Page 14: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1989)
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Marine & Offshore Offers
Free Color Brochure On
ABB Variable AC Drives
Marine & Offshore of Helsinki,
Finland, is offering a free 12-page color brochure on ABB variable speed AC drives for marine propul- sion and dynamically positioned vessels.
The brochure discusses the SAMI
Megastar variable speed AC thrust- er drives with fixed-pitch propellers which are said to give superior per- formance, shortest pay-back time, and documented fuel savings ex- ceeding 40 percent in DP operation.
According to ABB, the Sami Megas- tar frequency converter meets all the set requirements, and uses con- ventional AC cage induction motors to drive the thrusters. In practice, it has also turned out to be a solution superior to two-speed AC motors and variable-speed DC drives.
The SAMI Megastar drives are controlled by a Selma Marine thruster assignment system. This allows the ship to be controlled eith- er manually using the thruster con- trol levers, by autopilot, or—in the
Automatic DP mode—by a Kongs- berg Dynamic Positioning System (NMD class III). In addition, each frequency converter has its own
If you need an economical and reliable toilet system for your ship (50 feet or longer), choose EVAC. EVAC has two standard models:
Model 0111 — allows you to utilize your ship's hull tank, and;
Model 1111 — includes our atmospheric holding tank.
Both models have the same standard design and components; therefore, you do not pay for special design engineering. You do receive high quality components with a proven history of reliability.
EVAC vacuum toilet systems already exist in over 2,000 ships worldwide. Model 0111 and Model 1111, with one or two pumps, are avail- able from stock to ex- pedite delivery. overboard discharge recirculating pump
Your tank or
Our tank atmospheric holding tank
Benefits for both models: 1 low volume fresh water flush toilet (2 pints/flush)... 10 man crew produces 15 gals, of sewage/day ' small diameter piping... 1-1/2" and 2" piping layout flexibility... with vertical lift ' reduced holding tank size... 80% smaller ' toilet vents eliminated
ENVIROVAC INC. 1260 Turret Drive, Rockford, IL 61111 U.S.A.
Telephone 815/654-8300, FAX 815/654-8306, Telex 257415
Toll Free (USA & Canada) 800/435-6951 (ex. IL)
Circle 322 on Reader Service Card
Circle 308 on Reader Service Card control panel. The thrust control system is completely digital without hydraulic or mechanical compo- nents.
The publication is well illustrated with color photos, drawings, etc. For free copies,
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card
MAR Ship Awarded $85.8-Million Contract
With $142-Million Potential
MAR Ship Operators, Inc. of
Rockville, Md., was recently awarded a $85.8-million contract to operate and maintain 10 U.S. naval ships for three years, with two one- year options. Subsequently, if the
U.S. Government exercises both op- tion years, the total would be $141,998,560 for five years.
As part of the Military Sealift
Command's (MSC) Special Mission
Support Force, these ships are oper- ated worldwide for the Naval Ocea- nographic Office. They average 25 days at sea and five days in port monthly.
The USNS H.H. Hess and USNS
Wyman collect deep ocean bathy- metric data; the USNS Chauvenet and USNS Harkness conduct hy- drographic surveys in support of
Defense Mapping Agency charting requirements; the USNS De Stei- guer, USNS Bartlett, USNS Lynch,
USNS Silas Bent, USNS Kane, and
USNS Wilkes are used to support oceanography and oceanographic survey programs.
Under the terms of the contract,
MAR Ship Operators will provide personnel, operational and technical support ashore and afloat, equip- ment, tools, provisions, and supplies necessary to operate these 10 ships.
The contract does not include items such as repair parts, fuel, and port services which are reimbursable at cost to the contractor.
MarAd Awards Bender $1-Million Contract
For Drydock And Repair
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair
Co., Inc. was recently awarded con- tracts for the drydocking and repair of the S/S Cape Clear and S/S Cape
Charles. Both vessels are 495 feet by 69 feet general cargo ships based in the Maritime Administration Ready
Reserve Fleet in Beaumont, Texas.
Bender will perform the work com- mencing in July, employing approx- imately 40 workers. The total base value of the combined contracts is $1,010,592.
Bender is a full-service shipyard that builds, converts and repairs vessels for commercial and govern- mental owners and operators.
For more information and free lit- erature on the facilities and capabil- ities of Bender Shipbuilding & Re- pair,
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
American Marine increases barge capacity 46% with a prebuilt module
UP TO 8000 TONS 500'LONG-120'WIDE
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Fax (504)246-2492 18 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News