Page 30: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1988)
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Alabama Dry Dock
Avondale Shipyards
USS Lexington (AVT-16)
USS Radford (DD-968)
SVALUE 10.131,466 20.700.000 52.100.000
COMP. 8/90 5/89 5/93
USS Willamette (A0-180)
USNS Monongahela (AO- CONV 45.100,000 — 177) & USNS Cimarron (AO-178)
Bath Iron Works 4 USCG cutters ROH 117.452.000 89
USS Samuel B. Roberts REP 27.300.000 11/89 (FFG-58) 3.998.653
Bay Shipbuilding Mormactide (MarAd) CONV 19.847.786 10/89
Bender Shipbuilding Cape Farewell & REP 600,000 —
Cape Flattery (MarAd)
HLT-1 ROH & DD 400.000 —
SS Gulf Merchant, REP & DD — —
SS Gulf Banker,
SS Gulf Trader &
SS Gulf Shipper (MarAd)
Bethlehem Steel—
Sparrows Point USS Barney (DDG-6) DSRA 3.305.013 1/89
Charleston Naval Yard USS Andrew Jackson OH 112,058.684 3/90 (SSBN-619)
USS Woodrow Wilson OH 120.928.007 3/89 (SSBN-624)
USS Henry L REF 19,673.812 8/89
Stimson (SSBN-655) & USS Mariano J.
Vallejo (SSBN-658)
USS Von Steuben ERP 9,370,334 3/90 (SSBN-632)
Continental Maritime USS Lang (FF-1060) PMA 3.200,000 10/88
USS Rentz (FFG-46) DSRA 4.400.000 12/88
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) SRA 6,855,930 3/89
USS Ranger (CV-61) REP 4,006,893 10/88
Jacksonville Shipyards USNS Marshfield UPG 7.028.147 12/89 (T-AK-282) (MSC)
Jonathan Shipyard USS Saginaw (LST-1188) PM 9,900.000 6/90
Long Beach Naval Yard LPH Class Ships PM 8,096,132 10/90
Metro Machine Atlantic Fleet LPDs PM 5,334.400 8/91
USS Bowen (FF-1079) OH 6,900.000 —
USS Claude V. DSRA 4.100.000 10/88
Ricketts (DDG-5)
NASSCO 4 LSTs PM 3.500,000 90 3 LSTs MAINT 5.858,543 —
Newport News
Shipbuilding USS Newport News PSA 3.400.000 1/89 (SSN-750)
Support Barge REP 48,095,123 7/89
USS Key West (SSN-722) PSA 38.000,000 12/88
USS George C. Marshall REF 11,172.200 10/88 (SSBN-654)
USS Abraham Lincoln PSA 3.000.000 4/90 (CVN-72)
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) OH 9,800,000 9/91
Norfolk Naval Yard USS Baton Rouge (SSN-689) SRA 5,462,494 10/88
USS Memphis (SSN-691) SRA 8.486.562 10/88
USS Hyman G, Rickover SRA 9.055,518 3/90 (SSN-709)
Norfolk Shipbuilding AO-178, 179 & 186 PM 38,900.000 —
USS Lawrence (DDG-4) REP 4.966.666 —
Mormacsea & UPG 7,973.482 —
Mormacsaga (RRF) 12/88 North Florida Shipyards USS Paul (FF-1080) REP 3.632.240
Northwest Marine
Iron Works USS Anchorage (LSD-36) ROH 15.300,000 11/88
USNS Kawashiwi (T-AO-146) DD & OH 4.775.510 —
USS Okinawa (LPH-3) ROH • 14,091.106 1/89
Pennsylvania 91 Shipbuilding USS Patterson (FF-1061) PM 5-10mil/yr
USS Butte (AE-27), PMA 69,000,000 93
USS Nitro (AE-23) & USS Suribachi (AE-21)
Philadelphia Navy Yard USS Independence (CV-62) SLEP 240,000,000 —
USS Kidd (DDG-993) OH 35,000,000 9/89
Portsmouth Naval Yard USS Kamehameha ROH 112,100,000 11/88 (SSBN-642)
USS Albuquerque SRA 11,416,336 11/88 (SSN-706) &
USS Philadelphia (SSN-690)
Puget Sound Naval Yard USS Nimitz (CVN-68) REP & OH — 89
USS Alexander Hamilton ROH 110,713,798 11/89 (SSBN-617)
Robert E. Derecktor USS Connole (FF-1056) ROH 2,500,000 —
Service Engineering USNS Spica (T-AFS-9) OH 10,700,000 —
AE-29, 32-34 PM 4,154,000 89
USS Mauna Kea (AE-22) PMA 4,000,000 1/89
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) SRA 4,858,686 3/89
Southwest Marine USS Dubuque (LPD-8) OH 10,000,000
USS O'Brien (DD-975) REP & UPG 2,300,000 11/89
USS Jarrett (FFG-33) EDSRA 12,900,000 10/89
USS George Philip EDSRA 10,758,483 4/89 (FFG-12)
USS Wichita (AOR-l) REP 41,600,000 — & USS Kansas (A0R-3)
LST-1185, -1186 & -1191 OH 35,000,000 87-89
USS Anchorage (LSD-36) ROH 15,048,870 11/88
USS Stein (FF-1065) ROH 9,148,194 10/88
USS Knox (FF-1052) ROH 8,092,380 2/89
USS Thach (FFG-43) DSRA 9,920,280 3/89
USS McClusky (FFG-41)
Stevens Technical
Services Patriot State (MarAd) REP 689,000 10/88
Tacoma Boatbuilding USNS Hayes (T-AG-195) CONV 33,878,232 3/90
Tampa Shipyards T-ACS-7 & 8 CONV 43,158,333 10/88
Todd-Seattle 8 WHECs OH 234,903,000 2/91
Triple A Machine Shop SS Petersburg (MarAd) REP 346,769 12/88
Golden State (MarAd) REP 409,249 11/88
