Page 40: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1988)
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Lgth-Wdth-Dft (in feet)
Amorella Car/Pass. Ferry 555&x90!4xi9^ 37,500 gt SEMT Pilestick-
SF Line Brodosplit
Auto Diana Car Carrier 65454x106x27 48,000 t MAN B&W-KHIC Pan Ocean Shipping Daewoo Shipbuilding
Castillo De Burton Bulk Carrier 787x118x39 74,000 dwt Sulzer-AESA Elcano AESA
CGM La Perouse Containership 750xl05'/2x34 41,900 dwt Sulzer Compagnie Generate
Heavy Industries
Charles B. Renfrew Tanker 7841/2X1 22X36 77,414 dwt 44,840 gt
MAN B&W-MHI (2) Chevron Transport Corp. Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries
Crown Odyssey Cruise Ship 616X92'/2X23 40,000 gt Krupp MaK (4) Royal Cruise Line Meyer Werft
Eternal Ace Car Carrier 654x106x32 55,380 gt 18,701 dwt
MAN B&W-Mitsui Perennial Motors
Transport Inc.
Mitsui Engineering &
Kunisaki Maru Ore Carrier I,033xl70'/2x59 227,960 dwt 110,039 gt
MAN B&W-Hitachi Friend Shipping Hitachi Zosen
McDermott DB 50 Crane Ship 495X151X31 29,722 gt Allen (5)' Lombard Initial
Leasing Ltd.
North East
Shipbuilders Ltd.
Micoperi 7000 Semisub Crane Barge 574X285X34»/2 18,670 dwt GMT (10)2 Micoperi SpA Fincantieri-CNI
Nils Dacke Rail Ferry 581x84V2x20 24.000 t MAN B&W (4) Rederi AB Swedcarrier Schichau-Seebeckwerft
North King RO/RO 275'/2x52y2xl7>/2 3,056 dwt 1,905 gt
Wartsila Vasa Antares Shipping J.J. Sietas
Oden Icebreaker 353'/2X82X23 13,000 gt Sulzer (4) National Swedish
Administration of
Shipping & Navigation
Gotaverken Arendal
President Polk Containership 902X129X41 75,862 t Sulzer-KHIC American President Line Bremer Vulkan
President Truman Containership 902x129x41 75,862 t Sulzer-KHIC American President Line Howaldswerke
Deutsche Werft
Royal Viking Sun Cruise Ship 669x95x23 36,000 gt Sulzer-Wartsila (4) Royal Viking Line Wartsila Marine
Seaward Cruise Ship 708'/2X95X23 42,000 gt Sulzer-Wartsila (4) Kloster Cruise Ltd. Wartsila Marine
Shoushone Spirit Tanker 809'/2x 139x47 110,000 dwt Sulzer-3. Maj Teekay Shipping 3. Maj
Torm Margrethe Product Tanker 750x106x38 60,000 dwt MAN B&W K/S Margretheholm Burmeister & Wain
Walter S. Diehl Oiler 667l/2x97V2x36 42,000 t Colt-Pielstick (2) U.S. Navy Avondale Industries
Yukong Frontier VLCC 1,056x184x65 254,000 dwt MAN B&W-Hyundai Yukong Line Ltd. HHI
Footnotes: 1. Each engine directly coupled to Brush Electrical Machines single-bearing brushless alternators; 2. Eight engines each drive an Ansaldo 1 Okv, 60Hz alternator rated at 5,600 kw, while remaining diesel engines each drive a lOkv, 60Hz alternator rated at 2,800 kw for harbor/port service. gravity, the Shoushone Spirit has an overall length of 809-1/2 feet, breadth of 139.3 feet, and design draft of 47.3 feet. Her main propul- sion engine is a slow-speed, reversi- ble turbocharged diesel Sulzer- 3.Maj 5RTA72 unit that has a maxi- mum continuous rating of 13,852 hp at 78 rpm. The engine is designed to operate on both diesel and heavy fuel up to 420 cSt at 50 degrees C (4000 Redwood at 38 degrees C).
