Page 9: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1989)
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MAN B&W Holeby diesel generator set type 9L28/32 H.
Nine MAN B&W Holeby GenSets
Ordered For Three Containerships
To Be Built At Odense Shipyard
MAN B&W Diesel, Holeby has received an order from A.P. Moller of Denmark for nine diesel genera- tor sets for three 4,200-TEU con- tainer vessels to be built at Odense
Steel Shipyard, Denmark.
The diesel generator sets of type 9L28/32 H, each with an output of 2,010 kw at 720 rpm are for HFO operation according to the Unifuel principle, meaning that they are to be operated on the same low grade and thus, low cost heavy fuel oil as the propulsion engine.
One diesel generator for each ship set will be equipped with ICS, Inte- grated Charge Air System, devel- oped and patent applied for by
MAN B&W Diesel. The ICS con- cept facilitates operating the diesel generator continuously on HFO in the complete load range from full power down to and including id- ling.
The successful 28 series which was introduced in 1976 has, through continuous development, repre- sented the latest state-of-art, thus meeting changing market demands.
Orders for this well-proven design have now reached a total of more than 1,200 engines, representing a total number of 1,893,000 kw in the output range 880-3,960 kw.
With the heavy fuel operating, four-stroke, medium-speed engine types of 23 and 28 series as prime movers, MAN B&W Diesel, Holeby has gained a position as market leader for heavy duty diesel power modules, primarily in form of Gen-
Sets, but also as PumpSets and
The ability to offer tailor-made solutions meeting specified require- ments is continuously improved by the introduction of concepts, which are expanding the deliveries to com- prise not only diesel power modules but complete systems for produc- tion of electricity and alternative auxiliary power.
For more information and free lit- erature on MAN B&W Holeby Gen-
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
MarAd Repair Subsidy
Proposal Opposed By
U.S. Shipbuilders
The Maritime Administration's proposed rule making it clear that certain vessel repairs performed in foreign shipyards may qualify for subsidy is opposed by U.S. ship- builders. John J. Stocker, presi- dent of the Shipbuilders Council of
America, said in a recent letter that the proposed rule is "bad public pol- icy in that it ignores a vital consider- ation underlying the 1936 Merchant
Marine Act." Mr. Stocker said that MarAd is obligated under that law to "foster and promote the de- velopment of the ship repair base of the United States."
The proposed rule change would make it clear that whatever portion of a repair is domestic is eligible for subsidy, even if done in an overseas shipyard.
December, 1989 $120-Million Order
Awarded AESA For Two
Suezmax Oil Carriers
A contract for two Suezmax crude oil carriers has been placed with
Astilleros Espanoles SA (AESA) by
Spain's state-owned Empresa Na- tional Elcano.
Together, the ships are believed to be costing around $120 million.
Delivery of the 140,000-dwt ves- sels will be from the Puerto Real yard of Astilleros Espanoles at the end of 1992 and beginning of 1993.
Elcano, which belongs to the same
Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI) holding company as Astilleros
Espanoles, intends to use the two newbuildings mainly for hauling crude from the Persian Gulf.
For free literature on the facilities and capabilities of AESA,
Circle 29 on Reader Service Card
SWAGELOK Tube Fittings ...your widest selection of sizes, shapes, and materials leak-tight performance, low in-service cost fractional sizes 1/16" to 2" metric sizes 2mm to 25mm (male and female connectors available in tube to NPT or BSP/ISO threads) all machinable metals and plastics locally available from Authorized Sales & Service Representatives & jiu HjjUUttiii
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Male Elbow
The shipbuilders council "totally disagrees" with the proposed rule. "Instead, the council urges that the two components of vessel repair, the part and the installation thereof, be tied together to be eligible for the payment of maintenance and repair subsidy to an operator," Mr.
Stocker said.
U.K. Yard To Build
Nile Cruise Vessel
The U.K. yard of Yorkshire Dry
Dock Co. will construct a 256-foot cruise vessel for operation on the
Nile River.
The 160-passenger vessel, which is being built under a $6.4-million contract awarded to engineering company Tempest Diesels, who as- signed the work to Yorkshore Dry
Dock, will be delivered to Nile
Cruisers of Egypt. nri *;
Cross •hhhk
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Circle 300 on Reader Service Card 11