Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 1988)
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Coast Guard Certifies
First Passenger Sub
The U.S. Coast Guard recently certified the first passenger-carry- ing submarine, the 65-foot Atlantis
III, under Sub-chapter T of the rules and regulations for small pas- senger vessels. The certification of the vessel, which was built by Sub-
Aquatics Development Corporation, required unique adaptations to the rules.
The adaptations have produced guidelines that are expected to help simplify certification for additional submarines.
Peter Palladino Joins
SPD Technologies
As Project Engineer
Peter J. Palladirio
Peter J. Palladino has joined
SPD Technologies as project engi- neer responsible for the company's advanced new computerized battery monitoring systems.
Prior to joining the Philadelphia- based producer of electrical systems protection equipment, Mr. Palla- dino had been engineering manager for Megatran Electronic Power,
Bordentown, N.J., where he was re- sponsible for design and develop- ment of microprocessor based con- trol systems.
Hagglunds To Acquire
Dutch Crane Group
Hagglunds Marine & Offshore, a division of AB Hagglund & Soner of
Sweden, has signed an agreement under which it will acquire all the shares in the Dutch Kenz Cranes
Kenz Cranes is among the leading makers of offshore cranes in the range 5-100 t SWL. The group, which has about 60 employees at / factories at Zuiddijk in the Nether- lands and Great Yarmouth in Eng- land, has annual sales of approxi- mately $5 million.
The takeover creates interesting opportunities for Kenz Cranes through access to Hagglunds' world- wide sales organization. The pooling of the technical resources and expe- rience of the two enterprises will also strengthen their competitive position.
The activities of Hagglunds' ma- rine and offshore subsidiary in the
Netherlands, ASEA Hagglunds, will be integrated with Kenz Cranes.
Hagglunds' service to shipping in
Rotterdam will continue as before.
Hagglunds Marine & Offshore Di- vision is one of the world's leading manufacturers of deck cranes. The acquisition of Kenz Cranes secures a corresponding position in the mar- ket for offshore cranes.
For further information and free literature,
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
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With rain and sea clutter circuits OFF on PATHFINDER/ST ARPA, sea clutter extends 1.8 to 2 miles from ship, ice floe belts appear 320° to 35° additional ice clutter scattered beyond sea clutter 270° to 320° (Thick lines at 230° and 155° are RACONS).
With rain and sea clutter circuits ON, the radar picture is absolutely "clean" Sea and ice clutter are gone. All targets previously masked are clearly visible.
Superior Technology Provides
Superior Target Detection.
Thomson-Gordon Supplying
Rudder Bearings For Large
Single-Screw Motorships
A contract to supply rudder bear- ings for the largest single-screw mo- torships in the world was recently placed with Thomson-Gordon Lim- ited of Burlington, Ontario, Cana- da.
Worth over $76,000, the rudder bearings are to be installed on the five 3,800-TEU-capacity container vessels being built for American
President Lines at the HDW ship- yard in Kiel, West Germany. Mea- suring 869 feet by 129 feet, each ship is designed with two rudder bear- ings.
Cast from Thordon SXL elastom- eric polymer-alloy material, the bearings are among the largest ever made by Thomson-Gordon.
For more information and free lit- erature on Thomson-Gordon prod- ucts,
Circle 249 on Reader Service Card
True Motion with
Electronic Plotting or ARPA.
Raytheon sets radar performance stan- dards for the 21st century with technolo- gy breakthroughs that virtually eliminate noise, interference and clutter, while rec- ognizing and displaying even weak tar- gets typically lost on other radars.
The heart of this improved radar system is Raytheon's exclusive five-stage signal processing.. .we call it Superior
ST for short.
Combined with higher performance transmitters and receivers, and the latest raster displays, ST provides performance levels never before available. Now, with
PATHFINDER/ST, your vessels-and their crews-can have an important extra mea- sure of safety and efficiency, including a unique Safety-Coded CPA Circle, which shows course selections for safest CPAs.
PATHFINDER/ST is available as an
ARPA or a True Motion/Relative Motion display with Electronic Plotting. These displays can easily retrofit the displays in older Raytheon Bright Display Radar
Systems, and can be high-performance repeaters for radars of most other manufacturers.
When interfaced with an SNA-91 Integrat- ed Bridge Display, the PATHFINDER/ST
ARPA also becomes a key sensor/deci- sion-aid in a complete shipboard naviga- tion and control system.
Target Detection.
Using increased signal-to-noise levels, high dynamic range, precisely matched pulse bandwidths, and exclusive Rain
Rate circuits, PATHFINDER/ST receiv- ers faithfully capture target returns even in severe clutter.
PATHFINDER/ST multistage processing analyzes, compares, tests, and samples the received signal so that all detected targets, no matter how weak in signal strength, are distinguished from clutter and clearly displayed. 14 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News