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NAVSEA Awards GE $4.5-Million For

Turbine Generator Set

General Electric Company, Fitch- burg, Mass., is being awarded a $4,459,747 modification to a pre- viously awarded firm-fixed-price contract for one integrated base ship service turbine generator set.

Work will be performed in Fitch- burg, and is expected to be com- pleted in October 1986. The Naval

Sea Systems Command, Washing- ton, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-85-C-4313).

Monty Peters Named

Bardex Manager-Contracts


Monty Peters

Monty Peters has been ap- pointed manager of contracts for

Bardex Corporation in Goleta, Cal- if., according to James L. Bart- lett, president.

Mr. Peters was formerly project coordinator and manager of Euro- pean field engineering services for


He joined the Bardex London of- fice in 1976, initially to install and commission a large backlog of com- pany skidding systems for the

North Sea. He has been involved with most of the major European

Bardex offshore and shipyard con- tracts since then.

Metos Marine Offers

New Cabin Fitting Concept —Brochure Available

Through the combined forces of

Metos Marine and Parma-Marine, a new building concept for fitting ship cabins and other similar spaces has been conceived. The concept offers a planning service in the initial planning phase of a building project and, using new production technolo- gv, prefitted building parts to carry out individual projects.

This method makes the tradition- al way of building possible even- though the parts are factory-made and prefitted. The customer is able to choose what the delivery will cov- er, whether it is a complete turnkey package or one including just the supply of panels. Since a compre- hensive planning service is included in the delivery, the customer merely provides the necessary specifica- tions.

Metos Marine carries out, on the basis of the customer's specifica- tions, the required layout, design and installation plans of panels, fur- niture, electricity, plumbing and ventilation. Each shipment is tai- lored to a customer's resources and individual requirements.

One of Metos Marine's latest cus- tomers is Birka Line of Mariehamn, who had all the accommodation spaces, cabins, corridors, etc. of one of their cruise liners fitted using this new concept.

Metos Marine specializes in offer- ing solutions for cooking processes and catering systems which cover all the functions, from receipt of raw material to the handling of waste.

The architects and engineers at Me- tos Marine are ready to plan and carry out a functional layout accord- ing to the shipowner's and ship- yard's wishes, and will find the most suitable solution for each project.

To date, Metos Marine had deliv- ered systems and complete catering equipment for more than 600 ves- sels worldwide, and is one of the leading manufacturers and sup- pliers in this field.

For a free copy of a full-color gatefold brochure from Metos Ma- rine,

Circle 58 on Reader Service Card




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Supports tube and pipe in singular or multiple rows. Stacks in "building block" type construction. • Vertical <8 horizontal center line distances remain equal. • Provides for simplified do-it-yourself installation. • Off-the-shelf delivery in sizes 3/16 thru 6 O.O.


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Tube & Pipe Support

June, 1986

Circle 266 on Reader Service Card Circle 145 on Reader Service Card 17

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.