Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1985)
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Hudson Joins
North American Towing
As Special Representative
North American Towing Compa- ny president Warren A. Jack- man announced the appointment of Alfred R. Hudson as special representative for marketing. Mr.
Hudson is a former vice president of Ceres Terminals, Inc., one of the largest stevedoring firms in the U.S.
His responsibilities, effective imme- diately, include the marketing of
North American's services to vessel owners and operators in both the
U.S. and overseas.
North American provides tug ser- vices in the ports of Chicago, Burns
Harbor, Duluth and Superior. Mr.
Hudson's more than 20 years of experience in the international mar- itime industry suits him well for his new position. A U.S. Merchant Ma- rine Academy graduate, he has served in management and execu- tive positions ranging from general manager to vice president of grain and general cargo stevedoring, agen- cy and terminal operations to his internationally oriented post at
North American Towing Compa- ny maintains corporate offices in
Chicago and Duluth.
Rounding the South African coast, you'll have access to top quality ship repair by
Dorbyl Group at every port along the way ... 1 Cape Town
Ocean Road.
Table Bay Harbour,
Far End Sturrock Docks, 8001 CAPETOWN
P.O. Box 2616, 8000 CAPE TOWN.
Telephone 475170.
Telex: 5-27981.
Telegrams: "Dorlonsa"
Cape Town. 2 Mossel Bay
Old Stewarts & Lloyds
P.O. Box 535,
Telephone: 5-8180
Telex: 5-20439 3 Port Elizabeth 205 Grahamstown Road,
Deal Party Estate, 6001 PORT ELIZABETH.
P.O. Box 9010, 6000 PORT ELIZABETH.
Telephone: 41-2331.
Telex: 24-2566 4 East London
Military Road. 1 Industrial Sites,
West Bank, 5201 EAST LONDON.
P.O. Box 373, 5200 EAST LONDON
Telephone: 46-3470
Telex: 25-0249
JL A member of the Dorbyl Group of Companies 5 Durban 1 Belfast Road, Bayhead. 4001 DURBAN,
P.O. Box 932, 4000 DURBAN.
Telephone: 25-1511.
Telex: 6-28100/6-82328.
Telegrams: "Dorbyl" Durban 6 Richards Bay
Stand 92, Alton
Industrial Township, 3900 RICHARDS BAY
P.O. Box 82. 3880 EMPANGENI.
Telephone: 51241
Telex: 6-20984
Marshall Appointed
General Manager At
Waterfront Corporation
Circle 152 on Reader Service Card 36
Willard J. Marshall
Willard J. Marshall has been named general manager for engi- neering, estimating, and construc- tion at Waterfront Corporation of
Philadelphia, it was announced by
Cynthia A. Hudson, president.
Mr. Marshall, who has more than 38 years of experience in ma- rine construction, will be directly responsible for all day-to-day opera- tions of the commercial diving and marine construction company. Prior to joining Waterfront, he was em- ployed by Raymond Concrete Pile
Company of Houston, by Spencer,
White and Prentis, Inc. of New
York City, and by Lee Turzillo Con- tracting of Richfield, Ohio.
Oil Monitor/Separator
Allows Operators To Meet
MARPOL 73/78 Ruling
Regulations set forth at MAR-
POL 73/78, requiring the installa- tion of onboard oil pollution preven- tion equipment by October 1986, can be met by oil monitoring and oii separating equipment supplied by
McNab, Inc., a U.S. marine instru- mentation manufacturer and dis- tributor, according to the company.
Previously available in Europe, the JOWA Oil Content Meter &
Alarm System monitors the oil con- tent in bilge and ballast water and initiates an alarm when oil content exceeds a user set contamination level. The monitor is compact, easy to install and operate, and highly accurate and dependable.
The JOWA OIL-A Oily Water
Separator, also distributed by
McNab, prevents oil pollution in discharge water by reducing oil con- tent to within acceptable levels. The separator is available in capacities ranging from O.l-lO.Om/h and is equipped with automatic start/stop from bilge tank. Over 400 of these units are currently in use, a tribute to the separator's durability and low installation and maintenance costs.
McNab also manufactures torque and shaft horsepower monitoring systems, propeller thrust meters, speed through water logs, computer- based fuel efficiency monitors, salinity and chemical dosing mon- itors, and marine window wipers.
For more information on the
JOWA oil monitor and oil separator, or other products available from
Circle 36 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News