She has a service speed of 14.6 knots.
The tanker is constructed in ac- cordance with the rules of Lloyd's
Register of Shipping, for the class + 100A1 +LMC, UMS, IGS, OIL
TANKER. Her degree of automa- tion conforms to the rules and re- quirements of the classification so- ciety for unattended machinery space.
The materials used for her shell and structure are shipbuilding steel and high tensile steel.
Electrical power is provided by three diesel generators of about 1,050 kva each. The diesel generator engines are four-stroke, turbo- charged, water-cooled models, di- rectly coupled to the generators, and can be operated on diesel, as well as mixed heavy fuel up to 420 cSt at 50 degrees C (4000 Redwood at 38 degrees C). One emergency diesel generator rated at 200 kva at 1,800 rpm has also been installed.
The Shoushone Spirit is fitted with two 15-ton-capacity hydraulic slewing cranes, intended for han- dling manifold connection hoses for loading/discharging oil cargo.
The ship's 16 cargo tanks have a total capacity of 123,000 cubic me- ters with additional capacity of 2,500 cubic meters in her slop tanks.
Each of the four segregations is equipped with a separate steam tur- bine driven centrifugal cargo pump employing dry saturated steam at 16 bars pressure. The total cargo dis- charge capacity amounts to 8,000 cubic meter/hour at cargo density of 1.025 t/cubic meters and 1 cSt vsi- cosity at 50 degrees C. The cargo pumps net positive suction height amounts to 120 meters. Cargo heat- ing is provided by steam cargo heat- ers using the steam pressure of 8 bars, and providing the cargo tem- perature of 66 degrees C, even when surrounding air temperature drops to 2 degrees C, and at sea tempera- ture is 5 degrees C.
Burmeister & Wain
This year, Burmeister & Wain
Skibsvaerft A/S, Copenhagen, Den- mark, delivered the 750-foot prod- uct tanker Torm Margrethe to the
Danish shipping company Torm, under a contract from K/S Margre- theholm, a partnership of Danish tax investors.
The single-screw tanker was the eighth in a series of Panamax prod- uct tankers, type CPT54E, built by
Burmeister & Wain. She has a beam of 106 feet and draft of 38 feet, and is powered by a single five-cylinder two-stroke MAN B&W Diesel
L70MCE main engine, which devel- ops 10,900 bhp at 84 rpm. She is fit- ted with a four-bladed propeller with a diameter of 23.6 feet. She has an average speed of 15.1 knots at a loaded design draft/ballasted condi- tion of 90 percent.
In her engine room, the Torm
Margrethe has four auxiliary en- gines—two six-cylinder MAN B&W
T23LH-4E diesel engines each di- rect coupled to a 600-kw generator and two eight-cylinder MAN B&W
L28/32 diesel engines each coupled to a hydraulic pump of 1,680 kw.
One is also coupled to a 1,200-kw generator.
The bridge is equipped with the modern navigation equipment such as a direction finder, radar, satellite communication system, satellite
Equipment List
Main engine MAN B&W Diesel
Auxiliary engines . . . MAN B&W Holeby
Boilers Aalborg Marine
Generators ABB Kraft
Electric motors AEG Dansk Akts.
Radars Krupp Atlas
Radio station Dansk Radio
Gyro/autopilot .... Aage Hempel Int'l
Remote sounding Austronica
Bridge maneuvering system & alarm system S0ren T. Lyngs0
Cargo oil pumps Frank Mohn
Cooling water pumps Desmi
Purifiers Alfa Laval Zeta
Steering gear Porsgrunn
Windlass & mooring Pusnes
Fire equipment Ginge-Kerr
Fire equipment Walter Kidde
Hose-handling cranes MTT
Lifeboats Fassmer
Pipelines .... Ludvigsen & Hermansen
Painting of cargo tanks .... MUhlhann
Painting of ballast tanks . . . . Ole Dufour
Paints, cargo tanks J. C. Hempel
Other paints Internationa
Farvefabrik 44 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News