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Call For Papers Issued
For 'Marine Computers '91'
Symposium In Boston
A call for papers has been issued for the second symposium on com- puter applications in the marine in- dustry to be held in Boston, Mass.,
September 26-27,1991. Titled "Ma- rine Computers '91," the two-day meeting is being hosted by the New
England Section of The Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers.
The goal of the symposium is to provide a forum for the presentation of current and future applications of computer hardware and software in the marine industry.
Authors are invited to submit ab- stracts and tentative outlines of their potential contributions. Dead- lines are as follows: Abstract and
Tentative Outline (6 copies), No- vember 1, 1990; Tentative Accept- ance Notice, December 1, 1990;
Manuscript (5 copies) February 1, 1991; Final Acceptance Notice,
April 1, 1991.
The following areas of the marine industry and computer technology are of interest; related topics will also be considered: Design and En- gineering; Offshore Structures; Un- manned Marine Vehicles; Planning,
Fabrication and Construction; Car- go Handling, Route Planning, Mon- itoring; Computer Aided Design/
Engineering/Manufacturing; Infor- mation Systems and Data Base
Management; Robotics, Vision Sys- tems; Numerical Control; and Ex- pert Systems, Artificial Intelli- gence.
For full information, contact A.
Douglas Carmichael, Chairman,
Marine Computers '91, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, Room 5-213, Department of Ocean Engi- neering, Cambridge, Mass. 02139.
ARGENTINA: Oton R. Klein S.A.. 1102 Buenos Aires ar (01) 362-7770, 362-7357
AUSTRALIA: E. S. Rubin & Co. Pty. Ud.
Artarmon N.S.W. 2064, ® (02) 439-2333
BAHRAIN: Aeradio Technical Services WLL
Mina Sulman Port, « 727790
BELGIUM: Antwerp Marine Radio Company N. V. 2000 Antwerp, * (03) 231.37.75
BRAZIL: O.L. Naval Ltda., Rio de Janeiro •a (021) 292-4148
CANADA: Stiles Communications Limited
Montreal, Quebec H3P 3B9, s (514) 731-6123
CHILE: Equipos Industrials S.A.C.I., Santiago
S (02) 6990506
CYPRUS: A. P. Hadjipieros, Limassol, S (05) 391905
ECUADOR: Industrial Anabra C. Ltda., Guayaquil
S (04)309766
EGYPT: Suez Electronics Free Zone S.A.E.
Alexandria, ® (03) 806899
Suez Electronics Engineering & Trading Ltd., Cairo ®(02) 2450782, 2445952
FINLAND: Oy Hedengren AB, 00101 Helsinki
S (0) 68281
FRANCE: Avon S. A., 13007 Marseille. V
SD Marine, 78500 Sartrouville, a (1)
GERMANY: ELNA GmbH, 2084 Rellingen/Hamburg •a 04101/301-0
GREECE: Etenava Ltd. - V. Androutsos, 104-31 Athens •S (01) 5225894, 5241634
HOLLAND: Radio Holland B. V., 3087 AB Rotterdam •2 (010) 4283344
HONG KONG: Radio Holland Group, Kwai Chung N T. » (0) 423-9007
ICELAND: Radiomidun Ltd., 101 Reykjavik •s (91) 622640
INDIA: Eicome Marine Services Private Ltd.
