Page 42: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1988)
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Equipment List
Main engine MAN B&W-Hyundai
Propeller Hyundai-Kobe Steel
Generator engine Daihatsu
Radio equipment/VHF JRC
Doppler docking system & radar Krupp-Atlas Elektronik
Gyrocompass/autopilot Hokushin
SatCom JRC
Main switchboard, HP-LP displacement board & motor control gear
Monitoring system . . . Valmet-Hyundai
E/R control console Hyunda
Electric cable Yeonhab
Steering gear MHI
Deck machinery Pusnes-Hyundai
Hose-handling crane . Hagglund-Hyundai
Store & provision crane Hagglund-Hyundai
Inert gas plant Gadelius
Cargo oil pumping system with turbine Naniwa-Eureka
Tank cleaning machine Aall
Shop primer Korea Chemical
Paint Korea Chemical/IPR
Remote valve control system . . Nakakita
Galley equipment Electrolux
AC/refrigeration Namirei
Stern tube seal Kobe Steel
Centrifugal piston pump Naniwa
FW generator Atlas-Sasakur
Purifier MKK
Boiler & economizer MHI
Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. (HHI) in
Korea delivered the 254,000-dwt
Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC)
Yukong Frontier to her owner, Yu- kong Line Ltd. The ship is the stan- dard type developed by Hyundai
Shipyard, and the first in a series of three VLCCs ordered for Yukong
Last year, HHI introduced a new design for for a 254,000-dwt class
VLCC developed by its research in- stitute, HMRI (Hyundai Maritime
Research Institute. HMRI carried out model testing for performance prediction and performed a three- dimensional finite element analysis using coarse mesh for structural analysis.
Yukong Frontier is a flush deck type ship without forecastle and has a cylindrical bow and transom stern.
The ship has six center cargo oil tanks, three pairs of side cargo oil tanks and one pair of slop tanks at her side, with a cargo oil capacity of 303,000 m3. She is able to load and discharge three different kinds of cargo oil simultaneosuly with an av- erage cargo unloading rate of 15,000 m3/h using three main cargo pumps.
The cargo loading rate of the ship reaches approximately 20,000 m3/h through the cargo manifolds.
The Yukong Frontier has an over- all length of 1,056 feet, breadth of 184 feet and design draft of 65 feet.
She is powered by a two-stroke, tur- bocharged, reversible type MAN
B&W-Hyundai 6S80MC diesel en- gine developing an MCR of 22,110 bhp at 67.7 rpm and an NCR of 19,900 bhp at 65.4 rpm. Electric power is supplied by three 800-kw diesel generators and one 250-kw emergency generator.
The Yukong Frontier is equipped with both an adaptive steering auto- pilot system and microcomputer system for fuel and manpower sav- ings.
Classed by ABS 1 (E), "Oil Car- rier," and MS, CCU, IGS, COW, PL,
PL, SBT of ABS, and +KSE, "Oil
Carrier," +MKS, MA of KR, the ship has highly advanced automatic systems which enable the crew to control and monitor all essential functions with regard to the ship's operation, starters, generator power management system, etc. •
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Maritime Reporter/Engineering News