USCG-Curtis Bay 14 buoy tenders SLEP 8,500,000 — 16 WMECs MAINT —
Legend: CONV-Conversion; DEACT-Deactivation; DSRA-Docking Selected Restricted Avail- ability; EDSTRA-Extended Docking Selected Restricted Availability; MAINT-Maintenance;
MODIF-Moficiation; MMA-Major Maintenance Availability; OH-Overhaul; PM-Phased Mainte- nance; PMA-Phased Maintenance Availability; PSA-post-Shakedown Availability; REF-refit;
REP-Repair; ROH-Reglar Overhaul; SER-Service; SLEP-Service Life Extension Program;
SRA-Selected Restricted Availability; UPG-Upgrade.
Major Navy Contracts (continued) $7,960,831 firm-fixed-price contract for the
Selected Restricted Availability of USS En- terprise (CVN-65). The work is expected to be completed in March 1989. The Supervi- sor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair,
San Francisco, Calif., is the contracting activity (N00024-85-H-8218).
Raytheon Service Company, Virginia
Beach. Va., was awarded a $4,000,000 time and delivery order under a basic ordering agreement for repair of critically required components of NATO Seasparrow and Tar- tar systems. The work will be completed in
June 1989. The Navy Ships Parts Control
Center, Mechanicsburg, Pa., is the con- tracting activity (N00104-87-G-A026).
August 5
Service Engineering Company, San Fran- cisco, Calif., was awarded a $6,855,930 firm-fixed-price contract for the Selected
Restricted Availability of USS Enterprise (CVN-65). The work is expected to be com- pleted March 31. 1989. The Supervisor of
Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, San
Francisco, Calif., is the contracting activity (N00024-85-H-8217).
August 8
Westmont Industries, Santa Fe Springs,
Calif., was awarded a $24,090,000 firm- fixed-price contract for the construction of five 100-ton floating cranes. The Naval Fa- cilities Engineering Command, Northern Di- vision, Philadelphia, Pa., is the contracting activity (N 6247 2-87-C-1455).
August 11
Continental Maritime, San Diego, Calif., was awarded a $4,006,893 firm-fixed-price contract for tank repairs and preservation, and piping system, air conditioning plant and machinery repair services for USS Ran- ger (CV-61). The Supervisor of Shipbuilding,
Conversion and Repair, USN, San Diego,
Calif., was the contracting activity (N00024- 85-H-8212.)
August 15
Service Engineering Company, San Fran cisco, Calif., was awarded a $4,858,686 firm-fixed-price contract for the Selected
Restricted Availability of USS Enterprise (CVN 65). The work is expected to be com- pleted in March 1989. The Supervisor of
Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN,
San Francisco, Calif., is the contracting activity (N00024-85-H-8217).
August 17
Charleston Naval Shipyard, Charleston,
S.C., was awarded a $9,370,334 firm-fixed- price assignment for the Extended Refit
Period (ERP) for USS Von Steuben (SSBN 632). The work is expected to be completed in March 1990. The Naval Sea Systems
Command, is the requesting activity.
August 18
Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Sparrows
Point, Md., was awarded a $3,305,013 firm- fixed-price contract for Drydock Selected
Restricted Availability for USS Barney (DDG-6). The work is expected to be com- pleted on January 13, 1989. Naval Sea Sys- tems Command is the contracting activity (N00024-85-8129).
August 23
AT&T Technologies Incorporated, Greens- boro, N.C., was awarded a $3,813,530 mod- ification to a previously awarded cost-plus- fixed-fee contract for oceanographic ser- vices, The Space and Naval Warfare Sys- tems Command, Washington, D.C., was the contracting activity (N00039-88-C-0069).
August 29
Clyde G. Steagall, DBA Mid Valley Elec- tric, Rio Linda, Calif., was awarded a $4,173,950 firm-fixed-price contract for the upgrade of an electrical distribution system at the Naval Shipyard, Mare Island, Calif.
Work is expected to be completed in Febru- ary 1990. The Naval Facilities Engineering
Command, Western Division, San Bruno,
Calif., is the contracting activity (N62474- (continued) 34 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News