Page 36: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1985)
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Todd Awarded $246,800
MarAd Contract To Repair
Training Ship Golden Bear
The U.S. Transportation Depart- ment's Maritime Administration has awarded a $246,800 contract to
Todd Pacific Shipyards Corpora- tion's San Francisco shipyard for drydocking and underwater repairs to the training vessel Golden Bear.
The work includes repairs under regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard and the American Bureau of Ship- ping. It was scheduled to be com- pleted in 10 working days at the end of last month.
MarAd provides the Golden Bear to the California Maritime Academy in Vallejo for use as a training ship for midshipmen.
McDermott Elects Barrow
To Board Of Directors
James E. Cunningham, chair- man of the board and chief execu- tive officer of McDermott Interna- tional, Inc., announced recently that
Thomas D. Barrow, retired vice- chairman of the Standard Oil Com- pany (Ohio) and former chairman and chief executive officer of the
Kennecott Corporation, has been elected to McDermott's board of directors.
At Sohio, Mr. Barrow was re- sponsible for oil and natural gas exploration and production activi- ties, corporate planning, research and development, engineering and technology. He also managed the worldwide minerals business of
Prior to joining Kennecott in 1978, Mr. Barrow was senior vice president and director of the Exxon
Corporation. He began his career as a field geologist for Humble Oil &
Refining Co. in 1951 and held posi- tions with Humble, Esso Explora- tion and Exxon before joining Ken- necott.
Mr. Barrow graduated from the
University of Texas in 1945. He earned an MA in geology from the
University of Texas in 1948, and a
PhD in geology from Stanford Uni- versity in 1953.
McDermott International, Inc., is a leading energy services company.
The company and its subsidiaries provide worldwide engineering and construction services for industrial and commercial facilities onshore and to oil and gas industry off- shore.
Dillingham Maritime Forms
New Unit—Van Dawark
Named Executive VP
Tom Van Dawark
David Ballash, president and chief executive officer of Dillingham
Maritime, recently announced a re- structuring of several companies into a new operating unit, and the appointment of Tom Van Da- wark as its executive vice presi- dent and chief operating officer.
According to Mr. Ballash, the new operating unit, known as Dil- lingham Maritime Transportation, consists of Foss Launch & Tug Co.,
Foss Alaska Line, Dillingham Mari- time Services all headquartered in
Seattle, Wash.; Pacific Towboat,
Long Beach, Calif.; and Dillingham
Tug and Barge, and Young Broth- ers, Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii.
In making the announcement,
Mr. Ballash said: "The unit and position were created to increase management focus on Dillingham
Maritime's transportation line of business. Major services provided within the Pacific Basin include ship assist, vessel bunkering, ocean towing, and common carrier opera- tions. Emphasis will be placed on coordinating marketing, sales and operations efforts aimed at maxi- mizing the utilization of vessels, re- sources and service to our custom- ers." <• Circle 264 on Reader Service Card
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OnlyWestfalia's On-Demand Purifying
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Whether your fuel oil is heavier or lighter than water, only Westfalia's two-stage Unitrol/Secutrol system assures 4 maximum purity even under widely varying feed conditions.
Here's why.
On-demand vs timer-controlled de-sludging.
Other oil purification systems are timer-controlled, which means they de-sludge only at pre-set intervals. If heavy seas stir-up the "muck" in your fuel tanks, the intervals may be too far apart. Result: dirt gets into your day tank and fuel lines, causing disastrous engine wear...In the Westfalia system, a unique sensor continuously monitors de-sludging intervals, discharging dirt and water only when the sediment-holding compartment is full. So there's no chance for dirt to get into your fuel because of too few de-sludgings — or fuel wastage from too-frequent de-sludgings.
And Unitnol and Secutrol can each be operated independently, thus adding even more flexibility.
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With Westfalia's unique design, there's no way water can enter the clean fuel line. With other systems, this is a distinct possibility. Reliable purification.
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For maximum reliability we've substituted simplicity for complex electronics and intricate circuitry. Thus Westfalia purifiers are more dependable and much less likely to break down than other separators. Contact
Centrico for the Westfalia system you need.