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Harold M. Thibodeaux (left), president, Con-Tech Power Systems, Inc., and Gerry Thomas, sales engineer, Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc., dockside of the U.S. Army's LSV-4, built by Moss Point Marine, Inc., New Orleans, La.
Con-Tech Supplies Siemens
Electrical Control Components
For Logistic Support Vessels
Con-Tech Power Systems of
Pearlington, Miss., marked a signifi- cant milestone, when it was selected to supply the entire list of electrical control components required for the
Logistic Support Vessel (LSV) con- struction program at Moss Point
Marine, Inc., New Orleans, La.
The selection of Con-Tech as the sole supplier of the entire electrical component package is significant because it is rare that one manufac- turer produces the wide variety of controls necessary to outfit a ship of an LSV's size, 274 feet overall length, and then be able to supply the equipment at a competitive price.
Similar in design to World War II landing craft, LSVs have RO/RO cargo capability with a wide variety of systems powered and operated electrically—from the bow loading ramp to the steering gear at the stern.
Michael Roberts, president of
MTR Design Consultants, Metarie,
La., was assigned the critical job of designing the major electrical and control systems on board the LSVs.
Mr. Roberts put together a pack- age consisting of the electrical I- inline diagrams and load specifica- tions for the main and auxiliary gen- erators, electrical distribution pan- els and the various horsepower rat- ings of the servo control motors on the board the vessel. The package was then sent out for bids to certain suppliers who are familiar with this kind of project. After reviewing the bids, Moss Point and MTR selected
Con-Tech. "When we reviewed the bids," said Mr. Roberts, "we decided to go with Con-Tech because they of- fered the low bid and all the switch- ing, distribution and control compo- nents were specified from a single, well-known manufacturer—Siem- ens."
Harold Thibodeaux, president of Con-Tech, said, "Working with
MTR to develop the necessary cir- cuitry and controls diagrams came first. The next step was to procure the equipment from Siemens, then assemble the equipment within our facility. We then apply our expertise and technology to the already exist- ing Siemens technology and put to- gether a marine package."
Con-Tech was contracted to de- velop and supply materials and equipment in three general categor- ies—a ship service switchboard de- sign, a complete listing of compo- nents, as well as the components themselves.
Generator control consists of a main generator motor control panel with a manual paralleling capabili- ty, and a distribution switchboard with over 40 molded case circuit breakers. A separate control panel and switchboard for the emergency generator was also constructed by
A five-section motor control cen- ter handles power and reduced-volt- age distribution to the various indi- vidual motor starter controls. Ap- proximately 20 reduced-voltage, single- and three-phase starters ac- tivate the steering gear, ventilation equipment, air compressors and many other systems on board the vessels.
Mr. Thibodeaux said the suc- cess of this project was due in part to the benefits realized from sourc- ing controls from a single supplier. "First of all, our bid situation was greatly enhanced because we were able to source from one supplier.
Secondly, the cooperation from
Gerry Thomas, Siemens sales en- gineer, also went a long way in pro- viding us with the numbers we needed to win the contract."
For free literature detailing the full line of Siemens electrical con- trol components offered by Con-
Tech Power Systems,
Circle 108 on Reader Service Card
Pacific Ship Awarded
Maintenance Contract
For Aircraft Carriers
Pacific Ship Repair & Fabrica- tion, Inc., a San Diego ship repair company, has been awarded a one- year contract to provide mainte- nance, upkeep and repair for air- craft carriers homeported in San
Diego, Calif.
The indefinite quality contract will initially be funded by the Naval
Sea Systems Command for $1,416,429, which is 5 percent of the firm's winning proposal price of $28,328,585.
Technology Applications
Awarded $10-Million
HM&E Contract
Technology Applications, Inc. (TAI), Norfolk, Va., a professional and technical services firm, has been awarded a $10-million, three- year contract by the Naval Supply
Center in Norfolk to provide engi- neering and technical support ser- vices for Hull, Mechanical, and
Electrical (HM&E) systems/equip- ment on Atlantic Fleet ships for the
Naval Sea Support Center, Atlantic (CENLANT). TAI's Engineering and Industrial Support Division has provided similar services to the
Navy since 1985.
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