Page 7: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1985)
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Pfeiffer And Military Sealift Command
To Receive AOTOS Awards
The 1985 Admiral of the Ocean
Sea Award (AOTOS), which is to be presented during the AOTOS din- ner at the New York Hilton in New
York City on September 27, 1985, will be presented to Robert J.
Pfeiffer, chairman and chief exec- utive officer of Matson Navigation
Company, Inc., and to the U.S.
Navy's Military Sealift Command.
The award marks the first time in its 15-year history that the AOTOS, the most prestigious award in the
American shipping industry, has been presented to two honorees.
The AOTOS is presented by United
Seamen's Service on behalf of mari- time labor, management and gov- ernment.
Mr. Pfeiffer, who is also chair- man and chief executive officer of
Alexander and Baldwin, Inc., parent company of Matson Navigation, is being honored for his leadership of the ocean carrier, a prime innovator in the Pacific trades, which is cele- brating more than 100 years in the
American shipping business.
The Military Sealift Command (MSC), which provides the strategic sealift to sustain U.S. military forces overseas, was selected because of its role in supporting U.S. shipping and in recognition of the importance of
Robert J. Pfeiffer sealift for our national defense.
MSC has been an important source of support for USS as well.
Proceeds from the AOTOS dinner support USS's service abroad for merchant seamen. Previous AOTOS winners have come from govern- ment, labor and management sec- tors. Some 800 members of the mar- itime community are expected to attend.
Information on the AOTOS din- ner is available from USS headquar- ters at Suite 1365, One World Trade
Center, New York, N.Y. 10048, (212) 775-1033, or from Barbara
Spector Yeninas, AOTOS Coor- dinator, at (201) 226-8580.
Great Lakes International To Spend
Over $30 Million On Dredge —Bids To Be Taken On Another
The board of directors of Great
Lakes International, Inc. recently approved expenditures of approxi- mately $30 million for construction of the world's largest combination dipper/clamshell dredge and at- tendant dump barges.
W.L. Colnon, president and chief executive officer of Great
Lakes, also announced that North
American Trailing Company (NAT-
CO), a 75-percent-owned joint ven- ture, has completed feasibility stud- ies and engineering design, and will soon be taking bids on a 7,200-cub- ic-yard self-propelled hopper dredge. This vessel will prove very effective in construction and main- tenance of the increased entrance channels resulting from deepening of the country's ports.
The commitments to the future are the culmination of a seven-year development program in anticipa- tion of enactment of deep port con- struction by the U.S. Congress.
The new combination dipper/ clamshell dredge will replace the company's present dipper dredge capability that has an average age of 50 years.
Contracts have been signed with
Harnischfeger Corporation, Mil- waukee, Wis., and Bay Shipbuilding
Corporation, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., for construction of the combination dipper/clamshell dredge and the dump barges.
August 1, 1985
The dredge will operate with eith- er a 50-cubic-yard clamshell bucket or a 27-cubic-yard dipper bucket.
Both figures are about twice the size of those currently in existence. The dump barges will have a 6,000-cub- ic-yard capacity.
New Hatch Introduced
By West Coast Manly Yard —Literature Available
West Coast Manly Shipyard, Di- vision of RivTow Industries Ltd., recently announced the latest in their line of marine hatches. Long known for producing fine marine closures, this latest of escape hatches has been approved by ABS,
Lloyd's and CSI.
Designed specifically for those heavy wear areas where both strength and watertight integrity are critical (car decks, freight areas, etc.), this all-steel hatch offers a flush watertight surface.
Model H-10-FS features stainless steel springs and a bronze hand wheel and dogging mechanism.
For further information and free literature from West Coast Manly
Circle 61 on Reader Service Card
Chesterton Offers Free
Fluid Leakage Calculator
To Maintenance Engineers
A fluid leakage calculator dial is being offered to maintenance engi- neers by the A.W. Chesterton Co.,
Stoneham, Mass. The calculator helps figure annual loss from leaks in pumps and other liquid handling equipment.
To use the calculator, just count the number of drops per minute and set the calculator to find the num- ber of gallons per year. Also read the comparative efficiency of different sealing methods to find ways of reducing product loss and needless adding of diluents through flushing.
Plant maintenance engineers wish- ing to obtain a free fluid leakage cal- culator should,
Circle 56 on Reader Service Card
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