Bombay 400 001, ® (022) 2874292, 2874293
ITALY: Generalmare S. R. L. (Pleasure/Fishing) 16145 Genova, » (010) 369066, 303198
Society Italians Radio Marittima S. I. R. M. SpA (Deep Sea) 00143 Rome, 2T (06) 5910441
Compagnia Generate Telemar (Deep Sea) 00196 Rome, a (06) 3221800
IVORY COAST: Optim Alrique, Abidjan 18 a 351843/356727
JAPAN: E E Company, Limited, Tokyo 105
S (03) 572-7071
KUWAIT: Commercial Co-Ordination. Centre 13113 Safat, a 2462347/8, 2422509
MALTA: Medcomms Ltd., Gzira, a 335521
MOROCCO: Maroc Aviation, Casablanca •S 241267/68, 245431/53
NEW ZEALAND: Cossens & Black Ltd., Dunedin s (024) 774-215
NIGERIA: Netarcomms Nigeria Ltd., Lagos State s (01) 870517
NORWAY: AEG Norge A/S, 0902 Oslo 9, a (02) 161111
PORTUGAL: Mendal-Mendes de Almeida, S.A 1200 Lisbon, S (01)601219
QATAR: Eastern Technical Services Co., Doha s 441412/13
SENEGAL: Optim Senegal, Dakar, ® 234930
SINGAPORE: Radio Holland Singapore
Singapore 9158, a 4673144
SOUTH KOREA: Ships Electronics Korea
Changwon, Kyungnam, « (051) 84-3968
SPAIN: Nautical, LuisArbulu. S.L., 28016 Madrid
S (91) 4588966, 2598717
SWEDEN: Transtema Communications AB 436 33 Askim/Goteborg, a (031) 682239/682290
Navelco Marin & Industri AB, 42130 Vastra Frolunda a (031) 490205
TAIWAN R.O.C., Pei Say Enterprise Co. Ltd., Taipei
S (02) 503-0048
TUNESIA: Compagnie Tunisienne d'Electronique
Tunis, a (01) 894133
TURKEY: Hilkat Bolulu Co., Istanbul a (01) 143-4576, 147-6221
Elektro-Deniz Ltd. Sti., Istanbul a (01) 143-4937, 143-4938
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Eicome International
Dubai, «(04) 371335/371374
UNITED KINGDOM: S.P. Radio (U.K.), Croydon
Surrey CR9 2XT, « (081) 686 5363
URUGUAY: Electromaritima Uruguaya Ltda.
Montevideo, a (2) 203857, 382783
USA: Radio Holland USA B. V.. Houston, Texas 77017 a (713) 943-3325
VENEZUELA: Radio Holland de Venezuela, S.A.
Caracas 1040A, a (02) 751-8324, 752-7480
YUGOSLAVIA: Belam, 51000 Rijeka ® (051) 212252, 212192 "SAILOR" "SAILOR" - the green line "SAILOR" VHF Radiotelephones "SAILOR" supplies any demand for VHF
Simplex/semi-duplex. Duplex.
Selcall. Scanning. Dual watch.
Quick-select channels. Several operating points. 5-60 private channels...
S. P. Radio's large product range offers you a wide choice of VHF radiotelephones complying with your requirements and wishes.
The radiotelephones RT144C,
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RT144C has simplex/semi-duplex and can be equipped with selcall.
RT146, a radiotelephone with the possibility of many operation points.
RT146 has full duplex and the option of selcall.
RT2047 is a part of the Compact programme and contains transmitter, receiver and loudspeaker. The unit has duplex and up to 5 operator- selected scanning programmes.
The operating panel is provided with membrane switches with finger- guide.
The new VHF RT2048 is also part of the Compact programme (H: 98 mm,
W: 225 mm, D: 160 mm, W: 3.1 kg).
Simplex/semi-duplex radiotelephone.
The cabinet contains transmitter, receiver and a 6W loudspeaker.
RT2048 has push button keyboard with finger-guide. Operator-selected scanning programmes and built-in selcall as option.
The development of all the radiotele- phones has been based on the main philosophy behind SAILOR products: reliability, sturdy construc- tion, simple installation and oper- ation, and easy servicing.
Contact your SAILOR agent and ask for detailed brochures for all our
SAILOR products. In addition to
VHF radiotelephones, there are SSB coast telephony, transmitters and receivers, HF SSB/Short wave radio- telephones, automatic radiotelex,
Standard-C, and scrambler equip- ment. ®
PHONE INT.: +45981809 99 • TELEX: 69789 SPRAD DK
TELEFAX INT.: +4598186717
Circle 245 on Reader Service Card
August, 1990 29