Page 66: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1989)
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HP Year
Owner or Operator T=Turbine Built/
Name of Ship Type GT DWT D=Diesel Rebuilt
HP Year
Owner or Operator T=Turbine Built/
Name of Ship Type GT DWT D=Diesel Rebuilt
LIBERTY MARITIME CORPORATION 1979 Marcus Avenue, Suite 200. Lake Success, NY 11042
Liberty Belle Tanker 44,900 91.849 T-24,500
Liberty Sea Bulk 33.784 63,739 D-12,300
Liberty Spirit Bulk/Container 33,337 64,152 D-l 5,800
Liberty Star Bulk/Container 33,337 64,152 D-l 5,800
Liberty Sun Bulk/Container 33,337 64.162 D-l 5,800
Liberty Wave Bulk 33,784 63,463 D-12,300
LYKES BROS. STEAMSHIP COMPANY 300 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
Giralda Farms, Madison Avenue, P.O. Box 884, Madison. NJ 07940-0884 *Cpl. Louis J. Hauge Jr. RO/RO 38.412 23,068 D-16,800 *lst Lt. Alexander
Bonnyman Jr. RO/RO 38,412 23,068 D-16,800
Maersk Constellation RO/RO 21,799 29.750 D-16,500 *Pfc. William B. Baugh RO/RO 38,412 23,068 D-16,800 *Pfc. James Anderson Jr. RO/RO 38,412 23,068 D-16,800 *Pvt. Harry Fisher RO/RO 38,412 23.068 D-16,800 under contract to MSC 78 84 86 86 86 84
Adabelle Lykes Container 16.800 15,200 D-15,750 68/73
Ashley Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-l 1,000 63/73
Charlotte Lykes Container 16,800 15,200 D-15,750 68/73
Cygnus RO/RO 13,100 14,500 D-19,000 77
Elizabeth Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,000 14,700 T-l 5.500 65
Genevieve Lykes Cargo 10,700 14,700 T-15,500 68
James Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 60/72
Jean Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9.900 61/72
John Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 60/72
Joseph Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 60/71
Leslie Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 62/72
Letitia Lykes Cargo/Cont. 10,700 14,700 T-15,500 68
Louise Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,000 14,700 T-15,500 65
Lyra RO/RO 12,200 14,900 D-19,000 77
Margaret Lykes Container 16,225 15,200 T-l 5,750 68/73
Majorle Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-l 1,000 62/73
Nancy Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 61/71
Ruth Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,000 14,700 T-15,500 66
Sheldon Lykes Container 16,375 15,200 D-15,750 69/73
Thompson Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 60/71
Zoella Lykes Cargo/Cont. 11,900 14,300 T-9,900 60/71
Allison Lykes Container 14,082 15,288 T-17,500 64
Almeria Lykes Container 17,801 22,307 T-21,000 68
Howell Lykes Container 17,801 22,307 T-21,000 67
Mallory Lykes Container 14,082 15,288 T-17,500 65
Mason Lykes Container 17,801 22,307 T-21,000 68
Magallangs Container 14,082 15,288 T-17,500 64
Sue Lykes Cargo/Cont. 16,000 22,200 T-24,000 69
Stella Lykes Cargo/Cont. 16,000 22.200 T-24,000 69
P.O. Box 1550, Secaucus, NJ 07094
B.T. Alaska
B.T. San Diego
Chemical Pioneer
Marine Chemist
Marine Duval
Marine Floridian
Marine Princess
Marine Reliance
Sealift Antarctic
Sealift Arabian Sea
Sealift Arctic
Sealift Atlantic
Sealift Caribbean
Sealift China Sea
Sealift Indian Ocean
Sealift Mediterranean
Sealift Pacific
MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY 333 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
Tanker 83,650 188,099 T-28,000
Tanker 83,650 188,099 T-28,000
Chemical tanker 18,500 35,000 T-l 5,000
Chemical tanker 20,237 35,949 T-l 5,000
Sulfur tanker 11,080 24,693 TE-7,000
Sulfur tanker 11,150 24,838 TE-7,000
Bulk carrier 26,060 51,355 D-l 3,800
Pure car carrier 35,700 11,400 D-l 1,700
Tanker 17,158 27,221 D-l 4,000
Tanker 17,134 27,202 D-14,000
Tanker 17,158 27,222 D-l 4,000
Tanker 17,158 27,214 D-14,000
Tanker 17,158 27,223 D-14,000
Tanker 17,134 25,200 D-14,000
Tanker 17,134 27,500 D-14,000
Tanker 17,158 27,717 D-14,000
Tanker 17,134 25,200 D-14,000
Haleakala Container barge 3,562 4,500 —
Islander Barge 3,403 4,834 —
Kauai Container 23,800 22,539 T-32,000
Lurline Container-RO/RO 23,477 21,321 T-30,000
Manukai Container 23,800 27,100 T-32,000
Manulani Container 23,800 27,100 T-32,000
Matsonia Container-RO/RO 21,784 24,252 T-30,000
Maui Container 23,800 27,100 T-32,000
Maunalei Container 17,500 17,900 T- 9,900
Mauna Loa Container barge 3,562 4,500 —
MOBIL OIL CORPORATION 150 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
Mobil Arctic
Mobil Meridian
Three Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06901 84 85 80 84 85 85
Tanker 57,834 28,218 18,348 22,354 22,354 22,354
OCEAN SHIPHOLDINGS, INC. 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 700, Houston, TX 77040
Gus W.Darnell Tanker 19,037
Lawrence H. Gianella Tanker 19,03
Paul Buck Tanker 19,037
Samuel L. Cobb Tanker 19,03 124,999 49,298 30,293 39,232 39,232 39,232 30,127 30,127 30,127 30,127
T-l 5,000
T-l 4,850
T-l 5,000
T-l 5,000
T-l 5,000
D-l 5,300
D-l 5.300
D-l 5,300
D-l 5,300 78 78 83 70 44/70 44/67 79 87 75 75 75 74 75 75 75 74 74 84 63 80 73/82 70 70 73/87 78 44/65 84 72 61 58 77 75 76 85 86 85 85 i When there's work to be done, the boat has to be up to the task. It has to take the punishment and carry a big load, safe and smoothly. It has to be a Zodiac rigid-hulled inflatable. For any job from piloting to transport to dive and salvage, there's 7 * a Zodiac RIB to handle it. From 15' to 24', with inboard or outboard, it can reach speeds up to 40 knots and carry 24 passengers. Zodiac invented the inflatable, and Zodiac perfected it. For speed, rugged- ness, stability and seakeeping in any kind of sea, it has to be a Zodiac. I ZODIAC
Write or Call for Additional Information.
Zodiac of North America, P.O. Box 400, Thompson Creek Road
Stevensville, MD 21666, (301) 643-4141
Circle 294 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 119 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News