Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1989)
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"RECALL" key.
NMEA 0180 is standard on the
Portable ML-8000 for autopilot and
CDX outputs.
Circle 1 on Reader Service Card
Naval Electronics, Inc., Tampa,
Fla., has recently introduced the
HTS-1 "audio booster" amplified speaker. It is a portable speaker with a powerful amplifier built in, boosting receiver sound by a factor of 10 times, according to the compa- ny. The HTS-1 amplified speaker is normally powered by four "AA" batteries but can also be powered by internal rechargeable Nickel-Cad- mium batteries, as it has a built-in charger. The HTS-1 can operate from a 12-volt source such as a ciga- rette lighter socket, or any DC source from 6-15 vDC.
The HTS-1 incorporates a lOdb audio amplifier and a 3.5-inch oval speaker. It also features a special battery saver circuit which shuts-off the audio amplifier automatically (producing a battery drain of less than 1 milli-amp) if your HT is squelched more than 10 seconds.
The amp turns on the instant the channel becomes active again. An
LED indicates the battery saver sta- tus.
Circle 88 on Reader Service Card
Norcontrol Simulation, Horten,
Norway, has recently completed the installation and commissioning of
Korea's first ship-handling simula- tor. It has been delivered to Korea
Marine Training and Research In- stitute in Pusan.
The multimillion-dollar project was completed on time, and the simulator is housed in the institute's new simulation and research build- ing.
Offering both post-graduate courses and certification, as well as other courses, the institute is now using the ship-handling simulator to form the base for their new pilot training and marine research pro- gram.
Included in the delivery is a fully equipped bridge, fitted with radar,
ARPA, maneuver consoles, steering stand, pelorus, a complete set of real navigation instruments and commu- nication equipment, as well as over- head panel and indicators.
Measuring 20 feet by 23 feet, the bridge itself is mounted on a motion platform, and includes both vibra- tion and sound systems. The visual system, capable of producing day/ dusk/night scenes in addition to fog, covers 234 degrees by 26 degrees field of view. The instructor station renders complete control of all pa- rameters, and includes advanced briefing and debriefing facilities as well as a database development work station.
Prepared for the future, the sys- tem may also be connected to more own ships' bridges, engine room, ballast and liquid cargo simulators, to form a complete system for train- ing of dual purpose officers.
Norcontrol Simulation, one of the world's largest suppliers of marine simulators, currently has five other ship-handling simulators on order, in addition to a large number of radar and navigation, engine room, ballast, liquid cargo, fishery and in- strument simulators. pump dry! m •dudors MULTI-PURPOSE PUMPING EFFICIENCY
Ideal for pumping bilges—stripping ballast, etc. Peripheral jet design handles liquids, solids, air. 21/?" to 6" sizes available.
Only the hose goes into tank to vacuum iiquids at rate of 10 15 gpm at suction IiHs up to 70' or more
Handy auxiliary pump for regular or emergency pumping of liquids from ballast, bilge, cargo spaces and tanks. Just attach hose from fire main and lower-eductor into space to pump large quantities of liquid quickly and easily.
Phone: (516) 568-8830
Fax: (516) 568-8840
Intel Telex: 226000 ETLXUR
Cable VEME DUCTOR 'Valley Stream NY 11580
Manufacturers Agency. Inc., 56I5 N.W. Central Drive Suite IIIA Houston. Texas 77092 Tel: |7I3| 460-2700
Barrett Equipment Co.. 4111 Slone Way North Seattle. WA 96103 Tel: 206-634-1776
Kings Point Machinery. 8307 Baldwin St.. Oakland. CA 94621 Tel: 415-638-2712
VITA MOTIVATOR COMPANY 99 W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 622
Circle 89 on Reader Service Card
RH Trading, a subdivision of Ra- dio Holland USA, Houston, Texas, is marketing a number of new ma- rine electronics products.
A new quality COSPAS/SARSAT 406 MHz EPIRB, Tron 30 S manu- factured by Jotron Electronics is a reliable and worldwide-proven
EPIRB. It transmits on the COS-
PAS/SARSAT frequency 406 MHz and homing frequencies 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz.
The Tron 30 S features activation by three methods—by seawater contact, by means of pulling a safety pin, or by a "panic switch."
The ruggedly constructed Tron 30 S has long storage time batteries and can be fitted with a float-free or bulkhead-mounted bracket.
Although Tron 30 S has already been fitted aboard various U.S.- owned vessels, FCC approval is still pending.
In addition, RH Trading also markets the new Sailor RT 2048
Simplex/Semi Duplex VHF Radio- telephone, a quality compact unit for low cost. The VHF operates with a continuous output power of 25 watts. Furthermore, the RT 2048 is equipped with all 55 international
VHF channels plus a choice of eith- er 10 private channels and full scan- ning facilities or 40 private chan- nels. Dual watch and a quick chan- nel 16 are standard (selcall option- al).
Circle 2 on Reader Service Card
Ratheon's Pathfinder®/ST True
Motion/Relative Motion Radars with Electronic Plotting provide a
Superior Technology (ST) signal processing system which detects weak targets typically lost in rain and sea clutter. Combined with high-performance transmitters and transceivers, and the latest raster displays, the PATHFINDER/ST provides excellent, high-tech per- formance. Available with a choice of 34 or 25-cm (16- and 12-inch) dis- plays, the PATHFINDER/ST radar plots six targets simultaneously, and displays calculated speed and head- ing data for any two selected tar- gets, in ten ranges from 1/4 to 96 miles. Target true wakes highlight speed and direction of moving tar- gets. Presentations can be Relative
Motion, showing own vessel as fixed, or True Motion, showing own vessel and other targets moving on the screen.
While the heart of the PATH-
FINDER/ST performance improve- ments is the Superior Technology signal processing system, with five separate processing programs, Ray- theon's new receiver is also a notice- able improvement. Using more sen- sitive, low-noise amplifiers, the in- put sensitivity of this receiver has been increased from 3 to 4 db (two to two-and-a-half times).
Newest among Raytheon radars are the R81/R82/R84 rasterscan ra- dars, 96-mile radars with 14-inch
CRTs available with a selection of transceivers: 10 kw X-band (R81); 25 kw X-band (R82); and 10 kw S- band (R84) with a variety of anten- na sizes (4 to 10 feet). And, the
R70A/R71/R72/R73/R74 radars (pending FCC type acceptance at time of this writing), offering maxi- mum ranges of 48 and 72 miles, depending on the model, with 12- inch CRT screens. The S-band R84 and S-band R74 radars are especial- ly well-suited for use in hostile weather situations.
Circle 193 on Reader Service Card
Free literature available on all C&F products
The Ultimate Xenon
When you need the best, go C&F 2 5 KWand over 130 million candle- power to penetrate fog and rain.
Complete line including remote elec- trically controlled (shown at left).
Optional remote focus for pinpoint- ing the target or flooding the work area Optional anti-icing heaters for searchlights operating in extreme climates
Extensive line of SOO and lOOO watt xenons also available
Incandescent Searchlights
Complete line of incandescents avail- able. 10 thru 24-inch, commercial and navy signalling searchlights, navy navigational and signal lights.
Carlisle & Finch 4562 W. Mitchell Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45232
Tel: 513-681-6080
Fax: 513-681-6226
Conversion Kits 500/1000/2500 watt xenon conversion kits available for carbon arc searchlights.
Circle 146 on Reader Service Card 16 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News