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Page 84: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1986)
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SNAME Announces Standing
Special And Technical
Committees For 1986
Capt. Perry W. Nelson, USN (Ret.), president of the Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers, a professional/technical or- ganization for members of the ma- r rine industry, announced the follow-ing committee chairmen for 1986:
Advisory Public Service Commit- tee—Donald P. Courtsal, vice president, acquisitions, Allegheny
Financial Group, and vice president,
Advisory Public Service for the So- ciety.
Applications Committee—Wil- liam duBarry Thomas, naval ar- chitect, J.J. Henry Co., Inc.
Audit Committee—Lester Ro- senblatt, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, M. Ro- senblatt & Son, Inc. and past presi- dent of the Society. k
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Awards Committee—Rear Adm.
Kenneth E. Wilson Jr., USN (Ret.), management consultant.
Banquet Committee—Roderick
B. Hulla, project manager, J.J.
Henry Co., Inc.
Budget and Endowments Com- mittee—Donald L. Caldera, chairman and chief executive offi- cer, Bahama Cruise Line, Inc.
Dinner Dance Committee—Rob- ert J. Bazzini, national sales man- ager, Transamerica Delaval, Inc.
Education Committee—William
E. Zimmie, consultant, Hyde Prod- ucts, Inc.
Exposition Committee—Robert
G. Mende, secretary and executive director of the Society.
Fellows Committee—Prof. Rich- ard B. Couch, Department of Nav- al Architecture and Marine Engi- neering, the University of Michigan and honorary vice president of the
Finance Committee—Daniel D.
Strohmeier, past president of the
Journal of Ship Production Com- mittee—Prof. Howard McR.
Bunch, NAVSEA professor, the
University of Michigan.
Journal of Ship Research Com- mittee—Ralph D. Cooper, direc- tor, marine board, National Acade- my of Sciences and honorary vice president of the Society.
Long Range Planning Commit- tee—Robert T. Young, consul- tant and past president of the Socie- ty.
Marine Technology Committee—
Dr. William B. Morgan, Head,
Ship Performance Department, Da- vid W. Taylor NSRDC.
Member Insurance Committee—
Robert Axelrod, vice president, finance, J.J. Henry Co., Inc. and treasurer of the Society.
Membership Committee—Rich- ard R. Hopkins, president, JJH
Inc. of Virginia.
Nominating Committee—Don- ald E. Ridley, senior vice presi- dent and general manager, marine division, Bird-Johnson Company and vice president of the Society.
Papers Committee—Capt. Jack
A. Obermeyer, USN (Ret.), con- sultant and honorary vice president of the Society.
Pension Committee—Douglas
C. MacMillan, consultant and honorary vice president of the So- ciety.
Principles of Naval Architecture
Control Committee—John J.
Nachtsheim, consulting naval ar- chitect and past president of the
Publications Committee—Roy
L. Harrington, manager, modular construction, Newport News Ship- building and vice president of the
Scholarships Committee—Capt.
Robert E. Stark, USN (Ret.), consultant and honorary vice presi- dent of the Society.
Sections Committee—Donald E.
Ridley, senior vice president and general manager, marine division,
Bird-Johnson Company and vice president of the Society.
Technical and Research Advance
Planning Committee—Naresh M. 84 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News