has a BSME degree and a background of more than 25 years of sales and marketing experi- ence.
Johnson Named Marketing
Communications Manager
For Twin Disc Inc.
Circle 221 on Reader Service Card 124
Dave Johnson
David H. Johnson has been ap- pointed manager of marketing com- munications at Twin Disc, Incorpo- rated of Racine, Wise.
He fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Louis A. Pec- carelli, director of marketing com- munications, and a 30-year veteran
Twin Disc employee.
Mr. Johnson held a similiar po- sition at Waukesha Engine Division of Dresser Industries, Inc. In his new job, he will be responsible for all advertising, sales promotion, and trade shows for Twin Disc, a leading manufacturer of heavy-duty, off- highway power transmission equip- ment.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News