Page 10: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1988)
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Ulstein Group Becoming
A Major Force
In Ship Equipment
Following amalgamation with the
BMV Group (Bergens Mekaniske
Verksteder A.S.), the Ulstein Group has become one of the largest com- panies in Norway producing equip- ment for ships. Ulstein has held a majority interest in BMV in recent years and has now considered it appropriate to combine the two groups. This means that the Ulstein
Group, with over 2,000 employees, stands out as a central force in the sale of Norwegian ship design and equipment in international markets.
The company Ulstein Interna- tional A.S. will be responsible for the marketing and sale of what will be one of Europe's broadest product ranges to ships from one supplier.
This wealth of resources will pro- vide the Ulstein Group with the increased investment potential throughout its 30 companies estab- lished in nine countries. Investment areas will include the sole remaining
Norwegian-owned engine manufac- turer Bergen Diesel, deck machin- ery, rudders, propellers, steering systems, tank systems and electron- ic remote control equipment. They will also include the extensive activ- ities in the field of ship design car- ried out by three of these compa- nies.
In recent years, the Ulstein Group has increased investment in the de- velopment of high-technology ship- equipment and design. Greater re- sources have also been directed to- ward the development of service functions in the production compa- nies.
Shipbuilding and repairing will continue to play a significant role in the activities of the Ulstein group through BMV Laksevag A/S in
Bergen and Ulstein Hatlo A/S in
Ulsteinvik and subsidiaries.
For more information and free lit- erature on the Ulstein Group,
Circle 40 on Reader Service Card
Textron Marine Wins
USCG Contract Worth $2.3 Million
Textron Marine Systems (TMS), a division of Textron Inc., was awarded a $2.3-million contract for the detail design and construction of a U.S. Coast Guard 47-foot proto- type motor lifeboat, according to an announcement by company presi- dent John J. Kelly.
The contract also contains an op- tion to order five additional motor lifeboats after completion of the prototype.
The all-aluminum motor lifeboats will be built at the TMS facility in
New Orleans, La. Construction will begin early next year and completed in December 1989.
The Coast Guard plans to use the new motor lifeboats to replace 100 20-year-old lifeboats currently in service.
For free literature on the boat- building and designing services of- fered by TMS,
Circle 10 on Reader Service Card
Oregon Ports Group Offers
New Eight-Page, Full-Color
Brochure On Facilities
The Oregon Ports Group (OPG), comprised of four deepwater ports in Astoria, Coos Bay, Portland, and
St. Helens, is offering a new eight- page, full-color brochure describing the facilities and capabilities of the four ports, as well as pointing up that as a group, they cooperate to assure a favorable business environ- ment within Oregon for fabrication projects.
Describing the OPG as a market- ing association supporting oil indus- try projects, the brochure states that the Oregon legislature recently rewrote key segments of the state electrical safety code to make it eas- ier for Oregon ports to compete in fabricating oil modules destined for use on the Alaskan north slope.
Colorful maps and photographs accompany the descriptive material in the brochure.
For more information and a free copy of the brochure from the Ore- gon Ports Group,
Circle 64 on Reader Service Card
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With COMSAT Maritime Services, ou can get the high quality that satel- ite calling offers at rates that are lower than anywhere else. You pay our new through-rate of $8 per minute—ship to our Coast Earth Station then to Europe (one low price).. .free of hidden charges or add-ons. And every call is backed by the technology and reliable service that has put COMSAT at the forefront of international satellite communications.
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Circle 175 on Reader Service Card 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News