Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1991)
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New Forward Scatter
Turbidimeter Announced
By McNab, Inc.
A new forward scatter turbidime- ter has been announced by McNab,
Inc., Mount Vernon, N.Y.
The Model "S", manufactured by
McNab, measures clarity in food and beverage processes and other ster- ile applications. These include cen- trifuge brewery and distillery prod- ucts. Materials of construction are stainless steel and high-perform- ance tempered glass. Parts are suit- able for in-place cleaning. The Model "S" is a full flow process pressure turbidimeter that avoids the false low readings that can occur with restricted bypass lines, by measur- ing in the center-of-the-pipe.
Features designed for the OEM include NEMA 6 rated electronics, and the lowest on-pipe weight rat- ing. A 4-20 ma DC output is stan- dard.
For additional information and free literature on the new forward scatter turbidimeter from McNab,
Circle 39 on Reader Service Card
David H. Klinges
Retires From Beth Steel
David H. Klinges
The retirement of David H.
Klinges, vice president, maritime affairs, Bethlehem Steel Corpora- tion, was recently announced by
Walter F. Williams, chairman and chief executive officer.
In making the announcement,
Mr. Williams said, "Dave Klinges has rendered dedicated and effec- tive service to Bethlehem for 30 years. We are deeply grateful for his work, and he leaves with our sincere appreciation and very best wishes."
Mr. Klinges became associated with Bethlehem Steel as a maritime attorney in 1956 and took on the additional responsibilities of assis- tant secretary in 1970. He was named general manager of sales of shipbuilding in 1972, and was elected assistant vice president of shipbuilding in 1975.
In 1977, Mr. Klinges attended
Harvard's advanced management program. He was elected vice presi- dent, shipbuilding, in 1978 and named president, marine construc- tion in 1986. He was appointed to his present position in 1989.
Boycott Of Companies
That Break Iraqi Embargo
Ordered By U.S. Treasury
U.S. firms have been ordered to boycott seven shipping companies and 160 ships which the U.S. Treas- ury Department says have broken the UN embargo against Iraq.
Up to 12 years' imprisonment and fines of up to $1 million for each violation can be imposed as penal- ties for doing business with the organizations and individuals, which will continue to be blacklisted by Washington.
Fifty-two businesses and 37 indi- viduals that investigators believe acted as front companies and agents for the Saddam Hussein regime have been identified by the Treas- ury Department.
The Iraqi Government and quasi- governmental organizations own the majority of the 160 ships listed by the U.S.—mainly service craft, barges, tugs and patrol boats whose activities are confined close to Iraqi waters.
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Collision - Grounding
And Damage Prevention
Visual Simulator Training for Ferry Mas- ters and mates. Navigation in fog and restricted waters, maneuvering in high winds and currents, docking and handling emergencies. Two ferries—5,800 and 11,000 tons with thrusters. Two difficult terminals with dolphins. Three-five days.
For information call Tom Garrigan at (516) 773-5603, FAX 5604.
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Circle 319 on Reader Service Card Circle 346 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News