Page 29: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1985)
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If you think you are 100% protected against corrosion you might be some 33A% wrong.
Ba ballast tanks are often neglected when corrosion protective systems for a vessel are considered. This is surprising as - de- pending on construction type - they can comprise as much as one third of the vessel's potential corrosive environment.
Ballast tanks are subjected to extreme conditions during ship operation and can contribute significantly to high maintenance costs and ships' offhire time. A fact which shipowners are now becoming painfully aware of.
Hempel has analysed the problem areas - with emphasis on a selection procedure providing the right type of coating for the indivi- dual tank - and this has resulted in the creation of:
Hempel's Ballast Barriers. The first complete system for cost reducing ballast tank protection.
Hempel's Ballast Barriers embrace 15 separate anticorrosive products which together with easy-to-follow selection charts enable you to:
Tculormake your specification and obtain the optimum solu- tion regardless of either tank type or condition.
Example: The Ballast tanks on a 60.000 dwt bulk carrier repre- sent around 35% of the total area protectively coated.
Within the "Hempel Ballast Barriers" product range, 3 new products have been developed, each designed as a one coat system.
TWo of the new products are solvent free types and one is a cementi tious based coating.
Don't discharge your money with your ballast Use "Ballast
Barriers", the tailormade system from Hempel.
Ahead of corrosion
To get your own copy of Hempel's Ballast Thnk Protection Guide, please contact your local Hempel office
Circle 324 on Reader Service Card