Page 7: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Marine Transport Lines
To Get $79.6-Million Navy
Contract To Operate Ships
Marine Transport Lines, Inc. of
Secaucus, N.J., has been tentatively awarded a $79.6-million, three-year contract for the operation of 12
Navy-owned survey and oceano- graphic ships now operated by Civil
Service mariners employed by the
Navy's Military Sealift Command.
The final award will be made pend- ing a 60-day appeal process that began on May 10.
MTL was one of four ship opera- tors that submitted offers under the
Office of Management and Budget
Circular A-76 to determine if the 12 ships could be operated by civilian contractors at less cost to the Gov- ernment.
Nine of the ships operate out of the MSC Area Command at
Bayonne, N.J. They are the United
States Naval Ships Bartlett, Bow- ditch, Dutton, Harkness, Hess,
Kane, Lynch, Wilkes, and Wyman.
The three other ships operate out of the MSC Area Command in Oak- land, Calif. They are the USNS
Chauvenet, De Steiguer, and Silas
New Facility Opened
By Lips Propellers
At Todd-Seattle Shipyard
Lips Propellers has opened a new facility at Todd Shipyard on Harbor
Island, Seattle, Wash.
Headed up by James (Kimo)
Mackey, the new plant will spe- cialize in propeller service, both in drydock and wherever needed in
Puget Sound and up the Inland
Waterway. Formerly plant manager of Lips Oakland facility, Mr.
Mackey was instrumental in the creation of a mobil repair team to provide emergency, on-location ser- vice to damaged propellers.
Together with mechanical engi- neer Tom Wilcox, Mr. Mackey has designed specialized equipment to make on-site repairs according to the high quality standards estab- lished by Lips. This equipment in- cludes a pitchometer for the accu- rate measurement of propellers up to 24 feet in diameter, a 75-ton pro- peller balancing machine, and a 200- ton propeller press, all of which may be transported by truck to job sites.
Most owners and operators prefer to undertake repairs in shipyards, and the Lips plant will likely do the bulk of its work in the Todd facility.
The Mobile Repair Team is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for vessels that cannot make it to drydock.
Lips Propellers is a propeller manufacturing and repair company serving vessel owners and operators with propellers precisely fitted to their needs. The firm is headquar- tered in Chesapeake, Va. For free literature on Lips propellers and
Lips propeller service,
Circle 45 on Reader Service Card
June, 1985
Samson Offers Brochure On
Passive Mooring Systems
For Supply Vessels
Bow and stern mooring systems that improve supply boat operations in hostile environments are de- scribed in a brochure just prepared by Samson Ocean Systems, Inc. De- fined as passive systems, they utilize the special load-elongation charac- teristics of Samson two-to-one braided ropes to modulate peak loads and simultaneously generate the required restoring forces to maintain the supply vessel within a predetermined area. This reduces the chance of collisions with off- shore rigs, simplifies tie-up proce- dures and reduces the danger and high cost of rope breakage.
Samson passive systems have been designed for more than 50 jackups, semi-submersibles, and production platforms. The brochure includes operational procedures, il- lustrates key components and spe- cially designed hardware, and de- scribes typical systems. A user's list is also included.
For a free copy of the supply ves- sel mooring brochure,
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
Johnson-Duramax Bearings are backed by an international network of sales and service with ease of availability.
You will find Johnson-Duramax Bearings installed on practically every type of vessel ranging from fish boats, and river work boats to offshore supply vessels, pilot vessels, and ferries, to tugs and dredges. Nearly two decades of experience producing non-polluting, water-lubricated rubber bearings has resulted in a superior combination of materials and design. The extremely tough chemical-resistant nitrile rubber is securely and precision molded to the shell. In addition to naval brass shell material, sleeve bearings are also available with a nonmetallic shell and are ideal whenever corrosion or electrolysis is a problem.
Overall advantages include a smoother and quieter
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GROOVE running shaft, ease of installation and lowered maintenance resulting in better performance and longer service.
Johnson-Duramax Sleeve Bearings are available in a full range of shaft sizes from 3/4 through 6-1/2 inches, plus 23 popular metric sizes.
Flanged Bearings available solid or split are avail- able in shaft sizes from 2 through 15 inches. Shells of Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Aluminum and
Monel are also available.
Write or call Richard Sparigler, Sales Manager at (216) 632-1611 for the name of the Johnson-
Duramax Distributor in your area and be sure to write for our easy-to-use latest 28-page Sleeve and
Flanged Bearing Catalog.
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Circle 152 on Reader Service Card