Page 20: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1991)
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Bayou La Batre (continued) tion. Each plate, after being blasted to a clean, smooth surface condition is immediately coated with a zinc- rich primer and paint mixture. The completed process provides maxi- mum protection against corrosion not only from outside, but inside the vessel as well. Corrosion from within has always been a major problem for the shipbuilding industry, so the wheelbrator procedure greatly en- hances the quality of the shipyard's finished product. Sergian Trux- illo brings 22 years of experience to
Steiner's wheelbrator capability.
The spin-off effect resulting from the bayou shipbuilding industry is extensive, reaching all points of the globe. In the U.S., there are count- less suppliers who benefit from the building program.
Marine Gears, Inc., with head- quarters in Greenville, Miss., fur- nishes gears and related components for the Bayou shipyards, while
Houser Marine of Foley, Ala., has long been supplying Lario water pressure systems to all Bayou build- ers.
Cummins Alabama, Inc. and
Larry Neff, its Mobile representa- tive are no strangers to the Bayou shipbuilding industry. A recent and very significant first for them was the placement of all NT855 power - ' • -
The 105-foot Alaskan dragger Majesty, built by Mast Boat Builders. for generator sets, liquid mud pumps and bowthrusters aboard three oil supply vessels delivered to Seacor,
Inc., Morgan City, La. These vessels were built at Steiner Shipyard, Inc.
Operators reported that the first of these vessels, the Sun Island, has been in operation for almost a year without a single hour of downtime charged to the Cummins' power package.
McElroy Machine & Manufactur- ing Company, Inc., in Biloxi, Miss., has been furnishing wincbes for
Bayou built vessels for over 24 years.
Also they have provided a large share of the precision machine work re- quired for certain vessel compo- nents. Recently they were called upon by Ljusbisa Nalovic, presi- dent and owner of Compagnie Fran- caise De Peche, a seafood processing plant in French Guyana, to develop a winch capable of retrieving nets from deep waters (800 fathoms).
Fishing deeper waters is a pioneer project embarked on by Mr. Nalovic and his company, and so far the results are gratifying. Previously, lack of a winch strong enough to pull and reel in the nets from such depths prevented exploration of these wa- ters. However, McElroy engineers designed a winch specifically for that purpose. It has a drum capacity of 9,400 feet of 9/16-inch diameter wire rope, a line pull of 37,000 pounds and a maximum line speed of 330 fathoms per minute. The winch is installed on a Steiner vessel built exactly to the specifications required for Mr. Nalovic's project. Mr.
Nalovic is very optimistic about the possibilities of deep water shrimp- ing, feeling that it could produce a mother-lode for the industry.
Few vessels have ever left Bayou shipyards with anything other than
Furuno electronics equipment fur- nished and installed by Buddy
Johnson, president and owner of
Southeastern Electronics, Inc., lo- cated in Bayou La Batre. South- eastern has been outfitting vessels form the Bayou, as well as all parts of the world, since 1969.
Carolyn Overstreet of Ameri- can International Marine, Inc., also located in the Bayou, has been dis- tributing Fundiciones Rice propel- lers and kort nozzles, which are fab- ricated in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mex- ico, for over 14 years. The fuel sav- ing features of the nozzles is known worldwide, and today almost all fish- ing vessels departing from the Bayou are equipped with them. Rice is currently promoting a new propel- ler design, the Nova Free Style open wheel, designed to eliminate vibra- tion when moving in reverse. Rice wheels are available in 25- to 136- inch sizes.
Devoe Paints distributed by
Marine Industrial Supply, Inc., of
Mobile, Ala., is the oldest paint company in the U.S. Founded in
Established 1974
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Willits, CA 95490, U.S.A.
Telephone: (800) 358-8280
In California. (707) 459-5563
Telex: 271283 (MICROPHOR WLLT)
FAX: (707) 459-6617
Mlcrophor Export Corp. 2 South Street
Southampton, S04 6EB
Telephone: 703/849495
Telex: 47288 (PCSUPP G)
Mlcrophor Europe GmbH
Postfach 80 03 59
Huttenstrasse 45 4320 Hattingen
West Germany
Telephone: (0 23 24) 29-5449
Telex: 8229974 (THH D) 22
Circle 281 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News