Page 9: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1985)
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Aerial view of Moon Engineering's Pinner's Point facility. The yard will officially open in the spring.
Moon Engineering Expands—
Moves To Portsmouth, Va.
Moon Engineering Company, Inc. of Norfolk, Va., after 65 years of ser- vice to Navy and commercial ships, is moving across the Elizabeth River from her old Front Street berth along the Norfolk waterfront to Pin- ner's Point in Portsmouth, Va., about two nautical miles downriver from the U.S. Navy yard.
According to company president
William E. Thomas Sr., the move entails a major expansion of
MECO's ship repair capabilities.
With plans for doubling the work- force to 320 or more employees, the new MECO facility at Pinner's
Point represents a significant eco- nomic boost for the City of Ports- mouth.
The $7-million initial phase of construction on the new 63-acre site (24 acres of dry land) is, according to the company, well-timed for the
Navy ship repair industry. Navy
Secretary John F. Lehman is promising a "commitment to com- petition" that will allow private ship repair yards delivering the "best work for the lowest cost" to "bid for work . . . (they) would never have gotten in the past" as part of the "new way we're doing business" at the Navy Department.
The expansion and move also coincide with the beginning of the
Navy's new phased maintenance program where yards such as Moon
Engineering may be awarded up to five-year contracts to repair and schedule maintenance on several ships in a given class. The program is said to guarantee the Navy better value for its repair dollar and con- tinuity of maintenance programs.
At the same time, phased mainte- nance allows yards like MECO to more accurately estimate and more thoroughly perform repairs and bet- ter monitor maintenance needs, while being able to maintain larger, more stable workforces. With an ex- pected workforce of between 320 to 350, Moon will be the largest private shipyard in Portsmouth.
Reportedly, about 80 percent of the company's work is for the Navy, either performed at Moon's piers or "downriver" wherever the ship is berthed. MECO has made repairs on a wide range of Navy ship classes,
November, 1985 . W.E. Thomas from aircraft carriers (CV), to tug- boats (YTB).
The bulk of this work is in ship repairs and conversions including boiler and machinery repair, piping, diesel, hydraulic, habitability, struc- tural and electrical work.
Moon Engineering crews are backed up by an extensive array of specialty repair sections including a machine shop, an electrical shop, a steel fabrication shop, a sheet metal shop, a rigger's shop, and an inter- nal combustion and hydraulics shop.
In a second phase of its business,
Moon Engineering provides mainte- nance and repair services for local industries. This work normally con- sists of boiler repairs, piping instal- lations, and repairs utilizing the ma- chine and welding shops.
For further information and free literature on Moon Engineering's services and facilities,
Circle 16 on Reader Service Card
Meeks Named International
Marketing Manager For
Honeywell Marine Systems
Honeywell has named L.
Charles Meeks international marketing manager for mine coun- termeasure systems at its Marine
Systems Division in Seattle, Wash.
Mr. Meeks will be responsible for marketing the division's mine neu- tralization system and focusing re- lated technologies in international markets.
Circle 290 on Reader Service Card 11
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The combined LORAN-GPS 10X provides the mariner with the world's most precise positioning, velocity, and time solutions for navigation compu- tations today. Enroute times will be shortened. Fuel consumption will be reduced. Efficient use of all your resources will result.
The LORAN-GPS (Global Positioning System) 10X is comprised of one or more identical, but indepen- dent, two-line, 16 character LCD remote heads and a mainframe that houses both the GPS and LORAN sensors. The GPS sensor is a two channel, multi- plexed receiver providing position updates with typical accuracies of 25 meters or better and velocities accurate to 0.2 knots once per second.
The LORAN sensor provides automatic ASF correc- tions to achieve LAT/LON accuracies of 200 meters or better. DR position is calculated when neither system is available.
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