Page 31: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1989)
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8:30 a.m.—Keynote address by Vice Adm.
S.R. Arthur, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval
Operations (Logistics).
Moderator: Anthony J. Ruffini, Columbia
Research Corporation. 9 a.m.—"The Essence of a Quality Program in Engineering and Logistics," by Capt. Da- vid B. McGuigan, USN (Ret.) 9:35 a.m.—"Quality Perception—A Com- parison between the Navy and the Commer- cial Environment," by Cmdr. Charles A. Per- kins, USN. 10:10 a.m.—Break. 10:25 a.m.—"Is Quality Overhead?" by
Vernon C. Graham. 11 a.m.—"Quality Configuration Data—
The Foundation for Logistics Support," by
Kenneth A. Brown. 11:35 a.m.—Panel Discussion. 12:10 p.m.—Lunch.
Speaker: Rear Adm. Robert B. Abele (SC),
USN, Vice Commander, NAVSUP.
Moderator: Dave M. Altwegg, NAVSEA. 1:30 p.m.— "Afloat Supply Application of
Compact Disk Technology," by E.A. He- berg. 2:05 p.m.—"ROMIS—The Real Time Out- fitting Management Information System," by Frank J. Smith. 2:40 p.m.—Break. 2:45 p.m.—"An Information Road Map to
Improved Shipboard Support," by William
A. Cross. 3:30 p.m.—"Integration of Logistics Func- tions," by Thomas G. Broussard. 4:10—Panel Discussion. 4:40 p.m.—Adjourn. 5 p.m.—Banquet at the Embers Convention
Center. The speaker will be Vice Adm. Peter
M. Hekman Jr., USN, Commander, NAV-
Thursday, March 9 8:15 a.m.—Administrative remarks. 8 a.m.—Keynote address by Rear Adm.
J.C. Weaver, USN, Commander, SPAWAR.
Moderator: Ronald J. Duddleston, SPCC. 9 a.m.—"Reducing Cost and Improving
Quality—The Standard Hardware Program (SHARP)," by Larry Weaver. 9:34 a.m.—"Improved Quality/Reduced
Cost Through Test Equipment Moderniza- tion," by Paul Gross 10:10 a.m.—Break. 10:25 a.m.—"RBS, Improved Readiness at
Reduced Cost," by Leonard Burdick. 11 a.m.—"Management of Total Logistics
Cost," by Hubert C. Upton. 11:35 a.m.—Panel Discussion. 12:05 p.m.—Lunch. The speaker will be
Rear Adm. Malcolm MacKinnon III, USN,
Vice Commander, NAVSEA.
Moderator: Lawrence Hanagan, NAVSEA. 1:20 p.m.—"Application of 3D Product
Model to Ship Maintenance and Logistics (MCM)," by Jeffrey D. Arthurs. 1:55 p.m.—"Spare Parts on Demand," by
Lorna B. Estep. 2:30 p.m.—"Naval Supply Logistics Net- work," by Lt. Cmdr. W.A. Potter, USN. 3:05 p.m.—Closing remarks. 3:45 p.m.—Adjourn.
Newest Navy Crane Ship
Christened 'Diamond State'
At Tampa Shipyards
The U.S. Navy christened its newest crane ship, the SS Diamond
State (T-ACS-7) at ceremonies at
Tampa Shipyards, Tampa, Fla. The ship, named for the state of Dela- ware, will be operated by the Navy's
Military Sealift Command.
With a draft of 33 feet 3 inches and deadweight at her loadline of 15,138 long tons, the 668-foot-long by 76-foot-wide Diamond State will join six other crane ships providing improved crane capability for the
U.S. Navy. The vessels are designed to unload cargo from other ships at ports where shore facilities are un- available. The ships can also unload cargo from ships offshore onto barges, floating causeways, or small- er faster craft that can enter shal- low-water ports.
Tampa Shipyards converted the
Diamond State from a container- ship under a $43-million, two-ship conversion contract from the U.S.
Navy. Modifications to the vessel included the installation of three twin-boom cargo cranes with two 1,640-kw diesel generators to pro- vide electrical power to operate them, a cargo crane control room, changes to the cargo holds, installa- tion of ballast and 32 small craft mooring fittings on the ship's hull above the waterline. Tampa is also currently converting the USS
Equality State to a MSC crane ship.
For free literature detailing the shipbuilding, ship-repairing and conversion services of Tampa Ship- yards,
Circle 105 on Reader Service Card
John Bartley Named Head
Of Welding Engineering
At Mare Island Shipyard
John Bartley, vice president of the American Welding Society, has been named head of welding engi- neering at the Mare Island Naval
Shipyard in Vallejo, Calif.
He will be responsible for all welding engineering, including both nuclear and nonnuclear activities, and research and development welding projects.
Previously, he was a consulting engineer, working primarily for CDI
Corporation-West, McDonnell
Douglas, Westarc Industries, Au- toArc, Lion Manufacturing, Beam
Engineering and Applied Energy
Mr. Bartley is presently com- pleting his first term as a national vice president of AWS and as a member of its executive committee.
Over $29.9 Million
In U.S. Navy Contracts
Won By A&T, Inc.
Analysis & Technology, Inc.,
North Stonington, Conn., a submar- ine and antisubmarine warfare pro- fessional and technical services firm, recently won over $29.9-mil- lion in U.S. Navy contracts.
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This is the only lightweight compact construction that is waterblocked for use below the water line. Ifs half the weight and one-third the bulk of MIL-C- 24643, providing improved maneu- verability and ease of installation in tight quarters. And, cable with KAPTON and mica provides circuit integrity to ensure continuous communication and power transmission if the cable is engulfed by fire.
To find out how cable with KAPTON and mica, MIL-C-24640/19-24, can im- prove the critical performance of your ships, write to us for our free brochure:
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Circle 219 on Reader Service Card