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COMSAT Laboratories
Receives Army Contract
A team of COMSAT Laborato- ries, Magnavox, and Marconi Se- cure Radio of the U.K., has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Army
Communications-Electronics Com- mand (CEDOM) for the development and limited production of the Uni- versal Modem System (UMS).
The COMSAT portion of the con- tract is valued at more than $7 mil- lion. As a subcontractor to the prime contractor Magnavox, COMSAT
Laboratories will be responsible for the development of network and con- trol software within the Interim
System Planning Computer (ISPC) portion of the UMS.
The UMS is intended to be the signal processing element of super high frequency ground, airborne and shipboard terminals which commu- nicate through certain U.S., U.K.,
French and NATO military satel- lites.
COMSAT is a publicly traded cor- poration providing international and domestic fixed and mobile commu- nications and services and conducts research on advanced communica- tions techniques.
For free literature on COMSAT
Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
DLI Opens East Coast
Sales Office—Receives $11 Million MSC Contract
DLI Engineering Corporation of
Bainbridge Island, Wash., has an- nounced the opening of its new engi- neering and sales office in Annapo- lis, Md.
The opening of the new site re- flects DLI's continued expansion in the machinery condition monitoring market in the eastern U.S., and its recent $11.6 million contract enables it to provide monitoring equipment, services and software to the Mili- tary Sealift Command (MSC) in
Washington, D.C.
Now in its 26th year, DLI Engi- neering Corporation is a worldwide supplier of machinery condition analysis services, portable and fixed vibration monitoring systems and expert system software for commer- cial and military clients.
For more information,
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
World Ship Orders
Up In Second Quarter
The most recent quarterly statis- tics show a significant upturn in world shipbuilding activity after a drop-off in activity at the end of last year, especially in the tanker sector.
According to the quarterly ship- building return published by Lloyd's
Register, the total world order book increased by 1.8 million gross tons (gt) to 39.6 million gt at the end of
June 1991, compared with the level three months earlier. Uncommenced orders increased by 1.2 million gt to 25.4 million gt (1,202 ships), while tonnage under construction at 14.2 million gt (1,222 ships) was 0.5 mil- lion gt higher than at the end of
March 1991.
New orders received during the second quarter amounted to 5.3 mil- lion gt, compared with 3.2 million gt in the first quarter of this year and 1.9 million gt in the fourth quarter of 1990.
The total tanker order book in- creased by 1.5 million gt to 20.7 million gt, or 52.3 percent of the total order book. Tanker tonnage under construction totaled 6.6 mil- lion gt, while uncommenced orders totaled 14.1 million gt.
NORSHIPCO Wins $8.3 Million Overhaul
Of Navy Drydock
Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock
Corp. (NORSHIPCO) of Norfolk, Va., was recently awarded an $8.3 mil- lion contract for the regular over- haul of the medium auxiliary repair drydock USS Shippingport (ARDM- 4). The contract, N00024-85-H-8195, was awarded by the Naval Sea Sys- tems Command, Washington, D.C.
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Circle 253 on Reader Service Card 24 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News