Page 24: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1988)
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Damaged Navy Frigate
Transported From Gulf
By Heavylift Ship
The mine-damaged U.S. Navy fri- gate USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG- 58) was recently loaded onto the heavylift vessel Mighty Servant 2 at
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for transport back to the U.S. for re- pairs.
According to Dutch company
Wijsmuller Transport, who operates the Mighty Servant 2, the U.S. Navy selected dry transport of the frigate because of the method's safety and speed. Because of the severe hull damage sustained by the frigate when she struck a mine in the Per- sian Gulf, a wet tow would have been risky. On board the Mighty
Servant 2, the keel of the USS Sam- uel B. Roberts is completely sup- ported and she is not exposed to the battering forces of the sea.
Following her loading, welders se- cured the USS Samuel B. Roberts to the deck of the Mighty Servant 2 by seafastenings, so that the vessel would not shift during the 7,800 nautical mile voyage.
During the voyage, the Mighty
Servant 2 will provide the frigate with water and electricity, so that the frigate's 40-man crew can per-
From Concept to Reality 010 \ f xr^:
RANGE 6 nm
CD-N vV50 • . p x / ' tf • \p - - 'iNS - ~ ~
HR 2000 HR 3000
The new generation Concept radar systems from Kelvin Hughes provide a unique and flexible approach to ergonomic bridge layout.
Concept HR series has been developed to achieve total radar system integration in either existing vessels or bridge designs for the 90's.
The high-resolution monitor, keyboard and processor can be situated remotely in any configuration - either bulkhead, deck console, deck head or desk mounted, or can form one fully-integrated unit in which the monitor angles can be adjusted to suit operator preference. Additional remote monochrome or colour monitors can also be included in the Concept package.
Concept HR systems offer Relative
Motion, True Motion and ARPA facilities, combined with E-Plot II, an enhanced version of the unique Kelvin Hughes electronic plotting program. Identical positioning of keyboard controls for these features throughout the range assists operational confidence and familiarity.
Now, all ship data and status can be ideally zoned for instant assimilation, making Concept HR the perfect radar system for today's navigational realities.
VRM 4"25nm ^k^LVIM HUGHES ' \ C n A subsidiary company of Smiths Industries pic.
Kelvin Hughes Ltd.,
New North Road, Hainault, Ilford,
Essex, IG6 2UR. England.
Telephone: 01-500 1020 (National) +44 1 S00 1020 (International)
Telefax: 01-S00 0837 (National) + 44 1 500 0837 (International)
Telex: 896401 KELHUE G.
Circle 201 on Reader Service Card 30 form some maintenance during the trip.
Wijsmuller operates a fleet of eight semisubmersible heavylift ves- sels and has extensive experience in transporting large, heavy and awk- ward cargoes such as drill rigs, dredging equipment, floating plants, etc.
For free literature detailing Wijs- muller's services,
Circle 63 on Reader Service Card
New BFGoodrich Plant
Now Manufacturing
Cutless Brand Bearings
LQMoffitt's Robert Gilson, director of sales and marketing, with 14-inch I.D. Cutless bearings produced at new BFGoodrich plant in Wilmington, N.C.
Cutless® brand bearings and re- lated marine products marketed by
LQMoffitt, Inc. are now in full pro- duction at the new BFGoodrich fa- cility in Wilmington, N.C.
The manufacturing operations for these products were relocated from
Akron, Ohio, to the Wilmington plant for improved service to
LQMoffitt customers, advanced fa- cility capabilities, and increased production area.
Among the Cutless bearings pro- duced and shipped are 14-inch I/D full-molded brass-shell bearings slated for installation on a national and international oceangoing tug- boat.
LQMoffitt is a subsidiary of
BFGoodrich and the exclusive mar- keting arm for its marine industry products. Sales offices for LQMof- fitt remain at the company's Akron headquarters.
For additional information and free literature,
Circle 28 on Reader Service Card
CRSA, Hyundai Sign
Steamship Service Pact
The Columbia River Shippers As- sociation (CRSA), Portland, Ore., and Hyundai Merchant Marine,
Seoul, South Korea, have signed a steamship service contract that will bring containerized import cargoes from the Far East by ship to Port- land at reduced rates for local busi- nesses.
The contract is the first executed by the CRSA with a steamship line.
The agreement provides for Hyun- dai to carry to Portland a minimum of 500 forty-foot containers between
July 1, 1988 and February 28, 1989.