Page 54: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1990)
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Marine Gears Delivers
Haley Units For Three
Vessels At Main Iron
Marine Gears, Inc., Greenville,
Miss., recently delivered six new main propulsion Haley gear units and six Haley auxiliary drive units to Main Iron Works, Houma, La.
These gears were installed in three new vessels operated by G & H
Towing of Galveston, Texas. The three vessels and their owners are:
M/V Deacon, Suderman & Young;
M/V Jupiter, ITT; and M/V An- drew K., Bay-Houston Towing.
The three vessels each received two Haley RV2835 marine reverse reduction gears of the flywheel- mount clutch series. These gears, equipped with Haley 35TB650 clutches, are matched with 16-cylin- der EMD engines and rated 1,950 hp at 900 rpm with a ratio of 4.5:1.
Each vessel also received two Hal- ey Auxiliary Drive Units (HADU 12) used as speed increasers with 1,200 rpm input and 1,800 rpm out- put. The purpose of these auxiliary units is to drive hydraulic pumps which power the towing winch and capstan. These auxiliary units are powered by mounting them to the front end of the crankshaft of the 6-71 Detroit Diesel generator pack- < * * M \ V-' *
Report No. 7115—$575.00 per copy
IMA has prepared a comprehensive, in-depth assessment of the future U.S. marine market. In a 200+ page report IMA analyzes trends and direction in each of 38 specific market segments—and forecasts construction requirements in each segment over the next five years. ******* 38 MARKET SEGMENTS ARE ASSESSED
Large Commercial Ships • cruise ships • coastal container and ro/ro ships • coastal crude carriers • coastal product tankers • chemical and specialty tankers • Great Lakes self-unloaders • bulk carriers and seagoing barges
Major Government Ships • combatants • support ships • sealift ships • research ships • icebreakers • foreign ship sales
Small Ships and Boats • ferries • dinner and excursion boats • coastal and river cruise vessels • municipal craft • harbor and coastal tugboats • small naval craft • Coast Guard cutters and tenders • Army watercraft • FMS patrol boats
Offshore Equipment • offshore rigs and drill ships • production platforms • support vessels
Fishing Boats • processing ships • catcher/processors • catcher boats
Recreational Boats • megayachts
Inland Waterway Equipment • pushboats • river barges
Dredges • hopper dredges • dustpan dredges • bucket wheel and clamshell dredges
Other Fabrications • prison barges • floating production platforms • dam caissons • sunken tube tunnel sections
Size and Shape of Current Business Base • current operating inventory and orderbook • age and condition of current fleet
Assessment of Underlying Market Drivers • trends and direction of underlying industry demand • regulatory and policy developments impacting future building requirements
Forecast of Construction Requirements • five year forecast of orders • projected value of orders • sensitivity of forecast to changes in underlying demand
Assessment of Key Players • likely future customers • likely bidders for future work
Tailored for use by business planners and marketing managers, the report provides a totally objective, analytical data base useful for setting strategy and long term business plans—by shipbuilders, machinery manufacturers, marine electronics firms and other suppliers to the marine business.
There is nothing like this report available anywhere. Under one cover is an in-depth assessment of the entire U.S. marine sector—present and future—prepared by professionals with more than 20 years experience performing market research in the marine industry.
To order please contact IMA Associates, Inc.—2600 Virginia Ave., NW—Suite 901 —Washington, DC 20037
Telephone: 202-333-8501—Fax: 202-333-8504
Circle 262 on Reader Service Card
Haley auxiliary drive units. age. The HADU 12 units are de- signed with an air pneumatic disc plate clutch allowing for remote op- eration from pilothouse or aft deck.
For more information and free lit- erature from Marine Gears,
Circle 23 on Reader Service Card
Versatile Pacific Wins
Soviet Fishing Fleet
Repair Contract
Versatile Pacific Shipyards Inc. recently signed an agreement with
Sovrybflot, an umbrella organiza- tion representing Russian fishing companies, to dock and repair So- viet factory trawler vessels operat- ing off the British Columbia coast.
The contract covers two Soviet companies, Kamchatka Base Ocean
Fishing Co. and Zapriga Baltic Fish- ing Co., that together sail more than 30 vessels in the Pacific from the
Vladivostok and Baltic Sea areas.
Versatile Pacific Shipyards, British
Columbia, Canada, which operates yards in North Vancouver and Vic- toria, said it expects to dock up to four vessels this fall when the main fishing season ends. Several more vessels will follow during the next 12 months, the company said.
Southwest Marine Awarded $1.5-Million Mar Ad
Repair Job
The Maritime Administration re- cently awarded a $1,528,681 con- tract to Southwest Marine Inc., San
Francisco division, San Francisco,
Calif., for repairs to the Ready Re- serve Force cargo vessel Cape Bov- er.
The work includes topside paint- ing, drydocking, machinery refur- bishing, and miscellaneous repairs.
Wireless Data
Separates From
The Wireless Data Coupler prod- uct line, formerly manufactured by the Autodata division of Acurex was sold and the division incorporated as Wireless Data Corporation in
April 1990.
Wireless Data is now a new sub- sidiary of Microdyne Corporation of
Ocala, Fla., It plans no immediate changes of staff and will remain in
Mountain View, Calif.
The company offers products to the pulp and paper, marine, auto, and turbo-machinery test indus- tries.
For more information on Wireless
Data Coupler products,
Circle 158 on Reader Service Card 54 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News