Page 34: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1988)
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Halter Marine Delivers First Of Six
U.S. Navy Ocean Surveillance Ships
In $85-Million Contract
Halter Marine Inc. recently deliv- ered the U.S. Naval Ship Adventur- ous, the first of six identical T-
AGOS ocean surveillance ships un- der construction at Halter for the
Navy with a total contract value of approximately $85 million.
The Adventurous is the 11th of 18 planned monohull T-AGOS-class ships to join the Navy's ocean sur- veillance program.
Operated by the Military Sealift
Command (MSC) and manned by civilian technicians, the Adventur- ous will monitor the movement of submarines by deploying towed lin- ear arrays of hydrophones known as the Surveillance Towed Array Sonar
System (SURTASS).
The SURTASS system is com- prised of flexible, neutrally buoyant cable containing a large number of passive microphones, each tuned to specific frequencies enabling identi- fication of noises made by subma- rines many miles away.
The data is processed and trans- mitted to shore via satellite, where it supplements information from seabed arrays.
The all-steel Adventurous is 224 feet long, with a 43-foot beam, and
The Caterpillar-powered Adventurous car- ries nine officers, 11 crew, and 10 techni- cians. In addition to the usual living spaces, she has a recreation room, exercise room, ship's store, and a self-service laundry. 15-foot 1-inch draft. Main propul- sion and other ship's service is die- sel-electric, provided by four Cater- pillar-Kato 600-kw diesel generators driving two General Electric motors.
Power is transmitted through two shafts and full load displacement is approximately 2,300 long tons.
Maximum speed is approximately 11 knots and normal operating speed is about three knots.
The fourth Halter T-AGOS ship will be christened in the fall of 1988, and the company will soon begin construction of a Halter-designed 263-foot oceanographic research ship for the U.S. Navy. The new class 3,200-ton, diesel electric, $20.9-million, dynamically posi- tioned AGOR 23 will be operated by the University of Washington.
Halter Marine Inc. is one of the
Trinity Marine Group of shipbuild- ing companies.
For more information and free lit- erature on the facilities and capabil- ities of Halter Marine,
Circle 22 on Reader Service Card
Major Navy Contracts (continued) contract was the Navy Ships Parts Control
Center, Mechanicsburg. Pa. (N00039-87-C- 0168).
Raytheon's Submarine Signal Division,
Portsmouth. R.I., was awarded a $406 mil- lion contract for MK2 combat control sys- tems for SSN-688 and SSBN-762 class sub- marines. The work is to be completed Sep- tember 1992. Awarding the contract was the Naval Sea Systems Command (N00024- 88-C-6067).
September 29
Halter Marine Inc., New Orleans, La., was awarded a $10.1 million contract for the construction of three 100-ton floating cranes. The work is to be completed April 1990. Awarding the contract was the Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, Philadel- phia, Pa. (N62472-88-C-1460).
September 30
National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San
Diego, Calif., was awarded a $3.2 million contract for Post Shakedown Availability for
USS Lake Champlain (CG-57). The work is to be completed June 30, 1989. Awarding the contract was the Naval Sea Systems
Command (N00024-88-C-2016).
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry
Dock Co., Newport News, Va., was awarded a $9.8 million modification to a contract for preparation for the complex overhaul of
USS Enterprise (CVN-65). The work is to be completed Sept. 30, 1991. Awarding the contract was the Naval Sea Systems Com- mand. Washington (N00024-86-C-2078).
Honeywell Inc., Everett, Wash., was awarded a $12.3 million modification to a contract for materials and services for AN/
BQS-14A sonars. The work is to be com- pleted August 1992. Awarding the contract was the Naval Sea Systems Command (N00024-87-C-6105).
Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine, was awarded a $27.3 million modification to a contract for repair services for USS Sam- uel B. Roberts (FFG-58). The work is to be completed Nov. 13. 1989. Awarding the contract was the Naval Sea Systems Com- mand (N00024-88-R-8520).
Ingalls Shipbuilding Inc., Pascagoula,
Miss., was awarded a $341.4 million modifi- cation to a contract for the design and con- struction of LHD-4, a Wasp class amphibious assault ship. The work is to be completed
April 1994. Awarding the contract was the
Naval Sea Systems Command (N00024-86-
B. F. Goodrich Co., Uniontown, Ohio, was awarded a $9.8 million contract for 850
MK-6 lifeboat assemblies. Work is to be completed April 1990. Awarding the con- tract was the Navy Ships Parts and Control
Center, Mechanicsburg, Pa. (N00104-88-G- 0210).
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Maritime Reporter/Engineering News