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Centrico, Inc., 100 Fairway Court, Northvale, N| 07647 (201)767-3900
See us at SNAME Show Booth E3
Only Westfalia's On-Demand Purifying
System Removes * AH the Dirt and Water i from your 1010 fuel.
Whether your fuel oil is heavier or lighter than water, only Westfalia's two-stage Unitrol/Secutrol system assures maximum purity even under widely varying feed conditions.
Here's why.
Other oil purification systems are timer-controlled, which means they de-sludge only at pre-set intervals. If heavy seas stir-up the "muck" in your fuel tanks, the intervals may be too far apart. Result: dirt gets into your day tank and fuel lines, causing disastrous engine wear...In the Westfalia system, a unique sensor continuously monitors de-sludging intervals, discharging dirt and water only when the sediment-holding compartment is fuH. So there's no chance for dirt to get into your fuel because of too few de-sludgings — or fuel wastage from too-frequent de-sludgings.
And either stage can be operated independently, thus adding even more flexibility.
With Westfalia's unique design, there's no way water can enter the clean fuel line. With other systems, this is a distinct possibility.
No matter how wide the variations in density or feed characteristics, you get the most efficient, reliable purification. Automatically, with no need for gravity disc changes.
For maximum reliability we've substituted simplicity for complex electronics and intricate circuitry. Thus Westfalia purifiers are more dependable and much less likely to break down than other separators. Contact
Centrico for the Westfalia system you need. <• Circle 202 on Reader Service Card