Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1991)
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Bender Shipbuilding & Repair
Co., Inc., Mobile, Ala., recently de- livered the Pacific Orion, a 180-foot- wide by 38-foot-beam crab catcher/ processor converted for Mark
Maring of Polmar Fisheries, Inc., a
Seattle, Wash.-based fishing com- pany. The Pacific Orion will work in waters off Alaska where it will catch, process and freeze up to 48,000 pounds of finished crab products per day.
The vessel's electronic system was supplied by Lunde Marine Electron- ics Inc. and includes a Furuno 25- kilowatt radar unit, a Simrad 5-
Boats & Barges
Bender Shipbuilding Delivers 180-Foot Caterpillar-Powered
Crab Catcher/Processor kilowatt radar, two Simrad color video depth sounders, a Raytheon color video plotter, a Navitec Master
Gyrocompass and a Robertson auto- pilot system.
The Pacific Orion was converted from the 180-foot offshore supply vessel Gemini Tide, formerly work- ing in oil fields in the Mediterra- nean Sea and registered in Italy.
The vessel is now classed by the
American Bureau of Shipping(ABS) +A1 and +AMS, under new ABS regulations for fishing vessels.
The main engines were replaced with two Caterpillar 3512 BHP en- gines with modified reduction gears for increased rpm input. Power is supplied by three Caterpillar 3406 series 290-kilowatt generator sets.
The vessel's desalination plant uses the generator jacket water as a re- coverable heat source.
For free literature detailing the facilities and capabilities of Bender
Shipbuilding & Repair Co.,
Circle 20 on Reader Service Card
A complete hydraulic deck machinery system was installed on the Pacific Orion, including two Hartman 900 Series pressure-compensated pumps and one Hartman 700 Series pressure-compensated pump powering two Aurora cranes. The vessel will work in waters off Alaska, where it will catch, process and freeze up to 48,000 pounds of finished crab products per day. 4V COMMUNICATIONS
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October, 1991 Circle 327 on Reader Service Card
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