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Page 52: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1986)
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Louis Allis Pacer Motors
Now Available Through 50 HP —Literature Available
Louis Allis of Milwaukee, Wis., a division of Magnetek, Inc., recently announced the extension of their
Pacer line of AC motors to include open drip-proof to 50 hp, and C-
Face motors from 1 through 10 hp.
Standard Pacer motors afford- ably priced, available from stock through the Louis Allis Distribution
Center in Milwaukee, or through independent distributors nation- wide, represent the ideal motor for commercial or light industrial appli- cations.
Louis Allis is a leading producer of electric motors, adjustable speed drives, and power generation equip- ment,
Circle 54 on Reader Service Card
Tideland Signal Introduces
Frequency-Agile Racon —Literature Offered
Tideland Signal Corporation of
Houston, Texas, has recently intro- duced the SeaBeacon®, a frequency- agile radar beacon (racon) which uses microprocessor technology.
The SeaBeacon uses high-speed dig- ital signal processing to service est * § 1. i <-
Design simplicity gives Murdock Lockseal RISIC units unequaled reliability.
In fact, Murdock Lockseal Rubber
Insert Sound Isolation Couplings are so reliable they're the only RISIC units qualified for new submarine service.
They're used exclusively aboard SSN 688 and Trident Submarines. And they've been in continuous ship- board service for the U.S. Navy since 1974.
The patented* design features an advanced elastomeric seal. The seal provides omni-directional flexing between resiliently mounted machin- ery and associated piping. While it protects the piping system, the seal also attenuates sound and damps vibration.
RISIC-2 units, with separate elasto- mer moldings, and RISIC-2A units, with integral elastomer moldings, are offered in straight-through and 90 degree elbow configurations.
Murdock RISIC units come in all stan- dard pipe, sizes. And Murdock has the extensive design, manufacturing and testing facilities to engineer, pro- duce and test RISIC units in special sizes and materials.
For more information on reliable
RISIC units for your application, write or call Murdock today.
See us in Booth F6/F7 at the
Fifth International Maritime Exposition. 104
PO. Box 152278, Dept. 1500, Irving, TX 75015
Phone: 214-790-1122. TWX: 910-860-5901. Telex: 792996 •Patent Nos. 3,734.546: 4,068,864 Lockseal is a registered trademark.
Circle 281 on Reader Service Card hundreds of vessels simultaneously.
The SeaBeacon has a wide variety of applications, from use as a land- fall identification to marking off- shore platforms. The racon protects vulnerable offshore structures by re- sponding to marine radars with a distinctive coded trace which ap- pears on the radar screen, accurate- ly identifying the platform and its location in all weather.
For free literature fully describing the features and applications of the new SeaBeacon from Tideland Sig- nal Corporation,
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card
Tenn-Tom Tonnage Up
Sharply From Last Year
Tonnage moved on the Tennes- see-Tombigbee Waterway during the first six months of 1986 has sur- passed the total amount shipped last year, according to a recent an- nouncement by the Tennessee-
Tombigbee Waterway Development
Authority in Columbus, Miss.
For the period of January 1 to
June 30, the cumulative total of all shipments on the Tenn-Tom was 1,853,171 tons. A total of 1.7 million tons moved over the waterway dur- ing 1985, the initial year of opera- tion. During the first six months of 1985 the total stood at 567,000 tons.
The waterway opened to navigation in January last year.
Penske Literature
Details New Onboard
Diagnostic System
Penske GM Power, Ronkonkoma,
N.Y., recently introduced its new computerized monitor, the Penske
Onboard Diagnostic System.
The Penske system, available for all Penske Single Turbocharged en- gines, is a small (6 inches by 3 inches) microprocessor controlled, solid-state computer. Utilizing a three-digit vacuum fluorescent readout, the water and shock resis- tant unit will alert the operator to potential fault conditions, according to the manufacturer, before they become a problem.
The onboard computer monitors pressures in the airbox, measures out-flow pressures from the raw water pump, the fuel pump and the turbocharger compressor discharge, incorporates a pyrometer to mea- sure exhaust gas and gear oil tem- peratures, and even checks the water and oil.. . without even open- ing the "hood".
Penske GM Power's engineering team has brought the computer age to the hostile environment of the engine room. The high-technology of electro-optics, thermo couples and programmed computer soft- ware now allow direct interface be- tween the operator and his second largest investment, his engines. The
Penske Onboard Diagnostic System is available on Penske's line of high performance "Advantage" marine diesels and can be retrofitted to cer- tain existing marine diesels.
For further details and free litera- ture,
Circle 32 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News