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Marinette Marine Tests
MCM-2 Propulsion Plant
The USS Defender (MCM-2), built by Ma- rinette Marine Corporation, Marinette, Wis., recently underwent propulsion trials. She is fitted with four 600-bhp Waukesha main die- sel engines, Hansome Electric propulsion motors, and Bird-Johnson shafting and con- trollable-pitch propellers.
Marinette Marine Corporation,
Marinette, Wis., recently conducted a successful pre-operational trial of the mine countermeasures ship USS
Defender (MCM-2).
The primary purpose of the trial was to test the propulsion plant under full power and to perform essential combat systems alignment.
The wooden-hulled Defender is equipped with four 600-bhp Wauke- sha main diesel propulsion plants, one 350-hp Omnithruster bowthrus- ter, two 200-hp low-speed Hansome
Electric propulsion motors, and two
Bird-Johnson controllable pitch propellers. The 224-foot vessel will be deployed by the U.S. Navy worldwide to sweep and neutralize mines.
Marinette Marine Corporation, as one of two U.S. shipbuilders select- ed to build the MCM vessel, is a ful- ly integrated shipyard capable of implementing all of the program ob- jectives. Marinette's 70,000-square- foot ship erection building was spe- cially designed and built to accom- modate the construction of MCM
Class ships. This massive facility is totally dedicated to the construc- tion of minesweepers, and enables
Marinette to produce two MCMs simultaneously in an environmen- tally controlled area.
For free literature detailing the shipbuilding capabilities of Ma- rinette Marine,
Circle 25 on Reader Service Card
Riley-Beaird Changes
Name To Beaird Industries —Literature Available
Riley-Beaird, Inc., whose divi- sions manufacture such marine products as seawater desalinators, heat exchangers, condensers, deaer- ators and the Maxim® silencer, re- cently announced that the company has changed its name to Beaird
Industries, Inc., Shreveport, La.
The move involves no management or operational changes, and the company continues to be owned by
Ashland Oil, Inc.
For free literature detailing
Beaird Industries' marine products,
Circle 104 on Reader Service Card
New Generator Line
From Marathon Electric —Literature Available
Marathon Electric Mfg. Corp. of
Wausau, Wis., has introduced a new line of generators to its already existing generator product offering.
According to the company, inno- vation, reliability, and flexibility de- scribe the new generator Magna-
Plus® line of generators. Combining the best features of both the highly respected Lima SER and Marathon
MagnaMax® generator lines, the
MagnaPlus provides powerful per- formance, easy installation and ser- vicing for any application with nine models to choose from, ranging from 70 to 280 kw. A top performer in every respect, MagnaPlus features provide a real choice in reliable pow- er generation and make it the ideal generator for marine installations, commercial buildings, hospitals, construction/rental fleets, or sys- tems where all or part of the load is nonlinear.
Committed to electrical and me- chanical innovation and specializa- tion, Marathon Electric is dedicated to the design and manufacture of the highest quality electrical prod- ucts. The company has been manu- facturing fractional and integral horsepower motors and generators for over 75 years.
For more information and free lit- erature from Marathon Electric,
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Fjellstrand Shipyard
Bought By Kvaerner
The Omastrand shipyard of of
Norwegian shipbuilder Fjellstrand was recently purchased by Norway's
Kvaerner Industrier for about $14.3 million, according to an announce- ment by the company.
Fjellstrand is one of the leading suppliers of high-speed catamaran vessels for passenger and cargo car- riage.
Upon completion of the acquisi- tion, Kvaerner indicated that it in- tends to merge Fjellstrand's activi- ties with its own.
For free literature detailing the high-speed catamarans built by
Circle 92 on Reader Service Card
Kuwait To Reflag
Some Of U.S.-Flag Fleet
The Maritime Administration (MarAd) has received a formal re- quest from Kuwait to transfer back to its own flag two huge crude car- riers that were transferred to the
U.S. flag during the Persian Gulf crisis.
MarAd has received a formal re- quest to transfer the 290,133-dwt
Townsend and the 294,739-dwt
Middletown from the U.S. flag to the Kuwaiti flag.
The Defense Department indi- cated that the Kuwaitis also plan to transfer the four 47,471-dwt LPG carriers, the Gas King, Gas Queen,
Gas Princess, and Gas Prince, from the U.S. flag to the Kuwaiti flag.
The remaining five vessels, the
Bridgeton, Chesapeake City, Surf
City, Sea Isle City and Ocean City will stay U.S.-flagged.
At present, these vessels are in the process of complying with U.S. manning requirements. The ships, which have been operating under an exemption, have been given a Feb- ruary 11, 1990 deadline to comply.
HHI To Build
Four Containerships
For Senator Line
The Ulsan shipyard of South
Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy
Industries (HHI) recently received an order from the West German shipping company Senator Line to build four 2,000-TEU container- ships. The ships will be delivered between June and August 1990.
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Maritime Reporter/Engineering News