Page 6: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1987)
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New Solid State Ignition
System From Fairbanks
Morse—Literature Available
Fairbanks Morse Engine Accesso- ries Operation recently announced the availability of a new solid state ignition system for six- eight- and twelve-cylinder even firing engines.
The 9000RT is an easy starting ignition generator, firing at or be- fore 50 rpm with less than 1V20 vari- ation. With its timing provided di- rectly by a signal from the magnet rotor, the magneto fires only on the compression stroke, eliminating spark waste.
Offering high primary output (225 VDC) the 9000RT provides a constant voltage reserve for broader range operating conditions. A wide- band variable timing range allows versatility to accommodate dual fuel engines or other applications requiring two ignition timing set- tings. The minimum variable timing range for four-cycle engines is 17 crankshaft degrees. On two cycle engines, the minimum range is 13 crankshaft degrees.
With moisture resistant O-rings sealing all mating surfaces, the 9000RT offers long duration spark capability for engines requiring ex- tended spark duration, such as lean burn, high compression engine sys- tems and slow-speed compression engines.
Uloit I ace Copper Blast would vvdii.Lt;:>:>. n^ to dust off your m
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On deck. When you need ROMOR" brand staves, you get them. Fast.
No waiting. No need to stockpile.
Here's why ROMOR staves are all ways right.
Less wait. Always available.
Less weight. 75% lighter than brass-backed staves.
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UHMWP backing can't corrode and "freeze" in place as metal does. Fully interchangeable with
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Less cost in the long haul. Reduced purchase, installation and mainte- nance cost.
More protection. Smooth, thin nitrile rubber lining extends bearing and shaft sleeve life.
Dependable. Qualified by U.S.
Navy to Mil-B-17901B. Class III specifications.
To wait less, reduce weight and lower costs, save your bearings with ROMOR staves. Our brochure will tell you more. Write Lucian Q.
Moffitt, Inc., P.O. Box 1415, Akron,
Ohio 44309. Or Call: (216) 733-9955.
A subsidiary of BFGoodrich
ROMOR? a registered trademark of BFGoodrich 13025MB blasting budget.
Dust (shown here from silica sand) means lower cutting efficiency and visibility and increased health hazards and clean-up costs.
COPPER BLAST (in use here) has very little dust, is low in free silica, cuts 30-50% better than lower-quality slag abrasives and up to four times better than many silica sands.
We can tell you how much the dust in your present abrasive is costing and how much you can save by using COPPER BLAST.
COPPER BLAST is a low free silica, low dust abrasive with a 30%-50% cutting advantage over lower-quality slags. It cuts up to four times faster than many silica sands. With COPPER
BLAST, job time goes down and cost effectiveness goes up.
The first step could be our COPPER BLAST Value Worksheet.
Using your project figures, you can see how much dust particles — which do no work! — are costing you. We'll also show you how COPPER BLAST can save time and money on your jobs plus the results of laboratory tests on several kinds of abrasives.
COPPER BLAST is manufactured in a new, high-tech plant and adequate supplies are always available throughout the West and Midwest
For your COPPER BLAST Value Worksheet, or for more infor- mation, call or write Hal K. Chase, Manager, Mineral Sales,
Union Pacific Resources, Box 1257, Englewood, CO 80150-1257.
Or return the reader response card in this publication.
Circle 273 on Reader Service Card
Union Pacific Resources
A Subsidiary of Union Pacific Corporation
Circle 127 on Reader Service Card
The 9000RT is designed with all of its electronic components located in the end cap, so end cap replace- ment will not affect the engine or ignition timings.
Available in universal flange or base mount versions, all units fea- ture a two-year warranty and are functionally tested before ship- ment.
Two vartime control options are available—a preset vartime control and an automatic control. The pre- set control automatically accommo- dates two different timing settings.
This capability is particularly useful in dual fuel applications. The auto- matic control accepts a 4-20 mA sig- nal from an engine controller, allow- ing the 9000RT to automatically and continuously adjust spark tim- ing for optimum performance.
For more information on the 9000RT,
Circle 27 on Reader Service Card
Daewoo Receives $1 OO-Million Order
To Build Two Tankers
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Machin- ery Ltd. of South Korea recently received a $100-million order from the Gotaas-Larsen Shipping Corpo- ration for the construction of two 280,000-dwt crude oil tankers.
The ships, which will measure 1,075 feet long with a breadth of 189 feet, are expected to be delivered during 1989.
HHI Exports Full Design
Package For Crude Carrier
To Portuguese Shipyard
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.,
Ltd. (HHI) of Korea recently an- nounced that, under an agreement concluded with the Danish ship de- sign company Burmeister & Wain
Shipdesign Aps (BWS), it is provid- ing the Portuguese shipyard Sete- nave with a complete design pack- age, including all design documenta- tion, related technical and engineer- ing information, to construct and outfit an 88,900-dwt crude carrier.
BWS, who was originally involved in the development of the above ship design with HHI, is currently acting as HHI's counterpart on be- half of Setenave. Under the agree- ment, BWS is to supervise and pro- vide a design to Setenave, which won a contract from Soponata last year to build one-plus-optional-one 88,900-dwt crude carrier.
The complete set of drawings which HHI is providing is based on the design of its Hull No. 349 (the 88,900-dwt crude carrier Golden
Fleece delivered to Argonaut AB of
Sweden in 1985) incorporating vari- ous requirements of the Portuguese project.
HHI reports that its technological capabilities can be largely attri- buted to its continued, strategic in- vestment in R&D activities.
For free literature giving full de- tails on HHI,
Circle 59 on Reader Service Card 8 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News