Page 23: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1986)
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Eggert Appointed Sales &
Operations Coordinator
For Cleveland Tankers
David Eggert has been named sales and operations coordinator for
Cleveland Tankers, Inc., according to a recent announcement by Rob- ert B. Keifer, Ashland Petroleum
Company vice president of marine/ surface transportation and facili- ties.
Mr. Eggert's new responsibili- ties will include marketing petro- leum transportation services, vessel scheduling, maintenance and repair, purchasing, and other operational activities. He reports to both Dave
Ritchie, vice president of charter- ing, and Gerry Grammenos, as- sistant manager of fleet operations.
Located in Cleveland, Mr. Eggert came to the company with many years of experience in the marine industry.
Cleveland Tankers operates a fleet of modern petroleum products carriers on the Great Lakes, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ashland
Oil, Inc., the parent company of
Ashland Petroleum Company.
New Color Brochure
From A.W. Chesterton
Details Process Seals
A free color brochure is being offered by A.W. Chesterton Co. of
Stoneham, Mass., on their new low- cost composite process seals for pumps.
The brochure, Bulletin 72420, de- scribes the Chesterton composite seal 711 for pumps handling water or mild chemicals. Seal 711 Rotary has several advantages including: multiple non-clogging springs; 0- ring balanced design; positive posi- tioning; and no shaft sleeve wear.
The units are constructed of metals and technical composite materials meeting exacting engineering re- quirements.
In addition, the color publication also details the Chesterton 712 and 713 composite glands, designed as inexpensive, off-the-shelf replace- ments for worn-out glands, or where pumps are changed from packing to seals and a new gland is required.
Configuration drawings, photo- graphs and specification charts are included.
For your free copy of this color brochure from Chesterton,
Circle 48 on Reader Service Card
Richfield Marine Agencies
Merges As Subsidiary
Of QAF Limited Of Brunei
Established in 1982 to provide shipping agency and other marine services to vessels calling at the Port of Singapore, Richfield Marine
Agencies (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. has grown rapidly, and today is agent for more than 20 shipowners and operators all over the world, and the number of vessels husbanded by the firm continues to increase. Richfield is also active in slop trading and
Circle 150 on Reader Service Card drycargo brokerage. Its agent in the
U.S. is Cobro International, Inc. of
The company recently merged and became a subsidiary of QAF
Limited, which is owned and con- trolled by the Royal Family of the
Brunei Government. QAF is a fast- growing and dynamic public compa- ny, whose shares are listed on the stock exchanges of Singapore and
The business activities of the
QAF Group include food processing, marine supplies, trading, advertis- ing, and shipping. Richfield Marine will be the shipping arm of QAF in its future international shipping and marine-related business ven- tures, using Singapore as a base.
Richfield is currently looking into all other shipping business opportu- nities that could be developed prac- tically within the scope of the activi- ties of the QAF Group and its rela- tionship with the Brunei Govern- ment.
In June this year, Richfield was officially appointed by the Govern- ment of the Republic of Vanuatu as its special agent for the Commis- sioner of Marine Affairs in handling and promoting the Vanuatu Ship- ping Registry and other maritime services.
For further information on the services offered by Richfield Marine
Circle 42 on Reader Service Card i n cargo access, MacGregor-
Navire's experience is unrivalled. We've equipped some 25,000 vessels - including 1,200 Ro-Ros and 100 sideloaders - and delivered forty linkspans.
By the continuing development of new technology,
Navire will remain world cargo access leader.
With StackCell -for safer carriage and quicker stowage of containers on deck. And with Auto Pallet Swinger - forfaster, more efficient unitised loading.
Navies, too, can depend upon MacGregor-Navire for specialised new handling and access techniques. And harbours can benefit from MacGregor-
Navire's tested oil spill recovery system.
Wherever the world's shipping industry is heading, MacGregor-Navire will provide access - and the servicing, at more than fifty centres worldwide.
MacGregor-Navire (USA) Inc,
Dermody Street, Cranford, N.J. 07016, USA
Tel: (201) 272 8440. Telex: 4754036 MACNAV US (via ITT). Telefax: (201) 352 6048.