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HydroComp Develops
Software Package
For Propeller Selection
HydroComp Inc., Durham, N. H., announced recently development of a software package created for the selection and analysis of propellers in workboats and pleasure craft.
Called EasyProp 1.0, the package employs data for a variety of open- wheel and ducted propellers. The propeller selection routine offers so- lutions for diameter, pitch and blade area ratio. The system analy- sis includes free-running and towing analyses to evaluate hull and engine data, propeller and powering coeffi- cients, thrusts, torques and powers, and cavitation data.
For more information about Ea- syProp 1.0 from HydroComp,
Circle 164 on Reader Service Card
Do you have a TRASH problem?
Available in three sizes, highly efficient and simple to operate, the 1CI trash compaction system is ideal for shipboard or dockside solid waste disposal.
With a compaction ratio of up to 20:1, stainless steel compaction chamber and stainless steel outer cabinet, it's the "state-of-the- art" solid waste disposal system for marine use.
Don't just take our word for it.
Ask the U.S.
Navy, Cunard
Cruise Lines,
Chandris Fantasy
Cruises, the
Captain of the
Delta Queen, the crews of the
Pacific Princess and the Island
Princess or any of our highly- satisfied seafaring customers.
Exclusive patented solid state circuitry and relays (cover not shown)
Key locked upper door'
Exclusive built-in automatic baling cycle
Exclusive magnetic inter-lock system
Stainless steel loading chute with exclusive counter balanced door
Pressure relief handle
Easy swing-away lower door
Junction box with fuse protection for circuit board and motor
Visible oil gauge
Power unit with exclusive built-in double pilot check valve
Horizontal stabilizer casting
Two guide rods, flush mounted to compaction plate, preventing refuse build-up
Zinc-plated steel compaction plate spans the entire horizontal area
Cube protector/stripper bar
Tapered stainless steel interior chamber facilitates easy unloading
Lock type casters
CALL: (800) 423-4003
INTERNATIONAL COMPACTOR, INC. at Box 5918, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938
Furuno Introduces New
Shipboard Communications System
Furuno recently announced the availability in the U.S. of the Steen- hans line of rugged, commercial quality shipboard communications equipment, consisting of the System
P-4200 battteryless telephone and the System PK Command Inter- com.
The P-4200 will provide reliable communications even if all other shipboard power fails. Up to 24 sta- tions can be handled and a wide variety of surface mount, flush mount, desk type and portable sta- tions are available. Operation is simple: turn the handle on the tele- phone set a few times for ringing sig- nal and approximately five minutes of conversation. If more time is required, turn the handle again.
The System PK provides reliable voice communications between the bridge and up to 40 individual loca- tions aboard ship. Standard pack- ages are 5,10, and 20 lines, and vari- ous types of substations are avail-
Steenhans shipboard communications, re- cently introduced by Furuno. able to meet almost any conditions: indoor/outdoor, high noise, or wet locations.
All Steenhans systems are con- structed from the highest quality materials and will provide years of reliable service.
For complete information on
Steenhans shipboard communica- tions for vessels of all sizes,
Circle 45 on Reader Service Card
Tidewater Adds 11 Boats
To Domestic Fleet
Tidewater Inc., New Orleans, La., announced recently that its marine division, Tidewater Marine Service,
Inc., added ten crewboats and one supply vessel to its domestic fleet.
All of the vessels will be based on the U.S. West Coast. "By acquiring high quality, used vessels, such as these, Tidewater is fulfilling its goal of adding to and operating one of the largest, most versatile fleets in the industry to- day," said John P. Laborde, Tide- water chairman, president, and chief executive officer.
Three large crewboats, Searich,
Western Star, and Wendy Star, were purchased May 31, 1990. Built in 1982, the 110-foot, 2,280-hp Sear- ich can accommodate 55 passengers and crew. Western Star, a 105-foot, 1,200-hp vessel, accommodates 65 people, and the 115 foot, 2,280-hp
Wendy Star carries 50. Both West- ern Star and Wendy Star were built in 1981. All are certified by the U.S.
Coast Guard.
In a separate transaction with
Jackson Offshore, Ltd., Ventura,
Calif., Tidewater added seven crew- boats and one supply vessel to its fleet by long-term lease. The trans- action, effective July 1, 1990, in- cluded an option to buy the vessels at the end of the lease. The leased vessels joining Tidewater's Califor- nia-based fleet are the 165-foot sup- ply vessel, Clipper Grand Cayman; the 105-foot crewboat Pawnee and
Shoshoni; the 100-foot crewboats
Clipper Hamilton, Clipper Larry,
Clipper Jack, and Clipper Johnny; and the 95-foot crewboat, Clipper
One. The crewboats can accommo- date from 49 to 63 passengers and crew, and are all certified by the
U.S. Coast Guard.
Tidewater owns and operates 261 vessels serving the international off- shore energy industry.
For more information on the serv- ices offered by Tidewater,
Circle 146 on Reader Service Card
JJH, Conan Wu,
Naval Architect Firms,
Plan Joint Venture
JJH Inc., a U.S.naval architectur- al and marine engineering firm, re- cently entered a joint venture with
Conan Wu and Associates Pte. Ltd., a naval architectural and marine en- gineering concern in Singapore.
Under terms of the agreement, the two companies will share emer- gent ship design technology and promote each other's expertise and ship designs in their countries, as well as worldwide.
Conan Wu and Associates, incor- porated in 1971, has had more than 1,000 vessels built to its designs, including harbor tugs, anchor han- dling tugs, landing craft, offshore supply boats, chemical tankers, oil tankers seismic survey ships, cargo ships, pipelay barges, and passen- ger/car ferries.
JJH Inc., during the past 40 years, has provided conceptual, pre- liminary, contract, and detail de- sign, plan review, construction rep- resentation, and engineering assist- ance for a wide variety of commer- cial and military vessels.
For more information,
Circle 141 on Reader Service Card
Circle 262 on Reader Service Card 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News