Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Baumler VP-Marketing
Richard J. Baumler
The board of directors of NAS-
SCO recently announced the elec- tion of Richard J. Baumler as vice president, marketing.
In this position, he will report to Alfred W. Lutter Jr., senior vice president, business affairs.
Reporting to Mr. Baumler will be
James M. Temenak, director of marketing, and Trevor Lucey, manager, marketing.
Mr. Baumler brings over 30 years of marine experience to NAS-
SCO. A graduate in marine engi- neering from New York State Mari- time College, he sailed as a mer- chant mariner on the SS America and served in the US Navy as an engineering officer before joining
Newport News Shipbuilding.
Subsequent to his service at New- port News, Mr. Baumler served as vice president-operations at Saint
Johns Shipbuilding & Dry Dock
Company, New Brunswick, Canada; vice president, ship construction, at
Sea-Land Service, Inc., Elizabeth,
N.J.; and most recently as president of Tampa Shipyards Inc., Tampa,
Mr. Baumler's knowledge of the shipbuilding and shipping indus- tries and its leaders will enhance
NASSCO's marketing strength.
Envirovac Offers Literature
On Type I And II ORCA Line
Sewage Treatment Systems
Envirovac Inc. of Rockford, 111., is offering free literature on Type I and Type II ORCA sewage treat- ment systems that are designed spe- cifically for rugged marine operating conditions.
ORCA physical/chemical treat- ment systems, the first marine sani- tation devices to be controlled and operated by microprocessor control, are compact and lighweight—gener- al dimensions and sizing informa- tion are given on the last page of the four-page ORCA bulletin. Eight standard units are available (two
Type I and six Type II); all are U.S.
Coast Guard certified, and Type II units are also IMO approved. All units are microprocessor controlled and easy to maintain.
For free literature containing technical data, sizing information, flow diagrams and photographs,
Circle 154 on Reader Service Card
New Brochure From
Westinghouse Discusses
Combustion Trim Control
The Combustion Control Division of Westinghouse Electric Corpora- tion, Orrville, Ohio, now has avail- able a 12-page brochure that ex- plains automatic combustion trim control using excess oxygen (02) or carbon monoxide/excess oxygen (CO/O.J flue gas analysis.
The brochure, AD 106-125, out- lines combustion, efficient combus- tion, proper boiler maintenance and types of automatic combustion trim controls available for all sizes of boilers. One portion is dedicated to a discussion on when carbon monox- ide/excess oxygen flue gas analysis becomes a cost-effective basis for automatic combustion trim control.
It also provides a nomograph for a boiler owner or operator to calculate fuel savings attainable on his/her boiler using automatic combustion trim control. A tearout card in the brochure allows the reader to re- quest a free combustion efficiency analysis by providing basic combus- tion data on his/her boilers.
To obtain a free copy of the bro- chure,
Circle 21 on Reader Service Card
From the world's largest manu- facturer of marine lights, hardware and accessories comes the world's most complete catalog of marine products:
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Perko manufactures over 5,000 of the finest marine products in the world.
Perko is the only company to carry the Ultimate Guarantee - a warranty for life, certifying all
PerkoPlate chromium finish prod- ucts will maintain their lustre and brightness for as long as you own them. No other company can make that claim.
Then again, no other company is Perko.
We make more for your cus- tomer than anyone else.
Don't delay. Send for your
Perko catalog detailing all of our products. It's free. Just write to us, and we'll mail one to you.
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The Difference is Distinctive.
June, 1985 15